Hans Friedrich Zipf

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Hans Friedrich Zipf (born February 16, 1911 in Oberkirch (Baden) , † May 2, 1969 in Cologne ) was a German doctor and pharmacologist .


Grave site at the Junkersdorf cemetery in Cologne

Hans Friedrich Zipf's parents were the master watchmaker Karl Eduard Zipf († 1923 in Oberkirch) from Schopfheim and his wife Luise geb. Violinist. An older brother, Karl Zipf , also became a pharmacologist.

Hans Friedrich Zipf studied medicine and in 1936 in Heidelberg with a thesis on paraplegia in coal gas poisoning Dr. med. PhD . He then worked in Bonn at the Physiological Institute with Ulrich Ebbecke (1883–1961), then at the Pharmacological Institute with Werner Schulemann . Here he completed his habilitation in 1943 with a thesis on the influence of carbon dioxide on the growth of Bact. coli under different vegetation conditions for pharmacology.

In 1955 he was appointed to the chair for veterinary pharmacology at the Free University of Berlin , from there in 1959 to the chair for pharmacology at the University of Cologne , which he held until 1969. His successor in Berlin was Helmut Kewitz , his successor in Cologne was Wolfgang Klaus (* 1934).

Zipf was buried in the Junkersdorf cemetery in Cologne .



In Bonn, Zipf, according to his teacher Schulemann, dealt with the fight against parasites, especially malaria . Later on there was an essay on penicillin in 1965 , which he dedicated to his brother Karl on his 70th birthday. Circulatory and neuropharmacology soon became separate areas. So he tested derivatives of the broom ingredient sparteine, which was tried as an antiarrhythmic .

Endo anesthesia

The first of two topics that accompanied him to the end of his career, with its own word coined “endo anesthesia”, began in 1950 with studies on the Bezold-Jarisch reflex , a circulatory reflex in which substances such as the ingredients of white Germans and mistletoe are activated by Receptors in the heart or lungs cause lowering of blood pressure and bradycardia . Zipf identified the responsible active substances in mistletoe as viscotoxin , as we know today not a single substance, but a group of polypeptides. He examined the influence of analeptics such as pentetrazole and sympathomimetics such as adrenaline as well as of anticholinergics such as atropine on the reflex and summarized the known in an overview.

What fascinated him most was the suppression of the reflex by local anesthetics, which Fritz Eichholtz and his group in Heidelberg had just described . Was this effect perhaps a counterpart in animal experiments to the healing effect of systemic , intravenously administered local anesthetics for numerous diseases up to pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction ? In 1953, he and his group demonstrated that intravenous local anesthetics such as procaine suppressed the electrical excitation of the afferent nerve fibers in the vagus nerve from the heart to the brain , which mediate the reflex. “The elimination of sensitive receptors by intravenous injections has long been in the background compared to the targeted local anesthesia of receptors and nerves. The findings obtained here show, however, that it is possible to use the intravenous route , e.g. B. to dampen the sensitivity of the heart. One can in fact speak of an endo-anesthetic effect on the sensitive heart receptors. ”In particular, receptors that were activated by pathological processes, for example pain receptors , seemed to be blocked by local anesthetics. The same was true for afferent nerve fibers from the lungs.

In an article in the German medical weekly Die Endoanesthesie, a pharmacological way to switch off internal sensitive receptors , Zipf discussed the clinical implications, for example the question of whether endo anesthesia can also explain “the reported cases of permanent healing after single intravenous procaine injections, although the effect of procaine has a very short duration in the experiment. ”If there were a“ coherent network of receptors ”, he speculated,“ intravenous injections of local anesthetics could suddenly block the generation and conduction of impulses at individual or many points in this network. Insofar as excitations circulate from a source of interference, they are now extinguished at the endo-anesthetically sealed interfaces. ”Zipf discussed endo-anesthesia in cardiac surgery as well as singultus and upper abdominal complaints in detail .

If Zipf's findings stand up to scrutiny, the clinical interpretation as well as the systemic administration of local anesthetics have been abandoned today. Of the contemporary German-language textbooks on pharmacology, only that by Fritz Kurt Hauschild contained the keyword “endo-anesthesia”.

Active ingredient combinations

Zipf's second major topic, "Effects of combinations of active ingredients ", became visible in 1951 with a work from Bonn. The spatial diagram as an aid in the investigation of drug combinations . “The number of drug combinations that are used in medical practice is so great that pharmacologists are amazed at how little the various mixed drugs have been tested experimentally. Their mixing ratio usually only comes about empirically, based on clinical experience or even 'emotionally'. ”Zipf started from the considerations of the pharmacologist Siegfried Walter Loewe that one should determine“ isoboles ”, curves in nomograms on which drug mixture ratios with the same effect lie. So one can recognize under-additivity or over-additivity of the effects, antagonism or synergism . In the next publication Zipf dealt with practical aspects for combination experiments with 2 substances and concluded: "We believe that the use of the excellent graphic aids and principles of Loewes is of great importance for the assessment of drug combinations and allows us to avoid many unclear statements." Further investigations , all from Cologne, joined them.

The topic is practically important, for example for pain killers. Zipf wrote: “In the overabundance of 'mixed specialties', the anti-neuralgic mixed preparations occupy a dominant place. The components of the mixture are mostly antipyretic analgesics , hypnotics , caffeine , codeine , e.g. Some also use spasmolytics . ”There is still a dispute about caffeine in painkillers to this day. A textbook stated in 2014: “Some pharmacologists consider the addition of caffeine to be useful because it enhances the effect of the analgesics, while others may reject it a little too apodictically.” However, Zipf's essays had little impact. They are not mentioned in an overview of isoboles from 2012. The methods are poorly practicable and do not provide any clear information on under- or over-additivity.


  • Jürgen Lindner, Heinz Lüllmann: Pharmacological institutes and biographies of their directors. Editio Cantor, Aulendorf 1996, ISBN 3-87193-172-1 .
  • Helmut Kewitz, Hans-Hasso Frey, Heidrun Fink: Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Veterinary Medicine at the Free University of Berlin. In: Athineos Philippu (Ed.): History and work of the pharmacological, clinical-pharmacological and toxicological institutes in German-speaking countries. Berenkamp-Verlag, Innsbruck 2011, ISBN 978-3-85093-281-3 , pp. 85-90.
  • KJ Netter: Opening address . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 266 , 1970, pp. 279-285 , doi : 10.1007 / BF00997925 .
  • Edgar Schömig: Institute for Pharmacology, University Hospital of Cologne. In: Athineos Philippu (Ed.): History and work of the pharmacological, clinical-pharmacological and toxicological institutes in German-speaking countries. Berenkamp-Verlag, Innsbruck 2004, ISBN 3-85093-180-3 , pp. 421-425.
  • Theoretical Chemistry Genealogy Project : Hans Friedrich Zipf. Retrieved October 23, 2014.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Message from the Oberkirch City Archives to user: Coranton .
  2. 1947 printed: Hans Friedrich Zipf: About the influence of carbonic acid on the growth of Bact. coli under different vegetation conditions . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 204 , no. 6 , 1947, pp. 631-661 , doi : 10.1007 / BF00248382 .
  3. W. Bruns, HF Zipf: On the importance of the latency phase for the penicillin effect . In: drug research . tape 15 , 1965, p. 14-18 .
  4. HF Zipf, G. Triller: About α-isosparteine ​​and α-didehydrosparteine . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 200 , no. 2-5 , 1942, pp. 536-550 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01860735 .
  5. HF Zipf: About phenyldehydrosparteine ​​and benzyl-lupanol . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 200 , no. 2-5 , 1942, pp. 551-560 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01860736 .
  6. Domingo M. Aviado, Domingo Guevara Aviado: The Bezold-Jarisch Reflex. A Historical Perspective of Cardiopulmonary Reflexes . In: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences . tape 940 , 2001, p. 48-58 , doi : 10.1111 / j.1749-6632.2001.tb03666.x .
  7. Hans Friedrich Zipf: Studies on the heart-acting mistletoe substance viscotoxin . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 209 , no. 2–3 , 1950, pp. 165-180 , doi : 10.1007 / BF00244609 .
  8. Marcela Giudici, Roberto Pascual, Laura de la Canal, Karola Pfüller, Uwe Pfüller, José Villalaín: Interaction of Viscotoxins A 3 and B with Membrane Model Systems: Implications to Their Mechanism of Action . In: Biophysical Journal . tape 85 , no. 2 , 2003, p. 971-981 , doi : 10.1016 / S0006-3495 (03) 74536-6 .
  9. Hans Friedrich Zipf: The influencing of the Bezold-Jarisch reflex by centrally acting analeptics and sympathomimetics . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 210 , no. 1 , 1950, p. 49-59 , doi : 10.1007 / BF00244717 .
  10. Hans Friedrich Zipf: The influence of parasympatholytic substances on the Bezold-Jarisch reflex . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 211 , no. 1 , 1950, p. 22-31 , doi : 10.1007 / BF00244789 .
  11. Hans Friedrich Zipf: Nature, clinical significance and pharmacological influence of the Bezold-Jarisch reflex . In: Clinical weekly . tape 28 , no. 35-36 , 1950, pp. 593-598 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01737294 .
  12. ^ Fritz Eichholtz, Albrecht Fleckenstein, R. Muschaweck: About the influence of the Bezold-Jarisch reflex by intravenously administered local anesthetics and antihistamine bodies . In: Clinical weekly . tape 27 , no. 3–4 , 1949, pp. 71 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01478588 .
  13. HF Zipf. H. Miestereck: Intravenous and local influencing of the afferent heart nerve impulses by local anesthetics . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 217 , no. 5 , 1953, pp. 456-471 , doi : 10.1007 / BF00245554 .
  14. HF Zipf, H. Miestereck: About the intravenous effect of various local anesthetics on lung sensitivity . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 217 , no. 5 , 1953, pp. 472-481 , doi : 10.1007 / BF00245555 .
  15. HF Zipf: Endo-anesthesia, a pharmacological way to switch off internal sensitive receptors . In: German Medical Weekly . tape 78 , no. 46 , 1953, pp. 1587-1589 .
  16. HF Zipf: To eliminate cardiac sensitivity by local anesthetics in cardiac surgery . In: Clinical weekly . tape 31 , no. 5-6 , 1953, pp. 97-106 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01472140 .
  17. D. Lerche, HF Zipf: Therapeutic influence of singultus and upper abdominal pain by dodecyl nonaethylene oxydaether . In: drug research . tape 11 , 1961, pp. 354-356 .
  18. ^ Albrecht Vogt, Heinz Dal Ri, Gerhard Schmidt, Heinrich Kreuzer: Endoanaesthesia of left ventricular mechanoreceptors by steady state infusion of lignocaine and the influence of dopamine . In: Cardiovascular Research . tape 17 , no. 12 , 1983, p. 740-746 , doi : 10.1093 / cvr / 17.12.740 , PMID 6661746 .
  19. ^ Fritz Hauschild: Pharmacology and Basics of Toxicology. 3. Edition. Georg Thieme Verlag , Leipzig 1961.
  20. ^ HF Zipf, H. v. Philipsborn: The spatial diagram as an aid in the investigation of drug combinations . In: drug research . tape 1 , 1951, p. 199-205 .
  21. S. Loewe, H. Muischnek: About combination effects . I. Communication: Aid to the question . In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archive for experimental pathology and pharmacology . tape 114 , no. 5-6 , 1926, pp. 313-326 , doi : 10.1007 / BF01952257 .
  22. H. Zipf: Practical considerations for combination experiments with 2 substances . In: drug research . tape 3 , 1953, pp. 398-403 .
  23. ^ HF Zipf, J. Hamacher: Combination Effects. 1st communication: General questions in combination research . In: drug research . tape 15 , 1965, p. 1267-1274 .
  24. ^ HF Zipf, J. Hamacher: Combination Effects. Part 2: Experimental recording and presentation of combination effects . In: drug research . tape 16 , 1966, pp. 329-339 .
  25. a b H. F. Zipf, J. Hamacher: Combination Effects. 3rd communication: Special questions of combination research with antineuralgic mixed preparations, other combination preparations and with anesthetic combinations . In: drug research . tape 16 , 1966, pp. 1297-1304 .
  26. ^ HF Zipf, J. Hamacher: Combination Effects. 4th message: traffic medical problems of the combination effect . In: drug research . tape 17 , 1967, p. 70-79 .
  27. means substances like acetylsalicylic acid .
  28. Jana Sawynok: Caffeine and pain . In: Pain . tape 152 , no. 4 , 2011, p. 726-729 , doi : 10.1016 / j.pain.2010.10.011 .
  29. K. Starke: Methylxanthine. In: K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann and K. Starke (eds.): General and special pharmacology and toxicology. 11th edition. Munich, Elsevier GmbH 2013, ISBN 978-3-437-42523-3 , pp. 165-169.
  30. Ronald J. Tallarida: Revisiting the Isobole and Related Quantitative Methods for Assessing Drug Synergism . In: Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics . tape 342 , 2012, p. 2-8 , doi : 10.1124 / jpet.112.193474 .
  31. Gerard Pöch, Sigrid Holzmann: Quantitative Estimation of Overadditive and Underadditive Drug Effects by Means of Theoretical, Additive Dose-Response Curves . In: Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods . tape 4 , 1980, p. 179-188 , doi : 10.1016 / 0160-5402 (80) 90036-4 .