Hans Scholten (social worker)

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Hans Scholten (born May 26, 1950 ) is a German graduate social pedagogue , formerly managing director of the youth welfare center Raphaelshaus in Dormagen and managing director of the Catholic Foundation for Educational Aid in Cologne .

Live and act

Scholten initially trained as an office clerk and studied from 1976 to 1979 at the Catholic University for Social Work in Saarbrücken, where he also trained as a family therapist from 1981 to 1983 .

From 1981, after the pedagogical group service, he took over the group counseling in the therapeutic children's home Margaretenstift in Saarbrücken and from 1985 to 1987 was a consultant for home and curative education in the diocesan caritas association in Trier . There he initiated and directed the additional training for systemic family work "Heim- und Familie", Trier. From 1987 to 2007 he was director of the youth welfare center Raphaelshaus in Dormagen.

From 2008 to 2010 Scholten was a member of the Prevention Study Commission of the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia to develop proposals for an effective prevention policy in North Rhine-Westphalia . From 2009-2017 he was chairman of the Federal Association of Catholic Institutions and Services of Erziehungshilfe e. V. (BVKE) , where he has been on the board since 1990. Among other things, he headed the specialist committee for further training of employees in management positions from institutions for home and curative education (Deutscher Caritasverband Freiburg) and the specialist committee for public relations. Under his chairmanship, the federal association was particularly committed to establishing adventure education and nature conservation in action-oriented education and received the sponsorship award in the German Nature Conservation Prize for the WildeWaldWelt 2013 project .

Scholten took on teaching assignments at the Catholic University of North Rhine-Westphalia and at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences .

He published two books as well as numerous articles in specialist books and journals.

Scholten is married, has three grown daughters and lives in Neuss.

Priorities and research

Scholten campaigned in particular for the introduction of qualified family work in youth welfare. He also completed training as a quality manager at Dekra in Freiburg and was a founding member of the European Charity University eV .

In the Raphaelshaus he initiated various research projects together with the Institute for Child and Youth Welfare (IKJ) Mainz, including the scientific support of the Helen Keller group in the youth welfare center Raphaelshaus with special consideration of the animal education offers, accompanying research for the model project "Juvenile prison in free Forms ”in the Horst-Wackerbarth-Gruppe (model project of the Ministry of Justice of North Rhine-Westphalia ) as well as the evaluation of the Otmar-Alt-Gruppe, a model project for the evaluation and quality development of an inpatient educational aid concept for the educational-therapeutic care of sexually conspicuous adolescents. The results of the scientific studies became the basis for the further development of the conception and methodology for youth welfare with particularly difficult girls and boys.


Publications (selection)


  • Anton: A fairy tale for young and old for the 100th birthday of a children's home. For reading, looking and writing yourself . Ed .: Raphaelshaus Dormagen, Neusser Druckerei, 2001, ISBN 978-3923607365
  • Art and culture in the Raphaelshaus . Berlin 2016

Contributions and writings

  • with Ekkehard Seegers: PR in home education . In: PR Magazin 9/1994, 1994.
  • with Björn Hoff, Joachim Klein, Miachael Macsenaere: Kick-off groups: Intensive pedagogy for an external clientele . In: Our Youth 3/2005, 2005.
  • with Jost Baumgart, Claudia Pollok: Institutional vigilance - forward defense against abusers and border violators in educational institutions . In: Berner Schrifenreihen, Edition 5, 2006, pp. 151–160
  • Sex education in a group for boys who cross sexual boundaries - using the example of the Otmar Alt group in the Raphaelhaus . In: Our Youth 1/2007, 2007.
  • Reflections on the most difficult clientele in the Raphaelhaus Dormagen - who likes to work with "hot chestnuts"? In: Perspectives for child and youth welfare from home education to the variety of educational help , Ed .: Eckhart Knab , Roland Fehrenbacher, Lambertus-Verlag, Freiburg, 2007, ISBN 978-3-7841-1689-1
  • Civil courage .... a civil virtue . In: Journal of the International Police Association German Section eV 03/2008, 2008.
  • Inpatient youth welfare with sex offenders . In: Mission-impossible - Stationary youth welfare with sex offenders under 14 , Ed .: LVR, Dec. School / Youth, 2008.
  • with Marie-Theres Scholten: Four-legged companions - 25 years of animal education in the Raphaelshaus . In: The neglected hopefuls - contributions to child and youth welfare . Ed .: Eckhard Knab, R. Fehrenbacher, Lambertus Verlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-7841-1881-9
  • with Marie-Theres Scholten: four-legged companions - four-legged colleagues. In: The dignity of animals. A religious appreciation . Ed .: Rainer Hagencord, Gütersloser Verlagshaus, 2011, ISBN 978-3-579-06564-9
  • with Marie-Theres Scholten: Animals as a therapy aid. Four-legged assistants in a youth welfare center. Pp.255-277. In: The animal in our culture. Encounters, relationships, problems , Ed .: Hans Werner Ingensiep, Oldib Verlag, ISBN 978-3-939556-48-0 .
  • Animal-assisted education - a new field of work in home education. In: Handbook of Help for Education , eds .: Michael Macsanaere, Klaus Esser , Eckhart Knab , Stephan Hiller, Lambertus Verlag, 2014, ISBN 978-3-7841-2121-5
  • Art in a youth welfare facility. In: Art Education in Erziehungshilfe , Ed .: Klaus Esser, Eckhart Knab, Lambertus Verlag, 2020, ISBN 978-3-7841-3152-8

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Eckhart Knab, Daniel Mastalerz, Klaus Esser: Developments in educational assistance: Innovations for a successful future . Lambertus-Verlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-7841-3015-6 ( google.de [accessed on July 10, 2020]).
  2. a b c Stefan Schneider: Committed Dormagener: Deserved honor for Hans Scholten. Retrieved July 10, 2020 .
  3. ^ Report of the study commission on the development of proposals for an effective prevention policy in North Rhine-Westphalia. State Parliament of North Rhine Westphalia, “Prevention” commission of inquiry, accessed on July 10, 2020 . Page 10
  4. Sponsorship award: Wildewaldwelt.de - youth welfare experiences, understands, lends a hand! Retrieved July 10, 2020 .