Hans Schwarz (writer)

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Hans Schwarz (born March 17, 1890 in Schöneberg ; † June 25, 1967 in Schöppenstedt ) was a teacher , playwright , poet , essayist and initiator of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade .


Hans Schwarz attended the Steglitz high school . He was a student of Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff .

In 1921 Schwarz met the writer Arthur Moeller van den Bruck , one of the leading figures of the Conservative Revolution , through whom he was introduced to the young conservative movement in the Weimar Republic. After Moeller's death, Schwarz became his administrator and editor of his writings. He also founded the Political College with Martin Spahn .

Since 1928, Schwarz was the editor of the journal Der Nahe Osten , which romanticized Prussia and Eastern Europe. He founded it together with Adolf von Trotha and Bernd von Wedel ; it became the journalistic focus of what Armin Mohler called “Prussian and Eastern Mysticism” in the Conservative Revolution.

In the years between 1933 and 1950 his plays celebrated some successes in Germany. In 1934 the rebel in England was staged by Gustaf Gründgens at the Berlin State Theater and was a great success. In 1940 and 1943, performances by Kassandra and Caesar followed , staged by Hans Schüler in Leipzig.

In March he was taught by the agricultural apprentice Rolf. W. and was in custody from March 21, 1936. On September 23rd of the same year he was sentenced to one year imprisonment by the Second Large Criminal Chamber of the Braunschweig Regional Court for an offense under Section 175 RStGB “fornication between men” .

In 1949 Hans Schwarz developed the plan for the Peace Prize of German Publishers .

“Decisive for the award should be human action out of pure disposition for peace and understanding among peoples. Nationality, race or denomination may not play a role. From this an Olympus of the spirit should emerge from philosophers, poets, statesmen and publicists, according to the idea of ​​Plato, according to which great thinkers have to stand in the first row also in public matters concerning the fate of the peoples. "

Hans Schwarz was the initiator, curator and organizer of the 1st award of the Peace Prize of German Publishers . This took place on July 3, 1950 in Hamburg: the award winner was Max Tau , laudator Adolf Grimme . In the following year, the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels accepted the award as a foundation for the entire German book trade. Since 1951, this prize has been awarded annually as the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade during the Frankfurt Book Fair .

Schwarz lived with Otto Buhbe on the Kreuzhof in Schöppenstedt for more than three decades until his death .


  • Heroic foreplay. Ring-Verlag, Berlin 1924
  • Europe on the move. Ring, Berlin 1926
  • Pentheus . Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn, Breslau 1932
  • Gods and Germans. WG Korn, Breslau 1932
  • You and Germany. Wilh. Gottl. Korn, Breslau 1933
  • Rebel in England. Korn, Breslau 1934, first performance: May 1934 at the Prussian State Theater in Berlin, production: Gustaf Gründgens
  • Prince of Prussia. Korn, Breslau 1934
  • Eros and Psyche. by Hugo, Berlin 1938
  • Kassandra . Theater publisher A. Langen / G. Müller , Berlin 1935
  • The flight into confession. Comedy in 3 acts. A. Langen / G. Müller, Berlin 1935
  • Caesar . v. Hugo, Berlin 1941
  • Iphigenia in Aulis . Stromverlag, Hamburg-Bergedorf 1947
  • Soli deo gloria. German publishing house , Stuttgart 1951
  • Mystery of wine. Rütten & Loening, Frankfurt 1956


  • Stock exchange for the German book trade , Frankfurt edition - No. 26, April 1, 1960
  • Hans Schwarz - On his death Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of June 27, 1967, p. 20
  • Oswalt von Nostitz: Hans Schwarz: A Prussian in the upheaval of time (1890-1967) Christians Verlag, Hamburg 1980
  • Werner Ross: Portrait of a Prussia - Work and Life by Hans Schwarz Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of February 3, 1981, p. 20
  • Volker Weiß: Modern anti-modern. Arthur Moeller van den Bruck and the change in conservatism. Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh , Paderborn 2012 ISBN 3506771469 , passim. Can be viewed in google books

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  1. Little is known about this, in 1945 he traded as “Führer des Sonderstabes DÄN at Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber Denmark” to “carry out frontline aid”, with extensive powers, according to an original document from February 5, 1945, signed by Colonel General Lindemann
  2. ^ The trial against Hans Schwarz. In: Volker Weiß : Modern Antimodern. Arthur Moeller van den Bruck and the change in conservatism. Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn et al. 2012, S 279. ISBN 978-3-506-77146-9 (= dissertation University of Hamburg [2012])