Bernd von Wedel

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Bernd Ernst Achaz Melchior von Wedel-Fürstensee (born April 4, 1893 in Berlin ; † September 14, 1959 in Baden-Baden ) was a Pomeranian landowner , Stahlhelm country leader, editor and officer .


Bernd von Wedel was the only son of the landowner Ewald Ernst von Wedel (1864–1930) and Adele Bertha, née Roessingh-Udink (1872–1948), and a grandson of the farmer Ernst Achaz von Wedel .

He entered 1912 in Lüneburg second Hannoversches Dragoons. 16 , but moved in 1913 as a lieutenant for 2nd Guard Lancers in Berlin, with whom he the World War mitmachte. In 1920 he said goodbye as Rittmeister and from then managed the manor Fürstensee , which had been in family ownership since the Middle Ages, until the expropriation in 1945 , and since 1928 also the manor Blankensee , both in the Pyritz district in Pomerania.

After the First World War he took over the district chairmanship of the Pomeranian Land Association and the Stahlhelm in Pyritz . Since 1926 he has been making “political teas” in Fürstensee with the participation of Hans Schwarz , Giselher Wirsing , Rüdiger Graf von der Goltz , Adolf von Trotha , Prince Oskar , Prince Wilhelm and Elard von Oldenburg-Januschau, among others . Together with this he initiated the so-called East Elbian Committee in Danzig , a forum that was supposed to serve the programmatic coordination of right-wing associations in the Prussian eastern provinces . Susanne Meinl comes to the conclusion that the social composition of this forum, in which Hans Schwarz played a certain role, motivated Franz Schauwecker and Friedrich Wilhelm Heinz to distance themselves from Hans Schwarz's eastern political restorative plans. In 1928 Wedel became the leader of the Stahlhelm-Landesverband Pommern-Grenzmark, whose membership rose to over 50,000 by 1931.

From 1928 he was with Hans Schwarz and Adolf von Trotha editor and author of the political bi-monthly publication The Middle East , whose political stance was strongly influenced by the work of Arthur Moeller . Armin Mohler calls it the journalistic center of Prussian and Eastern mysticism within the Conservative Revolution . Her subject was initially political and economic problems in East Central Europe, and since the 1930s questions from the Middle East. Bernd von Wedel takes a political stance in several articles. In 1928 he called overcoming the class struggle by working on professional development a central goal of the rural population. Two years later, it is said that they want “a government that has its own means of power over the divisions and parties of the people and that assigns the task of the whole to the individual and every sphere of life. The German future should be supported by the power of leadership of the free, independent personality. ”In this context, his participation in a joint visit by various Pomeranians to Benito Mussolini and an economic and political controversy in the“ Middle East ”with Walther von Corswant , the one at that time, belongs Head of the NSDAP -Gaus Pomerania.

In the context of the global economic crisis , Bernd von Wedel resigned from all political offices in 1931. In 1933 he joined the NSDAP. In 1936 he was reactivated by the Wehrmacht as a reserve officer . During his stationing as Lieutenant Colonel dR with the Panzer-Ersatz -teilung 5 of Panzer-Regiment 6 in Neuruppin from June 1942 he took part in secret talks of the Union Club in the Hotel Adlon and, like his brother-in-law Wolf- Heinrich von Helldorff , on the arrest list No. 22 of the special commission set up in the Reich Main Security Office IV on the occasion of the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944. The Gestapo also investigated in Fürstensee. He was not executed like his brother-in-law, but forcibly transferred to Frankfurt (Oder) .

He spent the post-war period in West Germany. He was an honorary knight of the Order of St. John


Bernd von Wedel had married Anneliese von Wedel (1897–1974) in Gerzlow in 1917 , a sister of General Landscape Director Wedego von Wedel and Ingeborg von Wedel (1894–1971), who was married to Wolf-Heinrich von Helldorff . His wife took over the country leadership of the Pomeranian Luisenbund in 1927 . She had seven children in her marriage to Bernd von Wedel and adopted the theologian Ezzelino von Rezzori, a son of the writer Gregor von Rezzori , as a widow .


  • Wolf Christian von Wedel Parlow : East Elbian nobility under National Socialism. Family memories using the example of the fronds. V & R unipress, Göttingen 2017, p. 84 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogical handbook of the nobility . CA Starke, 1983, pp. 526, 588.
  2. ^ Christian Tilitzki : The German University Philosophy in the Weimar Republic and in the Third Reich. Walter de Gruyter, 2015, p. 551 f. ISBN 978-3-050-07981-3
  3. The Middle East. In: Eastern Europe , Volume 3, 1927, p. 676.
  4. ^ Susanne Meinl: National Socialists against Hitler. Siedler, 2000, p. 128.
  5. Ostelbischer Nobility under National Socialism ; see references
  6. Volker Weiß : Modern Antimodern. Arthur Moeller van den Bruck and the change in conservatism. Ferdinand Schöningh, 2012, p. 272. ISBN 978-3-657-77146-2
  7. ^ Armin Mohler, Karlheinz Weißmann : The Conservative Revolution in Germany 1918-1932. A manual. , Graz 2005, p. 518.
  8. Bernd von Wedel: The Middle East . 1st volume, 2nd issue, January 15, 1928, p. 14 .
  9. Bernd von Wedel: The Middle East, address for the first regional association day of the Stahlhelm Pommern-Grenzmark . 3rd year, issue 12, June 15, 1930, p. 178 .
  10. Ostelbischer Nobility under National Socialism ; see references
  11. Wolf Christian von Wedel Parlow: Ostelbischer Nobility in National Socialism . Göttingen 2017, p. 86 .
  12. Bernd v. Frond. In: Joachim Tautz: Militaristic youth policy in the Weimar Republic. The youth organizations of the Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten - Jungstahlhelm and Scharnhorst, Bund Deutscher Jungmannen. Roderer, 1998, p. 200, fn. 15. ISBN 978-3-897-83023-3