Hansa-Brandenburg W.29

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Hansa-Brandenburg W.29
Model of the W.29
Model of the W.29
Type: two-seater fighter seaplane
Design country:

German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire


Hansa and Brandenburg aircraft works


Spring 1918

Number of pieces:


The Hansa-Brandenburg W.29 was a fighter aircraft of the Imperial Navy during the First World War .


Together with Hanns Klemm , Ernst Heinkel developed the Hansa-Brandenburg W.29 as the successor to the W.12 . Based on the biplane , the speed of which could no longer be increased significantly, the new seaplane was designed as a low-wing aircraft. This also resulted in an improvement in upward and forward visibility.


The Japanese and Danish license build HM-1 was very similar to the W.29

The fuselage had flat bottom and sides and a curved back. The frames and planking were made of plywood . The seats were arranged one behind the other, with the pilot sitting in front.

The two-part trapezoidal wing was connected to the lower fuselage chord and was supported by the outer float struts. The trailing edge of the wing root had a round cutout. The ribs were made of plywood. The leading edge and trailing edge were made of wood. The wing was covered with fabric.

The fin consisted of a tubular steel frame that was covered with fabric. The self-supporting horizontal stabilizer was a wooden structure covered with fabric. The elevator was divided and had overhanging compensation surfaces.

The aircraft had two single-stage floats made of wood. They were fastened with struts made of round steel tubing with plywood cladding.

Technical specifications

Parameter Data
crew 2
length 9.36 m
span 13.50 m
height 3.00 m
Wing area 32.20 m²
Empty mass 1000 kg
Takeoff mass 1495 kg
Top speed 175 km / h
Ascent time to 3000 m 23 min
practical summit height 5000 m
Flight duration 4 h
Engine a 6-cylinder in- line engine Benz Bz III , 150 PS (110 kW)
Armament one or two rigid, forward-firing MG 08/15 7.92 mm and a pivoting MG Parabellum 7.92 mm


  • PM Grosz: Brandenburg W 29 , Windsock Datafile 55
  • H. Dieter Köhler: The German aviation Ernst Heinkel - pioneer of the high-speed aircraft , Bernard & Graefe Verlag, ISBN 3-7637-6116-0
  • Wilfried Copenhagen , Rolf Neustädt: The large aircraft type book , Transpress Verlag, Berlin

Web links

Commons : Hansa-Brandenburg W.29  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. AERO, issue 91, page 2545
  2. ^ H. Dieter Köhler: Die deutsche Luftfahrt Ernst Heinkel - Pioneer of high-speed aircraft , 2nd edition 1999, p. 41, Bernard & Graefe Verlag, ISBN 3-7637-6116-0
  3. AERO, issue 91, page 2545