Hartmut from St. Gallen

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Hartmut von St. Gallen († January 23 after 905 in St. Gallen ) was abbot of the Benedictine monastery of St. Gallen .

Hartmut ( old high . Of strong courage and spirit) was a monk, student of Rabanus Maurus in the Fulda monastery , and in 872 he succeeded Grimald's abbot of St. Gallen. Otfrid von Weißenburg dedicated his Old High German "Liber evangeliorum", a kind of Gospel harmony in the South Rhine-Franconian dialect , a. a. his friend and colleague Hartmut. As an abbot , Hartmut developed a rich building activity like his predecessor. In 883 he abdicated and then led a life of seclusion near the monastery as a Rekluse in St. Gallen. He died on a January 23rd after 905.


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predecessor Office successor
Grimald Abbot of St. Gallen
872 - 883