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Community Kissenbrück
Coordinates: 52 ° 7 ′ 2 ″  N , 10 ° 34 ′ 14 ″  E
Height : 89 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 51  (March 1, 2018)
Postal code : 38324
Area code : 05337
Hedwigsburg (Lower Saxony)

Location of Hedwigsburg in Lower Saxony

The Okermühle Hedwigsburg
The Okermühle Hedwigsburg

Hedwigsburg is a district of the municipality of Pilsenbrück , which is part of the Elm-Asse municipality in the Wolfenbüttel district in Lower Saxony. Hedwigsburg lies on the right bank of the Oker and Alter Ilse and is connected to the opposite municipality of Ohrum by a bridge.



The Hedwigsburg manor, which gives it its name, is located in the southwest of the center of the town of Pilsenbrück. The district extends from the manor along the former Ilse and the Braunschweig – Bad Harzburg railway line to the Hedwigsburger Okermühle in the northwest. The elongated area between the railway line in the east, Oker in the west, mill in the north and sewage treatment plant in the south is signposted as the “district Hedwigsburg” and essentially comprises the street Okerweg. The manor still other parts of the field Mark, all on the southwestern slopes of belonging Ösels are, and areas of meadows in the Okeraue. The special extent and location is due to the fact that the place consists less of a settlement than of the lands formerly belonging to the manor, which were used for industrial settlement and for the Hedwigsburg train station.

In the north, the Feldmark borders on Neindorf . On the western bank of the Oker, next to Ohrum, there is also Dorstadt . In the south, Börßum and its district Bornum are also on the slopes of the right bank of the Oker.

Transport links

State road 513 runs through Hedwigsburg and connects Ohrum with Pillowbrück. There is also a district road that leads to Neindorf. The Braunschweig – Bad Harzburg railway has also played an important role in economic development since the 19th century ; however , the Hedwigsburg train station located here was closed in the early 1980s.


On the coat of arms of the municipality of Pilchbrück there is a mill iron under the bridge and the guiding sword. It refers to the Okermühle and the jurisdiction of Hedwigsburg Castle.

The Mecklenburg and namesake Hedwig

It was first mentioned on May 3, 1196 under the name of Stecklenburg , when Bishop Gardolfus von Halberstadt “consecrated a chapel in honor of the Mother of God” between Pillowbrück and Oker. Obviously there was already another ten-free farm next to the Franconian farm on the Kisse , about whose owner nothing is known, but about its size and furnishings. In 1420 this court came into the possession of the Dukes of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and then in 1425 into the possession of the Braunschweig Monastery of St. Blasius, which leased this court.

The Brunswick Duke Julius developed the Okerschifffahrt between the Harz and Wolfenbüttel in the middle of the 16th century, with the catchment area of ​​the Ösel also being developed. In 1577 his wife Hedwig von Brandenburg bought the Mecklenburg including the associated ferry mill and lands and in the following year had a pleasure palace built, which was named after her. The castle became the summer residence of various Brunswick dukes.

On December 20, 1769, the Braunschweiger Hof sold the castle to the von Münchhausen family , and since then it has been the Hedwigsburg manor. The buildings were largely destroyed in an Allied air raid on January 14, 1944.

Economic history

Remains of the former sugar factory on Okerweg in Hedwigsburg.

The oldest company, which has been handed down since 1318 and is still active today, is the ferry mill on the east bank of the Oker.

Another company was the “brick, plaster and lime distillery” that went back to Duke Julius and was located on today's Okerweg and was owned by the dukes. According to a description from 1765, the clay was quarried in a nearby official field that stretched as far as the Neindorfer Feldmark. The buildings apparently existed until 1895, since the sugar factory has been handed the purchase of the land for that year .

This was founded by farmers and landowners in 1864 with starting capital of 125,000 thalers. It employed 60 people and had up to 140 people during the campaigns. After more than a hundred years, the plant was shut down in 1965 due to a lack of profitability.

With the construction of the railway line from 1840, Hedwigsburg developed into an important business location. The expansion of the Fährmühle into an industrial trading mill and the settlement of further manufacturing facilities led, after long negotiations between the owners and the railway company, to the fact that a freight station was finally set up in 1890. The Hedwigsburg railway station existed for passenger traffic until 1982.

For a short time, namely from 1898 to 1921, potash salt was mined in the Neindorf district . The "Kalibohrgesellschaft Hedwigsburg" was founded as early as 1893 and the groundbreaking ceremony for the "Sascha" shaft took place on November 12, 1898. In 1913, the “Emil” shaft was sunk near the mine and the potash works had almost 1,000 employees. On October 31, 1921 there was an ingress of lye after dripping ceilings had been observed days before. The workers were able to leave the shaft in time. The administration building still stands today on the western slope of the Ösel on the county road between Neindorf and Klein Denkte. The "Kalibergwerk Hedwigsburg" union had, in addition to its own operation, shares in the Thuringian operations Kaliwerk trade union Walter and Kaliwerk trade union Irmgard .

Pillowbrück has had a golf course since 1994, which was laid out in the grounds of the manor and bears its name.



  • Walter Bennecke u. a., Municipality of Pillowbrück (Ed.): Pillowbrück - Contributions to the History of an Old Village , Pillowbrück 1997

Individual evidence

  1. Samtgemeinde Elm-Asse: Population figures & area sizes ( Memento of the original from June 22, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed on May 22, 2018. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.elm-asse.de
  2. Pillowbrück on the website of the Elm-Asse community , accessed on June 22, 2015.
  3. ^ Karl Heinrich Georg Venturini : The Duchy of Braunschweig in its previous and present condition . Verlag C. G. Fleckeisen, Helmstedt 1847, p. 209.
  4. Walter Bennecke u. a., Municipality of Pillowbrück (Ed.): Pillowbrück - Contributions to the History of an Old Village , Pillowbrück 1997, p. 81.
  5. Walter Bennecke u. a., Gemeinde Pilsenbrück (Ed.): Pillowbrück - Contributions to the history of an old village , Pillowbrück 1997, p. 79; ff.
  6. Walter Bennecke u. a., Gemeinde Pilchbrück (Ed.): Pillowbrück - Contributions to the history of an old village , Pilchbrück 1997, p. 67; ff.
  7. Walter Bennecke u. a., Municipality of Pillowbrück (Ed.): Pillowbrück - Contributions to the History of an Old Village , Pillowbrück 1997, p. 92.

Web links

Commons : Hedwigsburg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files