Heike Fransecky

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Heike Fransecky (* 1972 ) is a German lyricist.

She wrote popular texts a. a. for Gaby Baginsky , Ute Freudenberg , Xandra Hag , Christian Lais , Ireen Sheer , Michelle , Die Klostertaler , Johannes Kalpers , Michael Morgan , Bata Illic , Michael Heck , Janis Nikos , Uta Bresan and Simone , Leonard . For Gerd Christian she is the exclusive author.

In the annual results of the radio hit parades 2007 she took second place as a lyricist and fifth place as a producer. Songs written by her were represented three times in the final round of the Grand Prix of Folk Music .

Heike Fransecky works with the following composers, among others: Andreas Goldmann , David Brandes and Uwe Haselsteiner .


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