Heinrich Banzkow

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Heinrich Banzkow , also Banzcow , Bantzkow , Banschow or Banskow , (* before 1480, † 1543) was a cathedral scholastic in Hamburg and provost at Schwerin Cathedral .


Banzkow came from a family based in Mecklenburg who played an economic and political role in Wismar . Since the beginning of the 14th century, the family in Wismar had an altar and a crypt in the now unsuccessful Wismar chapel St. Marien zu den Weiden (Latin St. Maria sub salice ). The mayor of Wismar Johann Bantzkow († 1427), who was executed by beheading at the beginning of the 15th century, was buried in it, for whom the Bantzkow Atonement Chapel , which has also not been preserved , was built.

In 1491 Heinrich Banzkow began studying at the University of Rostock . In 1499 he became a cathedral scholastic at the Mariendom in Hamburg with a vicarage in Hemmingstedt in Dithmarschen . He was pronotary of the apostolic chair in Rodemohr in Dithmarschen. Heinrich Banzkow was provost in the Schwerin cathedral chapter from 1521 until after 1538. In 1522 he became administrator for the underage Duke Magnus III, who had been elected bishop of the Schwerin diocese in 1516 . von Mecklenburg and remained "bevelhebber" until his confirmation in 1532.

He was an influential figure of his time in northeast Germany and fought fiercely against the Reformation , which threatened his numerous benefices . It helped him that he had already been appointed acoluthos and pronotary by Pope Leo X in 1516 . In the discharge of Giovanni Angelo Arcimboldi , he promoted the indulgence trade in northern Germany and became rich himself. He was councilor of Duke Albrecht VII of Mecklenburg and a favorite of Archbishop Duke Christoph von Braunschweig-Lüneburg . From the extensive will of the Schwerin provost Heinrich Banzkow, the brothers of the Franciscan monastery in Schwerin received the large sum of money of one hundred marks in 1538, because they stayed with their observance. In fact, masses continued to be celebrated in the Franciscan Church. In the Hanseatic city of Hamburg he got into a violent dispute with the council and the citizens of the city. The subject of the dispute was the management of the parish school of the Nikolaikirche, which the citizens coveted for themselves and which impaired Banzkow's income as a scholaster of the cathedral chapter .

As a canon , Banzkow was obliged to observe celibacy , but he had several children with his housekeeper, whom he recognized and also considered in his will. His son was the future cleric Heinrich Banzkow junior . Heinrich Banzkow is said to have been a rich man at his death, as his will shows.


  • Karl Ernst Hermann KrauseBanzcow, Heinrich . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 2, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1875, p. 43 f.
  • Ariane Knuth: Banzkow, Heinrich . In: Franklin Kopitzsch, Dirk Brietzke (Hrsg.): Hamburgische Biographie . tape 5 . Wallstein, Göttingen 2010, ISBN 978-3-8353-0640-0 , p. 37-38 .
  • Eduard Meyer: History of the Hamburg school and teaching system in the Middle Ages. Meißmner, Hamburg 1843, p. 43; 155 ff. ( Digitized version )
  • Rainer Postel: The Reformation in Hamburg 1517–1528. Sources and research on the history of the Reformation 52, Gütersloh 1986; Bes. P. 158ff.
  • Alfred Rische: Directory of the bishops and canons of Schwerin with biographical remarks. Ludwigslust 1900.
  • Friedrich Schlie : The art and history monuments of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Volume II: The district court districts of Wismar, Grevesmühlen, Rehna, Gadebusch and Schwerin. Bärensprung, Schwerin 1898 (reprint: Stock und Stein, Schwerin 1992, ISBN 3-910179-06-1 )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred Rische: Directory of the bishops and canons of Schwerin. 1900, p. 4, 24.
  2. Schlie, p. 167 ff.
  3. Schlie, p. 16 ff.
  4. Schlie, p. 170 ff.
  5. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  6. ^ Alfred Rische: Directory of the bishops and canons of Schwerin. 1900, p. 24
  7. Dietrich Schröder: Item den poor Mönneken effte religious so dat Closter tho Schwerin blifft in orer obseruantie geve densulvigen one hundred Mark tho erer Taffelen vnd Kost. In: Church history of Evangelical Mecklenburg from the year 1518 to 1742. Part 1, Rostock 1788, p 351
  8. ^ Ingo Ulpts: The mendicant orders in Mecklenburg. 1995, p. 392
  9. ^ Meyer: History of the Hamburg school and teaching system in the Middle Ages , 1843, 155 ff.
  10. Rainer Postel: Horenjägers and Köksche. Reformation and Citizens. Motifs of the urban Reformation in Northern Germany. In: Ders .: Contributions to the history of Hamburg in the early modern period: selected articles on the 65th birthday , Münster, 2006, pp. 11–101; P. 92
  11. He was matriculated at the University of Rostock in 1530. See his entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  12. ^ Alfred Rische: Directory of the bishops and canons of Schwerin. 1900, p. 24

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