Heinrich Baumer

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Heinrich Baumer (born April 17, 1891 in Waldkirch ; † July 8, 1962 there ) was a German master carpenter and politician .

After completing his primary school education and apprenticeship as a carpenter, the Catholic Baumer passed his master craftsman examination in 1921. Until 1933 he was the owner of a carpenter's workshop and was a local councilor and leading local politician of the German Center Party (ZENTRUM) in Waldkirch. From 1921 to 1933 he also held the position of district manager of the Central Association of Christian Woodworkers in the Christian Union .

As an outspoken opponent of National Socialism , Baumer experienced severe criticism from the Nazi local press, which in 1933 led to the loss of his job after open threats. As operations manager of the Waldkircher cardboard box factory and managing director of the Waldkircher publishing company, he secured his income from 1934. Through friendship with Jakob Kaiser (1888–1961) he came into contact with the Stuttgart resistance group around Joseph Ersing (1882–1956) and finally became Ersing's liaison in Waldkirch. He was arrested on July 20, 1944 as part of the “Thunderstorm” campaign .

After the Second World War , Baumer resumed his political activities and became a member of the advisory council of Baden and a politician of the Baden Christian Social People's Party (BCSV). As a successor party he founded the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) in Waldkirch. From 1947 until the founding of the state of Baden-Württemberg in 1952, Baumer was a city ​​councilor in Waldkirch, a member of the district council and the Baden state parliament .

In honor of Baumer, Heinrich-Baumer-Strasse in Waldkirch was named after him.


  • Werner Breunig et al .: Constitutional Policy 2: Data Handbook for Land Parliamentarians 1945–1953. ed. Frank R. Pfetsch. Lang, Frankfurt / Bern / New York 1985, ISBN 3820483438 , ISSN  0178-2444 .
  • Klaus Eisele, R.-U. Kunze: Portraits of the Resistance 7: Co-conspirators - Co-creators. ed. Rolf-U. Kunze. UVK, Konstanz 2004, ISBN 3896697226 , ISSN  0943-903X .
  • Paul Feuchte: Sources for the creation of the constitution of the state of Baden from 1947. (Publications on the constitutional history of Baden-Württemberg since 1945. 15 (1)) 1999, ISBN 3170150596 .