Heinrich Rademin

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Text sheet of the Mater Dolorum from 1729

Heinrich Rademin (baptized 15. December 1674 in Hamburg , † 29. November 1731 in Vienna ) was a German actor , theater principal , playwright and translator .


His parents were the Hamburg finance clerk Diedrich Rademin and Catharina Bertha geb. Lamprecht. He was the great-grandson of the Hamburg councilor Diedrich Rademin († 1581). After studying law and receiving his doctorate on December 17, 1697 in Halle (Saale) .

The actor Konrad Ekhof declared with the outcome of this Seculi that the Licentiate Rademin had gone from Hamburg to Vienna and had fortified the theater there where it was not founded .

Rademin married the actress Anna Ernestina Gettner, the daughter of theater director Johann Georg Gettner, in Vienna around 1703 as the principal of High German comedians . From Vienna he started tours to Brno .

Together with Joseph Anton Stranitzky , Johann Baptist Hilverding and Jacob Hirschnackh (1664-1724), Rademin founded the Society of Teutscher Comoedianten in 1706 and then worked as an actor with Stranitzky in Vienna, who in 1709 became his son's godfather.

From 1710 he made guest appearances with the Wienerische Comoedianten in Regensburg 1711, Ulm 1712, Linz 1714, Augsburg 1715, Brno 1716/1717, Prague 1718, partly in company with Anton Joseph Geißler and Markus Waldmann . Around 1717 the first contact was made with the Bohemian count and theater patron Franz Anton von Sporck , at whose spa theater in Kukus Rademin appeared repeatedly.

In 1719 he returned to Stranitzky at the Kärntnertortheater in Vienna. In 1723 he was again the principal of High German comedians in Breslau and Brno and came to Kukus with Franz Albert Defraine in 1724 . Five libretto revisions were also made for Hanswurst in Vienna in 1724 . He was also commissioned in Vienna from 1724 to 1726 as the scribe of the 14 so-called Vienna Main and State Actions, which Rademin compiled from Italian libretto texts.

On May 16, 1726 his successful Nepomuk oratorio Der lying-obsiegende Held (music: Georg Reutter the Elder ) was performed at the Kärnertortheater. After Stranitzky's death (1726), Rademin, who had performed Good Friday oratorios (oratorios) since 1725 and the Nepomuk oratorios (music: Georg Reutter the Younger ) performed annually on the Hohen Brücke (Vienna I ), became part of the genre of musical comedy that was new to Vienna called in as translator or writer in the Kärntnertortheater.


His son Karl (* approx. 1700) married Sophie Eckenberg, daughter of the strong man and theater principal Johann Carl von Eckenberg , in whose troupe he had been active since 1731. His daughter Barbara (* approx. November 7, 1719 Vienna or Olmütz , † after 1760) married the well-known theater principal and last German harlequin Franz Schuch the Elder .


  • Dispvtatio jvridica vulgato dicto unus testis, nullus testis, Germ. a witness, not a witness ... Königsberg 1695.
  • Magnifici Iurisconsultorum Ordinis Consensu, Praeside Dn. Johanne Blackbirds ... Illustriores Iuris Controversias Ante in privato Digestorum Disputatorio Collegio sub praelaudato Dn. Praeside ventilatas ulteriori publicae ... in ... Academiae Regiomontanae ... subiicio Henrich Rademin, Hamburgensis D. XI. Maii. Ann. MDCLXXXXVI (Author Johann Amsel; Heinrich Rademin; Petrus Schwenner; M Werner; Jacobus Höpner) Regiomonti Typis Reusnerianis 1696.
  • Diss. Iur. sol.loco inauguralis de bodemeria (Heinrich von Bode) Halle (Saale) 1697.
  • The confused husband (text: Jean-Baptiste Molières ) (music: Johann Ignaz Beyer ) (translation) 1710.
  • Well-designed ... Bay writings ... Bey decoration of ... Comödie-Platz in the so-called Raths-Comödie Gruber, Augsburg 1715.
  • Never-decaying memory of the righteous as instructed by the CXI. Psalm v. 6.7.8. as your excellence of the high-bore Mr. Franciscus Antonius deß Heil. Roman Empire Graff von Sporck ... to feed 100 poor men in Deroselbe in Dero Herrsch. Gradlitz built the so-called cuckoo baths belonging to the so-called cuckoo baths and provided churches and hospitals with rich foundations and inaugurated on August 29th Hochfeyerlichst 1717.
  • Bacco trionfante dall'Indie. Componimento dramatico, da recitarsi nel teatro cesareoprivileggiato di Vienna, nell'autunno dell'anno MDCCXXVIII. (Michelangelo Boccardi; Francesco Pircker) Heyinger, Vienna 1728. (translation)
  • Unfaithfulness conquered by virtue and constancy. To be presented in a French sing = constitution on that of jhro roman kayserl. and royal. cathol. Majest. privileged theater in Vienna Heyinger Vienna 1729.
  • The [sic] hunter wounded by love. To be presented in a French Sing = constitution on the one of Ihro Rom. Kayserl. and royal Cathol. Majest. privileged theater in Vienna (music: Antonio Bioni ) Heyinger, Vienna 1729.
  • Mater Dolorum. That is: The Schmertzhaffte mother / Bey dem last Athem = train of your beloved son / ... Designed by Rademin, and put into music by Georg Reuter Heyinger Vienna 1729 and Mangold, Passau 1733.
  • Musical = Italian in-between = game drawn from Aralinda. Presented on that of jhro roman kays. and royal. cathol. Majest. privileged Theatro in Vienna. Heyinger, Vienna around 1730.
  • The origin of the [...] little town Jaromeritz (music: František Vaclav Míča ; libretto: Domenico Bonlini ) (translation) 1730.
  • The Roman Lucretia 1731.
  • Atalanta (translation).
  • Xio, re della China (translation).
  • Aralinda (translation).
  • Arsaces (translation).
  • Hypermnestra (translation).
  • The innocence believed innocent (translation).
  • The Queen of the Black Islands (translation).
  • Runtzvanscad, King of Their Man-Eaters, or The most transparent gardener (translation).


  • Karl Glossy: Theater History Exhibition of the City of Vienna, International Exhibition of Music and Theater, Publishing House of the Library and the Historical Museum, Vienna 1892.
  • Rudolf Payer von Thurn: Vienna Main and State Actions 2 volumes, Verlag des Literarisches Verein, Vienna 1908-10.
  • Rober Haas: Viennese German parody operas around 1730. in Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft No. 8. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig 1925/1926, pp. 201ff.
  • Rudolf Schäffler: Heinrich Rademin (dissertation), Vienna 1932.
  • Walter Lehr: The scenic remarks in the dramas of the Altwiener Volkstheater up to 1752 (dissertation), Vienna 1965.
  • Helmut G. Asper: Play texts of the traveling stage: A directory of the drama Mss. 17th and 18th century in Vienna's libraries, Austrian National Library and Vienna City Library, Vienna 1975.
  • Helmut G. Asper: Hanswurst. Studies in making fun on the professional stage in Germany in the 17th and 18th centuries. Lechte, Emsdetten 1980.
  • Alberto Martino: The Italian literature in the German language area: additions and corrections to Frank-Rutger Hausmann's bibliography Rodopi, Amsterdam and Atlanta 1994.
  • Heinrich Rademin, Hanswursts Schattenmann, lawyer, stage director, playwright attempt on a founder figure of the Viennese theater in mask and Kothurn, Volume 48, Issue 1–4 De Gruyter, Berlin 2002.
  • Irmgard Scheitler: German-language oratorio libretti: from the beginning to 1730 Schöningh, Paderborn a. a. 2005, p. 264.
  • Maren Goltz: The Viennese libretti collection of Duke Anton Ulrich von Sachsen-Meiningen in Early Music in the cultural landscape of Thuringia Kamprad, Altenburg 2010. [1]
  • Ruth Gstach: The Desperation of Love: A previously unknown tragic comedy of the early traveling stage , De Gruyter, Berlin and Boston 2017, Ref. 1248.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Schröder: Lexicon of Hamburg writers to the present: Pauli-Schoff Association for Hamburg History, Hamburg 1873, p. 139f.
  2. Ruth Gstach: The Desperation of Love: A previously unknown tragic comedy of the early traveling stage, De Gruyter, Berlin and Boston 2017, Ref. 1248.
  3. ^ Stranitzky's biography on NDB