Heinrich Schwarzschild

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Heinrich Schwarzschild (born February 28, 1803 in Frankfurt am Main ; † April 7, 1878 ibid) was a German doctor , publicist and poet . He came from the long-established Jewish merchant family Schwarzschild from Frankfurt.


Heinrich Schwarzschild was the only son of Benedikt Hayum Schwarzschild (1760–1834) and his wife Brendle nee. Falk and was born in Frankfurt's Judengasse . The Schwarzschild family was a wealthy and respected family and had a prominent position within the Jewish community of Frankfurt .

Heinrich Schwarzschild studied medicine and after completing his studies he settled in Frankfurt as a gynecologist and general practitioner . At the beginning of his activity, Schwarzschild was still registered as a "Jewish doctor" . In addition to his work as a doctor, Schwarzschild took on an unpaid position in the “Old Israelite Hospital for Strangers” in 1831 . In 1857 Schwarzschild got a permanent job at the Israelite Hospital in Frankfurt, where he became one of the successors of the well-known Frankfurt doctor Salomon Friedrich Stiebel . From 1859 onwards, Schwarzschild made sustained efforts to establish a modern Jewish hospital in Frankfurt. Thanks to a generous donation from the Frankfurt banker and patron Isaac Löw Königswarter , a new hospital was built between 1873 and 1875 , which was named Königswarter Hospital after its founder . Due to his services in connection with the planning and construction of the hospital, Schwarzschild was awarded the title of Privy Medical Council in 1875. Despite his advancing age, Schwarzschild continued to work as a doctor in this hospital. Schwarzschild died in 1878. His grave is in the old Jewish cemetery at the main cemetery in Frankfurt.

further activities

In addition to his work as a doctor, Schwarzschild was also involved in Frankfurt municipal politics. In the years 1848/49 he was a member of the constituent assembly. In the years 1862 and 1865/66 he was available to the Legislative Assembly as a substitute ( constituent member ).

Heinrich Schwarzschild was also from 1840 to 1846 the school councilor of the philanthropist run by the Jewish community in Frankfurt am Main.

Schwarzschild had been a member of the Jewish-influenced Masonic lodge Z ur Aufstieg Morgenröthe since 1829 . He chaired this lodge from 1846 to 1849 and from 1858 to 1861 as master of the chair .

Heinrich Schwarzschild also worked as a translator , poet and publisher of various specialist journalism.


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