Heinrich Weiberg

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Heinrich Weiberg (born January 20, 1911 in Berlin ; † May 30, 1984 ibid) was a German secret service officer in the Ministry for State Security (MfS) of the GDR . He was a major general and from 1971 to 1975 Sector Head in the Central Reconnaissance Administration (HVA).


Weiberg, the son of a bookbinder, graduated from high school and worked as a coal worker from 1925 to 1937. From 1931 to 1934 he was a working student (chemistry / physics) at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin , without a degree. In 1937 he became a partner in a coal business. From 1940 to 1945 he did military service as a soldier in the Wehrmacht during the Second World War . In 1945 he was taken prisoner by the Soviets and attended an antifa school .

After his release in 1949 he worked as a chemist in Heinrichshall near Bad Köstritz and became a member of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED). After the formation of the Provisional Government of the GDR in October 1949, he became personnel manager in the main chemistry department of the GDR Ministry of Heavy Industry under Minister Fritz Selbmann . In 1951 he was hired at the Foreign Intelligence Service Institute for Economic Research (from 1953 Main Department XV, from 1956 Main Administration Enlightenment of the MfS). He was initially head of department 2 (scientific and technical reconnaissance) in the HA II (industrial espionage), from 1954 deputy head of the HVA main department IV and from February 1959 to June 1971 with the rank of lieutenant colonel head of the HVA department V (economic and technology espionage). 1960/61 he attended a course at the district party school in Erfurt. In July 1971 he was promoted to the rank of Supreme Head of Science and Technology at HVA. In October 1974 he was appointed major general by the chairman of the National Defense Council of the GDR , Erich Honecker . In July 1975 he was replaced by Horst Vogel . Until his discharge from the service of the MfS he was an officer for special tasks in the HVA management. He then lived as a pensioner in East Berlin.



Individual evidence

  1. Minutes No. 53 of the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED on October 25, 1949 - BArch DY 30 / IV 2/2/53.
  2. 47th meeting of the National Defense Council of the GDR on July 3, 1975 - BArch DVW 1/39506.
  3. Minutes No. 6/71 of the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED on February 9, 1971 - BArch DY 30 / J IV 2/2/1324.