Heinrich Wogenap

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Heinrich Wogenap (also Heinrich II. Wogenap ) († April 9, 1334 ) was bishop of Warmia from 1329-1334 .


Heinrich probably came from a middle-class family from Elbing , whereby the name is said to be derived from the Wogenap estate, which was located at the mouth of the Elbing . It is not known where he obtained his master's degree or when he was ordained a priest. The first documentary evidence is for the end of 1305 as canon of Warmia, where he was cathedral custodian from 1317-1320 and provost from 1328-1329.

After the death of Bishop Jordan of Warmia , he was elected his successor in 1329. Since Warmia was a suffragan from Riga , he needed confirmation from the local Bishop Friedrich von Pernstein , who refused it to him. Therefore he went to the papal court in Avignon , where before August 4, 1329, the diocese of Warmia from Pope John XXII. was awarded. He was ordained episcopal in Avignon by the Cardinal Bishop of Palestrina , Petrus Després. Before returning to Warmia, he obtained a papal indulgence in November 1329 , which was intended to promote the construction of the Frauenburg Cathedral .

It is first recorded in his diocese on December 26, 1329, when he gave the city of Guttstadt a festival . With the support of his bailiff Heinrich von Lauter, he promoted the colonization of his diocese and built new churches, e.g. B. the parish church of Guttstadt. He maintained close relationships with the Teutonic Order . He died on April 9, 1334 and was buried in the Frombork Cathedral.


predecessor Office successor
Jordan Bishop of Warmia
Martin Zindal