Heinz Kroehl

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Heinz Kroehl

Heinz F. Kroehl (born May 5, 1935 in Mainz ) is a German university professor , head of an institute for strategic identity and communication consulting and co-founder of the "Written Art Foundation".


School and education

Due to the war and the destruction of the city of Mainz , Heinz Kroehl attended various primary schools. The father Franz Heinrich Kroehl fell in the last days of the war. The widow Christine Kroehl b. Wilbert had to raise the three children alone. In order to support his family as the eldest son, he began a four-year apprenticeship as a typesetter at the Philipp von Zabern publishing house in Mainz in 1949 at the age of 14 . After completing his training, he worked there as a typesetter and book printer , where his artistic talent was discovered. He was accepted into the Rhineland-Palatinate State Art School and studied painting, sculpture and graphics. From 1954 to 1958 he worked in the printing house in the evenings and at night in order to earn a living. During his studies he won numerous awards and was elected student spokesman and ASTA chairman. Due to his special achievements and his distinction in 1959, he received a multi-year scholarship from the state government.

Kroehl decided to go to the arts and crafts school in Basel, where he studied design from 1960 to 1964, which he successfully completed. He then worked as a freelance designer in Basel and Zurich and won several awards, including “The best posters in Switzerland”.

In 1965 he returned to Germany and presented his works at the invitation of the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz. Companies and institutions such as Hoechst, Schott, ZDF, Boehringer and BASF gave him orders. In 1965 he founded the Kroehl Group, which advises global companies on communication and design issues with a European team.

In addition to his work as head of the Kroehl Group, Heinz Kroehl worked as a freelance journalist for various media. The Rhein Main publishing group committed him to report regularly on art, architecture and design as a correspondent for the cultural department. In 2011 he received the badge of honor from the German Association of Journalists.

The designer

Heinz Kroehl helped shape the appearance of many public institutions in Germany such as libraries, banks and clinics. Orientation systems, interior design and coloring played an essential role for him in the interior design. A collaboration with the following architectural offices is particularly noteworthy: Thiede Meßthaler, Düsseldorf; Behnisch & Partner, Stuttgart; Novotny + Mähner, Frankfurt; Matteo Thun, Milan or Pei Cobb Freed, New York.

Heinz Kroehl had solo exhibitions in Wiesbaden in 1973 , in Frankfurt am Main in 1981 and in Mainz in 1991. The 1991 exhibition “Kroehl Images” in the Landesmuseum Mainz also presented videos and films by him, including “How a Newspaper Is Made” with the Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers , “Days in your life” with the Oetker Group, “Take a stand” with Hochtief . The latter was named best industrial film in 1990. In addition, Kroehl took part in the group exhibitions "Swiss Designer" in Philadelphia and Chicago.

His works are in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and the Neue Sammlung in Munich .

Awards and competition successes include a.

  • 1st prize in the competition "Brochures and prospectuses for public relations" by ZDF 1966;
  • Diploma of the 3rd International Poster Biennale Warsaw 1970;
  • Blue Ribbon Certificate for Exemplary Hotel Promotion 1972;
  • Bronze Medal International Prospect Competition Berlin 1974;
  • Honorary Prize from the German National Tourist Board in Frankfurt 1975;
  • 1st prize in the competition for the special postage stamp " 25 Years of the European Coal and Steel Community " Bonn 1976;
  • 2nd prize in the 9th competition for the Golden Travel Carriage at the Berlin International Tourism Exchange 1978;
  • 1st prize competition " Signet for public libraries in Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany " Berlin 1979;
  • Award of the German Marketing Society for excellent direct marketing at the “Brenners Park Hotel Spa Offensive” 1989;
  • Silver Award at the 55th calendar competition for "Nord / LB Calendar - Words and Images in Modern Art" 2005.

The scientist

The encounter with Professor Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann , who is considered to be the founder of modern communication research in Germany, influenced his further career. She suggested he study with her. After some hesitation, he agreed, but had to catch up with high school. In 1971 he obtained the state university entrance qualification before an examination board of the Ministry of Culture. He studied communication science, sociology and art studies and graduated in 1977 with the grade "Magna cum laude". On his dissertation “The book cover as an object of communication studies” he worked closely with the then director of the Institute for Consumer and Behavioral Research in Saarbrücken. His interest in experiments and laboratory tests remained and he worked for a while at Werner Kroeber-Riel's chair there.

The subsequent appointment in 1982 to the University of Duisburg-Essen and the associated professorship for communication theory and design (until 2005) gave him the opportunity to deal intensively with semiotics and modern character theory and to intensify the research area. One of the most important publications of this period is “Modern Semiotics - Approaches to the Analysis of Images from theory of Signs”. He was the academic representative for German-Russian relations, who promoted the exchange of professors and students at the State University of Saint Petersburg .

Heinz Kroehl was concerned with promoting the transfer of science between the university, companies and the public. Regular events and colloquia prove this. Above all, the interdisciplinary exchange and friendships with colleagues from France, such as Jean Baudrillard , Abraham Moles, or from Italy, such as Umberto Eco , were important to him. At the 6th German Communication Day in 1994 in the Alte Oper Frankfurt, he also engaged the well-known sociologists Mancur Olson ("The Rise and Decline of Nations") and Francis Fukuyama ("The End of the History" ) as guest speakers due to his good contacts with American universities ).

The curator and art expert

From 1999 to 2007, Heinz Kroehl was a member of the board of the International Gutenberg Society . In 2000, on the occasion of the Gutenberg anniversary of the cities of Mainz and Eltville , Heinz Kroehl curated the highly acclaimed exhibition “Man of the Millennium”. The show conveyed the invention of printing and the consequences for mankind.

In 2010 Heinz Kroehl showed the influence of writing on painting under the title “The Art of Writing” in Wiesbaden. In the exhibition, artists from Asia, Europe and the Arab world were juxtaposed. This should also make mutual suggestions, adaptations and approximations comprehensible for the visitors. The exhibition was under the patronage of the Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Heinz Kroehl was also active abroad, especially in Asia and North Africa. His last exhibition, entitled “Symbiosis de deux mondes”, received great attention in the Arab world. The exhibition, on the occasion of the 100th return of the trip to Tunis by Paul Klee, August Macke and Louis Moilliet, showed European abstract works of the present in contrast to the art of the Arab world. The presentation in Morocco was funded by the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Commitment and personal

Social and community engagement

In 2009, Heinz Kroehl became one of the founding fathers of the “Written Art Foundation” in Frankfurt, a non-profit association dedicated to the development and education of young people. The focus is on the ability to read and write. Another aim is to build bridges to other nations and cultures through symposia, workshops and exhibitions. This also includes exhibition projects in China, Korea and the Arab world, which are also supported by the German government.

Private life

Heinz Kroehl has been married to Hildegard Leineweber since 1965. He has two children with her, Raoul and Rixa Kroehl. He lives and works in Frankfurt am Main and Burg-Hohenstein in the Rheingau-Taunus district . He is a collector of African and Asian art.


  • 1968: Gutenberg plaque from the city of Mainz for his artistic achievements
  • 2014: Federal Cross of Merit, First Class, awarded by the Federal President



  • Heinz Kroehl, book and cover in the test, Dortmund 1984, ISBN 3-88379-925-3 .
  • Heinz Kroehl, Communication Design 2000 - A handbook / Ein Handbuch / Un manuel (in German, English and French), Zurich 1987, ISBN 3-85504-106-7
  • Heinz Kroehl, The staging of companies and brands, 3 volumes, Mainz 1994, ISBN 3-87439-310-0
  • Heinz Kroehl, Corporate Identity as a Successful Concept in the 21st Century: CI 21, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-8006-2485-0
  • Heinz Kroehl, Written Art: A Brief History of Writing, Frankfurt am Main 2008
  • Heinz Kroehl (ed.), The Art of Writing - Pictures are written, Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86828-212-2
  • Heinz Kroehl (ed.), Symbiose de deux mondes, exhibition catalog, Frankfurt am Main 2014, ISBN 3-9257-8280-X

Contributions (selection)

  • Heinz Kroehl, "The generative process of design", in: Schmittel, Wolfgang: "Process Visual", Zurich 1978, ISBN 3-85504-052-4
  • Heinz Kroehl, "The implementation of advertising messages", in: Geffken, Michael (ed.), The large manual of advertising, Landsberg am Lech 1982
  • Heinz Kroehl, “Mass communication and the development of signs”, in: Gutenberg Yearbook 1982
  • Heinz Kroehl, "Buchumschlag", in: Lexicon of the entire book system, Stuttgart 1987
  • Heinz Kroehl, “Text design - text effect. New Findings in Reception Research ”, in: Gutenberg Yearbook 1989
  • Heinz Kroehl, "Hypermedia and the Future", in: Gutenberg Yearbook 1993
  • Heinz Kroehl, "Lean Intelligence", in: absatzwirtschaft, May 1, 1994
  • Heinz Kroehl, "Corporate Identity: Dynamic in Marketing", in: HBM, H. Quarter 1994, year 16, pp. 25–31, 1994
  • Heinz Kroehl, "Hospitality Committed - Corporate Identity for Hospitals", in: KU krankenhaus umschau January 1994, Jhg. 63
  • Heinz Kroehl, "The efforts to improve the corporate personality need a better theoretical basis: Corporate Identity: Dynamics in Marketing", in: Harvard Business Manager, February 1994 edition
  • Heinz Kroehl, “The Corporate Identity is alive”, in: Welt am Sonntag, June 10, 2001
  • Heinz Kroehl, “Brand advertising fights with the flood of images”, in: Welt am Sonntag, September 22, 2002


  • Martin Ruppert, "Heinz Kroehl Communication through Design", in: MAINZ, autumn 1989
  • Josef Oehrlein, "Why are visions better than strategies, Professor Kroehl?", In: FAZ-Magazin, 1993 issue 706, 36th week, pp. 54–55

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A thousand students write (pdf, 521kB), reprint of the article in Wiesbadener Kurier on June 6, 2011, accessed on March 6, 2015
  2. ^ Announcement by the magazine "Aujourd'hui Le Maroc" about the exhibition ( Memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Announcement about the exhibition of the German Embassy in Rabat ( Memento from June 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Article “The Corporate Identity is alive”, in: Welt am Sonntag, June 10, 2001
  5. Article “Brand advertising is fighting with”, in: Welt am Sonntag, September 22, 2002