Heinz Stöber

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Heinz Stöber (March 2, 1920 - January 31, 1982 ) was a German pacemaker in cycling .

Since the beginning of the 1960s, the trained car mechanic drove for the Berlin TSC and BSG Post Berlin as a pacemaker on summer and winter trains . He celebrated successes with standing stars like Manfred Klieme , Karl Kaminski and Wolfgang Schmelzer . Together with Wolfgang Schmelzer, Heinz Stöber won the GDR standing championship four times in a row from 1969 to 1972 . On March 2, 1973, he celebrated his 53rd birthday and, with Wolfgang Schmelzer, won the title of Berlin Winter Railway Master of the Stehers in the Werner-Seelenbinder-Halle . Stöber also worked as a functionary and organizer of bike races.

In 1972, Stöber took over the management of the “Clubhaus der Naturfreunde” restaurant in Schmöckwitz am Krossinsee . Due to a protracted illness, Heinz Stöber later became a disability pensioner. He died at the age of 61.


  • Der Radsportler, February 1st, 1982 issue, "Heinz Stöber", page 4, publisher: German Cycling Association of the GDR

Individual evidence

  1. Nominated twice already . In: Berliner Zeitung , August 8, 1965, p. 4.
  2. Standing title remains with Schmelzer . In: Berliner Zeitung, March 4, 1973, p. 4.
  3. ^ German Cycling Association of the GDR (ed.): The cyclist . No. 6/1982 . Berlin 1982, p. 4 .
  4. "Around Berlin" award . In: Berliner Zeitung, March 23, 1972, p. 7.