Helmut Nöttger

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Helmut Nöttger

Helmut Nöttger (born April 14, 1923 in Hildesheim , † March 3, 2010 in Bielefeld ) was a German chess official and chess referee . From 1971 to 1991 he was game director and (from 1980) sports director of the German Chess Federation .


Nöttger was a trained graphic artist . Since 1951 he has been the owner of his own craft business in Bielefeld as an independent master painter .

Working on a regional level

In 1948 Nöttger joined the Bielefelder Chess Club from 1883 (spelling according to Alfred Diel: "Bielefelder Schachclub von 1883") and was the game director and youth director of this club from 1951 to 1971. From 1956 to 1966 he was game director in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe sub-association and from 1957 to 1971 chairman of the Bielefeld chess district. Furthermore, Nöttger was first chairman of the Bielefelder Chess Club, game director of the North Rhine-Westphalia Chess Federation and managing director of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe chess association.

Official of the German Chess Federation

Helmut Nöttger at the German Chess Championship in Menden in 1974

At the DSB Congress in 1968 Nöttger was elected to the game committee of the German Chess Federation for the first time. After the death of Werner Rössner, who had been elected to the game a few weeks earlier, in June 1971, the Presidium entrusted Nöttger with his position. From Nöttger - during whose term of office in 1980 the office of "game director" was renamed to "sports director" in order to align with the situation in other sports organizations - there were many new impulses in terms of game technology and organization. This includes the introduction of the first division into four Bundesliga (1974) and then the streamlining into a 1st and 2nd Bundesliga (1980). Under his aegis, however, the Open German Championship, the Cup Team Championship, the Rapid Chess Championship and the Blitz Individual and Blitz Team Championships were brought into being. Nöttger, international referee of the World Chess Federation since 1972 , has trained around four hundred referees and also directed a total of 68 major tournaments. Because of his great competence in questions of rules , he was nicknamed "rule pope".


When he left the office of sports director, Nöttger was made an honorary member of the German Chess Federation in 1991. In 1992, he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon for his voluntary work in chess .


Ernst Schubart, Helmut Nöttger: Tournament director manual of the German Chess Federation. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1987. ISBN 3-11-009781-8 .

Web links

Commons : Helmut Nöttger  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Jeremy Gaige : Chess Personalia. A Biobibliography. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, Jefferson NC / London 1987, ISBN 0-89950-293-8 , p. 306.
  2. Helmut Nöttger (1924-2010). (sic) In: Schach-Magazin 64 , April 2010, p. 40.
  3. Helmut Nöttger 85. In: Schach-Magazin 64 , 5/2008, p. 39.
  4. ^ A b c d e Alfred Diel : A grand seigneur resigned. In: Schach-Report - German chess sheets. 140th year, No. 8/91, pp. 30/31.
  5. Engelhardt's Schach-Taschen-Jahrbuch 1964, Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag, Berlin 1963, page 257
  6. Engelhardt's Schach-Taschen-Jahrbuch 1966, Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag, Berlin 1966, page 300
  7. Engelhardt's Schach-Taschen-Jahrbuch 1968, Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag, Berlin 1968, page 242
  8. Engelhardt's Schach-Taschen-Jahrbuch 1968, Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag, Berlin 1968, page 215
  9. Engelhardt's Schach-Taschen-Jahrbuch 1968, Siegfried Engelhardt Verlag, Berlin 1968, page 221
  10. Harry J. Steffes: The DSB Congress in Bremen. In: German chess sheets . 7th year, No. 5, 1968, pp. 115/116.
  11. ^ Alfred Diel: Chess in Germany. Festival book on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the German Chess Federation 1877-1977. Walter Rau Verlag, Düsseldorf 1977, ISBN 3-7919-0167-2 , p. 106.
  12. ^ Alfred Diel: Hard discussions about the finances. In: German chess sheets. 19th year, No. 6, 1980, pp. 145–149.
  13. Manfred van Fondern (Ed.): Lexicon for chess friends. CJ Bucher, Lucerne / Frankfurt / M. 1980, ISBN 3-7658-0308-1 , p. 199.
  14. ^ Otto Borik and Meyers Lexikonredaktion (eds.): Meyers Schachlexikon. Chess knowledge for everyone. Meyers Lexikonverlag, Mannheim / Leipzig / Vienna / Zurich 1993, ISBN 3-411-08811-7 , p. 194.
  15. ^ Alfred Diel: News from the German Chess Federation. In: Schach-Report - German chess sheets. 140th year, No. 7/91, p. 29/30.
  16. ^ Federal Cross of Merit for Helmut Nöttger. In: Schach-Magazin 64 , second August issue 16/92, p. 450 (with photo).