Hendrik Joan Drossaart Lulofs

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Hendrik Joan Drossaart Lulofs (born April 22, 1906 in Amersfoort , † October 21, 1998 in Delft ) was a Dutch classical philologist and historian of philosophy .


Drossaart Lulofs first studied theology at the University of Leiden and passed the kandidaatexamen there in 1931 , before he turned to the study of classical philology , which he completed in 1938 with the doctoraalexamen , which entitles him to use the title Doctorandus in the Netherlands . From 1938 to 1961 he worked as a teacher for ancient languages, ancient history and Hebrew at high schools in The Hague , Amersfoort and Emmen . Leendert Gerrit Westerink was his colleague in Emmen for 14 years. In July 1943 Drossaart Lulofs received his doctorate with the dissertation Aristoteles, De somno et vigilia liber adiectis veteribus translationibus et Theodori Metochitae commentario at the University of Utrecht . From 1961 to 1966 he was a research assistant at the University of Leiden in the field of Aristotle research until he was appointed to a professorship for ancient philosophy at the Universiteit van Amsterdam in 1967. In the same year he was accepted into the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen . He retired in 1976, but continued his academic work into the last years of his life.

Scientific activity

As the focus of his research, Drossaart Lulofs had chosen the writings of the philosopher Aristotle and their tradition not only in the Latin, but also in the Syrian , Arabic and Hebrew Middle Ages (already in the form of his dissertation on the writing De somno et vigilia and its older translations as well as the commentary of Theodoros Metochites ). In this context he also took into account Plato (in the form of the translation of Phaedo by Henricus Aristippus ) and Theophrastus . In his editorial philological projects, Drossaart Lulofs often worked with other scholars such as the Italian philosopher Lorenzo Minio Paluello (1907–1986) , who was exiled to England, or the Dutch Arabist Jan Brugman (1923–2004). He dealt intensively with Aristotle's De generatione animalium , which he finally edited for the Oxford Classical Texts , its Latin translation by Wilhelm von Moerbeke and the Arabic, which is commonly but incorrectly attributed to Yahya ibn al-Bitriq . Another focus was the writings of the Greek scholar Nikolaos von Damascos On the Philosophy of Aristotle (only preserved in Syrian) and On the Plants (five translations in Arabic and Latin). Drossaart Lulofs founded the sub-project of Aristotle Semitico-latinus in 1971 as a further project within the framework of the Corpus philosophorum medii aevi of the Union Académique Internationale from the collaboration with Minio-Paluello, who was then head of the Aristoteles Latinus (1947–1972) edition project .

His students include Remke Kruk , Aafke van Oppenraay and Pieter L. Schoonheim (1940–2010).


  • (Ed.): Aristoteles, De somno et vigilia liber adiectis veteribus translationibus et Theodori Metochitae commentario. Proefschrift Utrecht 1943.
  • Lorenzo Minio-Paluello (ed., With HJ Drossaart Lulofs): Platonis Phaedo interprete Henrico Aristippo. Warburg Institute , London 1950 ( Corpus Platonicum Medii Aevi: Plato Latinus , ed. Raymond Klibansky , Vol. II). Review by Werner Jaeger , online .
  • (Ed.): Aristotelis De generatione animalium. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1965.
  • (Ed.): Nicolaus Damascenus, On the philosophy of Aristotle . Fragments of the first five books translated from the syriac with an introduction and commentary. Brill, Leiden 1965 (Philosophia antiqua, 13). Photomechanical reprint with additions and corrections, 1969.
  • (Ed.): De generatione animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Moerbeka. Desclée de Brouwer, Bruges 1966 (Aristoteles Latinus, XVII.2, V).
  • (Ed., With J. Brugman): Aristotle, Generation of animals. The Arabic translation commonly ascribed to Yahya ibn al-Bitriq. Edited with introduction and glossary. Brill, Leiden 1971.
  • (Ed., With ELJ Poortman): Nicolaus Damascenus, De plantis. Five translations. North-Holland, Amsterdam 1989 (Aristoteles Semitico-latinus).
  • Aafke MI Van Oppenraaij (Ed.): Aristotle, De Animalibus. Part three, Books XV-XIX: Generation of animals. Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin translation. With a greek index to De generatione animalium by HJ Drossaart Lulofs. Brill, Leiden 1992.


  • In memoriam HJ Drossaart Lulofs , in: Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 40, 1998, online
  • Gerhard Endress , Remke Kruk (Ed.): The Ancient Tradition in Christian and Islamic Hellenism. Studies on the Transmission of Greek Philosophy and Sciences dedicated to HJ Drossaart Lulofs on his ninetieth birthday. Brill, Leiden 1997.
  • Gerhard Endress (Ed.): Symposium Graeco-Arabicum. Files from the second Graeco-Arabicum symposium, Ruhr University Bochum, 3.-5. March 1987. Verlag BR Grüner, Amsterdam, 1989 (Archivum Graeco-Arabicum Ser. 1), pp. ix-xiii: "The Participants" (contains a short biography of Drossaart Lulofs), online

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