Leendert Gerrit Westerink

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Leendert Gerrit Westerink (born November 2, 1913 in Velp , Rheden municipality , † January 24, 1990 in Buffalo ) was a Dutch classical scholar .


Leendert Gerrit Westerink came from a family that belonged to the Gereformeerde Kerk and attended the Christelijk Lyceum in Arnhem . He then studied Classical Philology at the Catholic University of Nijmegen , among others with Joseph Charles François Hubert Schrijnen (1869–1938) and Engelbert Drerup . For existential reasons, he also studied English with a view to school service . During his studies in Nijmegen he converted to the Roman Catholic faith . After graduating in 1945, Westerink started teaching English, Latin and Greek at a grammar school in Emmen , which he held until 1965. There was Hendrik Joan Drossaart Lulofs 14 years his colleague. In 1948 he received his doctorate from the University of Nijmegen with a text edition of the Omnifaria doctrina by Michael Psellos . It was not until 1965 that he received a call to the University of New York in Buffalo on the recommendation of Eric Robertson Dodds , André-Jean Festugière , Friedrich Solmsen and Harold Cherniss . In 1984 he retired there.

Since 1966 he was a corresponding member of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen . In 1970 he was invited to the Collège de France as a visiting professor . In the academic year 1973/1974 he was chercheur associé at the CNRS in Paris .

Westerink was an edition philologist . Editions of the text by Neoplatonic philosophers ( Proclus , Porphyrios , Damascius and Olympiodoros ) and the Byzantine authors Photios and Michael Psellos come from him.

Fonts (selection)

Collected writings and articles

  • Texts and Studies in Neoplatonism and Byzantine Literature. Collected papers . Hakkert, Amsterdam 1980, ISBN 90-256-0765-9
  • The Alexandrian commentators and the introductions to their commentaries . In: Richard Sorabji (Ed.): Aristotle Transformed. The Ancient Commentators and Their Influence. 2nd revised edition, Bloomsbury, London 2016, ISBN 978-1-47258-907-1 , pp. 349-375

Text-critical editions

  • Damascius, Commentaire du Parménide de Plato .
    • Tome 1, éd. Leendert Gerrit Westerink, intr., Tr. Et notes Joseph Combès , avec la collaboration d' Alain Philippe Segonds . Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1997. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00454-8 .
    • Tome 2, éd. Leendert Gerrit Westerink, intr., Tr. Et notes Joseph Combès, avec la collaboration d'Alain Philippe Segonds. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1997. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00456-4 .
    • Tome 3, éd. Leendert Gerrit Westerink, intr., Tr. Et notes Joseph Combès, avec la collaboration d'Alain Philippe Segonds. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2002. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00500-5 .
    • Tome 4, éd. Leendert Gerrit Westerink, intr., Tr. Et notes Joseph Combès, avec la collaboration d'Alain Philippe Segonds et Concetta Luna . Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2003. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00512-9 .
  • Damascius, Traité des premiers principes . Texts établi by Leendert Gerrit Westerink et traduit by Joseph Combès. 3 volumes, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1986-1991 (critical edition with French translation).
  • Proclus, Théologie Platonicienne .
    • Tome 1, Introduction. Livre I; éd. et tr. Leendert Gerrit Westerink & Henri Dominique Saffrey . Paris: les Belles Lettres, 1968. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00284-7 .
    • Tome 2, Livre II; éd. et tr. Leendert Gerrit Westerink & Henri Dominique Saffrey. Paris: les Belles Lettres, 1974. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00285-5 .
    • Tome 3, Livre III; éd. et tr. Leendert Gerrit Westerink & Henri Dominique Saffrey. Paris: les Belles Lettres, 1978. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00286-3 .
    • Tome 4, Livre IV; éd. et tr. Leendert Gerrit Westerink & Henri Dominique Saffrey. Paris: les Belles Lettres, 1978. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00287-1 .
    • Tome 5, Livre V; éd. et tr. Leendert Gerrit Westerink & Henri Dominique Saffrey. Paris: les Belles Lettres, 1987. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00386-X .
    • Tome 6, Livre VI. Index general; éd. et tr. Leendert Gerrit Westerink & Henri Dominique Saffrey. Paris: les Belles Lettres, 1997. (Collection des Universités de France). ISBN 2-251-00462-9 .
  • The Greek Commentaries on Plato's Phaedo , Volume 1: Olympiodorus . North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1976 (critical edition with English translation).
  • Olympiodori in Platoni's Gorgiam commentaria . Teubner, Leipzig 1970 (critical edition).
  • [Anonymous]: Prolegomena to Platonic Philosophy , Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1962. (critical edition with English translation).


  • Hendrik Joan Drossaart Lulofs : Levens report LG Westerink . In: Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen: Jaarboek , born 1991, pp. 194–199, online (PDF; 503 kB)
  • Henri Dominique Saffrey: Leendert Gerrit Westerink . In: Gnomon , Vol. 63 (1991), pp. 76-78, reprinted in: Henri Dominique Saffrey: Le néoplatonisme après Plotin . Paris, J. Vrin, 2000, ISBN 2-7116-1476-X , pp. 305-307.

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