Henriette Klink-Schneider

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Henriette Klink and Waldemar Klink at the wing in 1933. Private photo by Ursula Kempen (daughter).

Henriette Klink-Schneider (born December 6, 1905 in Nuremberg ; † February 20, 1997 in Fürth ) was a German concert and oratorio singer ( soprano ) and singing teacher (professor of singing at the Würzburg University of Music ).


Even when she was still at school, she was certain “I want to sing”. At school events she has already surprised with opera arias such as B. “If a slim fellow has gone” ( Der Freischütz ). As a young girl she took part in an audition at the Nuremberg City Theater . She was recommended to the singing teacher Eugen Robert Weiss in Munich. When he fell ill and died in 1933, she continued teaching at his request.

In this way she not only developed into a valued song and oratorio singer, but also a very successful singing teacher. The first student was the soprano Trude Eipperle , already a rising talent at the city theater in Nuremberg. When she was committed to Munich , she had already brought many more students to her. The reputation of the young teacher with the “very good ear” and the “musical flair” had already reached Clemens Krauss . The opera director at the time and his senior director Rudolf Hartmann brought her to the Bavarian State Opera in Munich to look after her soloists "so that the stage singers didn't always have to go to Nuremberg". In addition to Nuremberg, Munich became her second place of work, which resulted in successful artistic projects at both theaters.

In 1950 she accepted the offer as a "contract teacher for solo singing" at the Würzburg Conservatory, later the Bavarian State Conservatory and Würzburg University of Music. In 1953 she was appointed professor (incidentally: the first female professorship at the State Conservatory) and left there in 1972, after 22 years, at retirement age, but remained active as a lecturer and jury member until 1979.

In 1926 she married Waldemar Klink , choir musician, composer, director of the Nürnberger Singschule and "Nürnberger Singgemeinschaft". She had two daughters Hildegard and Ursula.

Well-known students

Trude Eipperle, Eva Hadrabová, Lola Grahl, Vally Brückl, Ingrid Steger, Martha Mödl , Franz Kelch

At the university in Würzburg: Catarina Ligendza , Gunnel Eklund, Barbara Schlick , Adalbert Kraus , Dieter Bundschuh


Bach, Handel, Mozart, Wagner, Weber, Lortzing, Strauss, Pfitzner, Bruch, Hindemith, Schönberg, Stravinsky, Knab, Grieg, Löwe, Schönaich, Pilland etc.

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