Henry Selick

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Henry Selick in conversation with Robert Rodriguez during South by Southwest 2009 .

Henry Selick (born November 30, 1952 in Glen Ridge , New Jersey ) is an American producer , film director , screenwriter and production designer .


Selick grew up in Glen Ridge, New Jersey and studied painting, drawing, photography , sculpture and fine art at Syracuse University when he was 20 . This was followed by studies (animation) at the California Institute of the Arts . There Selick met Brad Bird , John Lasseter , Tim Burton and John Musker, for example .

He then worked for the Disney studios . In 2010 his animated film Coraline was nominated for an Oscar . In April 2012, Disney announced that Selick was directing Neil Gaiman's novella The Graveyard Book .



  • 1982: Seepage (short film)
  • 1985: Fishbone: Party at Ground Zero (short film)
  • 1991: Slow Bob in the Lower Dimensions (short film)
  • 1993: The Nightmare Before Christmas (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
  • 1996: James and the Giant Peach
  • 2001: Monkeybone
  • 2005: Moongirl (short film)
  • 2009: Coraline


  • 1982: Seepage (short film)
  • 1991: Slow Bob in the Lower Dimensions (short film)
  • 1998: MTV's Weird-Ass Cartoon Classics (TV series)
  • 2009: Coraline


Awards (selection)


  • 2010: Coraline - nomination for the best animated feature film

Saturn Award

  • 1994: Nightmare Before Christmas - Nomination for Best Director

Le Cristal du long métrage

  • 1997: James and the Giant Peach - Award for Best Feature Film
  • 2009: Coraline - Award for Best Feature Film

Annie Award

  • 1994: Nightmare Before Christmas - Award for the best individual achievement of a creatively supervised cartoon film
  • 2010: Coraline - Nomination for Best Director of a Feature Film

British Film Academy Award

  • 2010: Coraline - nomination for the best animated feature film

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Henry Selick To Direct Neil Gaiman's "The Graveyard Book" In Disney Deal
  2. "CORALINE" director returns to Gaiman territory, opens "THE GRAVEYARD BOOK" ( Memento of the original from May 4, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.fangoria.com

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