Herbert Doeschner

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Herbert Doeschner (born February 18, 1900 in Dresden , † February 10, 1976 in Munich ) was a German politician ( SPD ).

Herbert Doeschner attended an upper secondary school in Dresden and did a commercial apprenticeship. At the end of the First World War , he was drafted in 1918 . He then worked in the theater and film industry in Berlin , at the same time as a freelance journalist . In 1928 Doeschner joined the SPD and was active there in the Charlottenburg district . Even after the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists in 1933, he was active - now illegally - in the Charlottenburg SPD. He was arrested and charged with "preparing for high treason ". The Supreme Courtsentenced him to two years in prison , which Doeschner served in the Brandenburg-Görden prison. From 1936 he worked as an authorized signatory for a construction company in Berlin-Mariendorf .

After the Second World War , Doeschner immediately became politically active again, in the first Berlin election in 1946 he was elected to the district assembly in the Wilmersdorf district. At that time, the Social Democrats Hildegard Wegscheider and Arno Scholz were elected to the first district assembly of Wilmersdorf . From 1949 to 1965 Doeschner was Wilmersdorfer district councilor for economy and later for construction and housing. In the 1958 election he was initially only a member of the Berlin House of Representatives for a few weeks . In October 1965 Reinhard Bühling was elected as a member of the Bundestag and Doeschner moved up to the House of Representatives. In 1971 he resigned from parliament for reasons of age.


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