Herbert Mataré

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Herbert F. Mataré (1950)

Herbert Franz Mataré (born September 22, 1912 in Aachen ; † September 2, 2011 ) was a German physicist . The focus of his research was in the field of semiconductor research. His best known work is the development of the first functional European transistor . He developed and patented this together with Heinrich Welker near Paris at the same time and independently of the engineers of Bell Laboratories in the USA.


His father was the artist Josef Mataré (March 19, 1880 - September 25, 1966), brother of the better-known sculptor Ewald Mataré .

Mataré studied mathematics, chemistry, electrochemistry, atomic physics and solid state physics at the Technical University of Aachen and at other universities. In 1939 he received the Dipl.-Ing. in applied physics in Aachen. This was followed by postgraduate studies in mathematics, physics and chemistry at the University of Geneva . In 1939 he joined the Telefunken development laboratory in Berlin, which was headed by Wilhelm Runge . At that time it was clear that the miniaturization of vacuum tubes was reaching its technological limits and replacement solutions had to be found. Solid-state circuits and the application of the transistor principle from the inventions of Julius Edgar Lilienfeld , Oskar Heil , Walter Schottky and Robert Wichard Pohl were ideal for this. After the Telefunken factory in Zehlendorf was hit in an Allied air raid on Berlin at the beginning of March 1943 , all Telefunken development laboratories were relocated to the Cistercian monastery Leubus in Silesia , where Mataré worked on improving the sensitivity of centimeter wave receivers . In 1943 he was at the Technical University of Berlin Dr.-Ing. PhD.

Later he came to the Compagnie des Freins et Signaux Westinghouse , a small company in Aulnay-sous- , via Thuringia, Wabern near Kassel and via Aachen, where in 1945/46 he was a lecture assistant to Walter Rogowski and Wilhelm Fucks at the Physics and Electrotechnical Institute of the RWTH . Bois near Paris . In 1950 he received the “Dr. sc. phys. ”at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. He moved to the USA in 1953 and took on various positions and consultancy activities for laboratories. In 1957 he made contact with TeKaDe in Nuremberg , moved back to Germany and built up the semiconductor laboratory there. Five years later he accepted an offer from the Bendix laboratories and moved back to the USA, where he has lived for many years since then.


Herbert Mataré (1990)

At the same time as the US researchers, the German researchers Mataré and Welker developed the first functional “French transistor” between 1945 and 1948 at the small company F & S Westinghouse in Aulnay-sous-Bois near Paris . They submitted a patent application for it on August 13, 1948. On May 18, 1949, this European invention was presented to the public as “Le Transistron”.

In 1951/52 Mataré founded the Intermetall company in Düsseldorf, the first company in the world to offer diodes and transistors. It was financed by a US holding company and later sold to Clevite Corporation . The later name after a further takeover by ITT Holding was "INTERMETALL semiconductor plant of Deutsche ITT Industries GmbH".

Awards and honors (selection)

Publications (selection)

  • From radar technology to modern communication technology . In: Tele-Kommunikation aktuell . 9/02, 10/02 (in one volume). Verlag für Wissenschaft und Leben Georg Heidecker, September 2002, ISSN  1619-2036 , p. 1-59 .
  • The conversion efficiency of diodes . In: Journal for high frequency technology and electroacoustics . tape 6 , 1944, pp. 62 .
  • Observations concernant l'effet de transistance . In: L'Onde Electrique . November 1950.
  • Harmonic mixing with crystal diodes . In: Archives of Electrical Transmission . tape 7 , 1953, pp. 1-15 .
  • Electronic Properties of Germanium Bicrystals . In: 24th Conference on Physical Electronics, MIT . March 1964.
  • Field Dependance of Photoresponse and Heterodyning of Optical Signals . In: International Journal of Electronics . tape 19 , no. 5 , November 1960, p. 405-437 .
  • Heteroepitaxy . In: Scientia Electrica, ETH Zurich . Part 1, Volume XV Fasc. 3 and Part 2 Fasc. 4, 1969.
  • The Electronic Properties of Epitaxial Layers . In: Solid State Technology . Part 1: February 1976, Part 2: March 1976, 1976.
  • Applied Physics Review: Carrier Transport at Grain Boundaries in Semiconductors . In: Journal of Applied Physics . tape 56 , no. 10 , November 15, 1984.
  • Defect Alignment in Grain Boundaries as Quantum Wells . In: Applied Physics Letters . tape 65 , no. 26 , December 26, 1994th

Patents (selection)

Mataré has applied for more than 80 patents. The following list can therefore only represent a selection.

  • Patent US2552052 : Push-pull converter of the crystal type for ultra-short waves. Inventor: HF Mataré (French priority of May 23, 1947).
  • Patent FR1010427 : Nouveau système cristallin à plusieurs électrodes réalisant des effects de relais électroniques. Registered on August 13, 1948 , applicant: Westinghouse, inventor: HF Mataré, H. Welker.
  • Patent US2673948 : Crystal device for controlling electric currents by means of a solid semiconductor. Applicant: Westinghouse, inventor: HF Mataré, H. Welker (French priority of August 13, 1948).


  • Herbert F. Mataré: The experiences of a German physicist and engineer from 1912 to the end of the century . In: The telecommunications engineer . 4/01, 5/01 (in one volume). Verlag für Wissenschaft und Leben Georg Heidecker, April 2001, ISSN  0015-010X , p. 1-109 .
  • John Markoff: Herbert F. Mataré. An inventor of the transistor has his moment . In: The New York Times . February 24, 2003 ( mindfully.org ).
  • Michael Riordan: How Europe Missed The Transistor . In: IEEE Spectrum . tape 42 , no. 11 , 2005, ISSN  0018-9235 , p. 52-57 , doi : 10.1109 / MSPEC.2005.1526906 .
  • Kai Handel: Beginnings of semiconductor research and development. Shown in the biographies of four German semiconductor pioneers. PhD thesis RWTH Aachen . June 29, 1999 ( darwin.bth.rwth-aachen.de [PDF]).
  • Armand Van Dormael: Biographies: Herbert F. Mataré . In: IEEE Annals of the History of Computing . tape 31 , no. 3 , 2009, p. 68-73 , doi : 10.1109 / MAHC.2009.38 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The support team has a scan of the obituary notice under ticket: 2011092210019198
  2. Before 1933 he (the father, Josef Mataré) created the portrait of Matthieu Soiron , in 1913 the bronze relief of Faistos on the hot mountain cemetery Burtscheid / Aachen .
  3. ^ A b Armand Van Dormael: The "French" Transistor . In: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Conference on the History of Electronics, Bletchley Park, June 2004 . ( ethw.org [PDF]).
  4. Contrary to the name, not a subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric but state-owned. Van Dormael The French Transistor ( Memento from June 1, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Patent FR1010427 : Nouveau système cristallin à plusieurs électrodes réalisant des effects de relay électroniques. Registered on August 13, 1948 , applicant: Westinghouse, inventor: HF Mataré, H. Welker.
  6. Patent US2673948 : Crystal device for controlling electric currents by means of a solid semiconductor. Applicant: Westinghouse, inventor: HF Mataré, H. Welker (French priority of August 13, 1948).
  7. ^ HF Mataré: Experiences of a German physicist and engineer from 1912 to the end of the century . In: The telecommunications engineer . 4/01, 5/01 (in one volume). Verlag für Wissenschaft und Leben Georg Heidecker, April 2001, ISSN  0015-010X , p. 1-109 .
  8. Eduard-Rhein-Stiftung ( Memento of the original from September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.eduard-rhein-stiftung.de
  9. ^ DIE WELT ONLINE "The German inventor of the transistor" November 14, 2008
  10. Physik Journal, October 22, 2008