Herman Wedge

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Herman Keil (born January 13, 1889 in Darmstadt , † August 21, 1964 in Karlsruhe ) was a German architect , graphic artist , wood cutter , painter and university teacher .

life and work

Herman Keil graduated from high school in Mainz in 1907 . After graduating from high school, he attended Adolf Beyer's painting school in Darmstadt. From 1909 to 1912 he studied archeology , art history , philosophy and languages ​​in Munich . In 1912 , Keil received his PhD. phil. with an art history dissertation on "ornamentation of the 18th century". At the same time he studied at the painting schools of Richard Exter and Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel in Frankfurt am Main .

After graduating, he worked as a research assistant at the Art History Institute of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen . In 1913 and 1914 he lived and studied in Paris . During the First World War , Keil was a soldier for 3¾ years . In 1919 he was a co-founder of the Darmstadt Secession . From 1919 to 1921 (according to other sources 1919 to 1924) Keil lived and worked in Ettal . From 1922 (according to other sources from 1924) he lived in Frankfurt am Main. From 1932 to 1935 he worked as an architect and garden architect in Paris and Tours . He then worked as an architect in Germany, among other things.

From 1942 to 1944, Keil taught at the State Technical College in Karlsruhe. After the Second World War he taught at the Werkkunstschule Darmstadt , then art history at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe . In 1953, Keil was appointed professor .

Keil's oeuvre belongs to late expressionism . In his woodcuts he commented on political issues of his time.

Exhibitions, galleries, museums (selection)

  • Niobids (1914).
  • Cosmos (1918).
  • Portrait of a Girl (1918).
  • From 1919 he sent exhibitions to the Darmstadt Secession.
  • Portfolio “Eros” (6 linoleum cuts) (1919).
  • Bavarian Mountains (1922).
  • High House (1924).
  • Shooting gallery (1924).
  • 3 woodcuts in Kasimir Edschmid: “Speech to a poet” (1924).
  • 1 woodcut in the portfolio of the Darmstadt Secession.


  • Wedge, Hermann . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 20 : Kaufmann – Knilling . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1927, p. 69 .
  • Wilhelm Michel: First exhibition of the "Darmstadt Secession". In: German art and decoration. 23rd year 1919/1920, half volume XLV (October 1919 - March 1920), pp. 131–142, here p. 134 ( digizeitschriften.de ).
  • Herman Wedge. In: Cicerone XII (1920) p. 64 (Kasimir Edschmid); XIII (1921) p. 561; XVI (1924) pp. 624 f., 645 f. (Kasimir Edschmid); XVIII (1926) p. 361.
  • Herman Wedge. In: Roland Dotzert et al .: Stadtlexikon Darmstadt. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-8062-1930-3 , p. 472 f.
  • Herman Wedge. In: Darmstädter Echo of March 1, 2016, p. 16.