Hermann Poschinger

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Hermann Poschinger (born January 19, 1886 in Ferlach , † March 14, 1965 in St. Martin near Klagenfurt ) was an Austrian painter .


Poschinger's ancestors were Unterferlach gunsmiths , the grandfather Phillipp Ferlacher mayor (1872–86). The family immigrated from Bavaria in the 17th century . In 1890 Poschinger moved to Gmünd in Carinthia with his mother Maria (née Egger), a primary school teacher . Poschinger completed his school education in Gmünd, Klagenfurt and Graz . 1908-12 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with Christian Griepenkerl , Rudolf Bacher (at the same time as the Carinthian artists Franz Wiegele and Anton Kolig ). In 1918 he attended Alois Delug's “special school”.

From 1912 he worked as a drawing teacher at community schools in Völkermarkt and Ferlach. He was a founding member of the Art Association for Carinthia and participated in its first exhibition in 1913. During the First World War , Poschinger served as an officer in the Balkans and on the Italian front (but not as an official war painter , as he is not included in the lists of the Austro-Hungarian War Press Headquarters ) .

In 1919 he is said to have participated in the Carinthian defensive battle in 1919. Freelance painter since 1927, friend of Switbert Lobisser , member of the men's association Schlaraffia , Poschinger succeeded in the interwar period in painting for a while in the Vatican . From 1936 to 1938 he worked as a national socialist- oriented painter at the Institute for Forest Protection, Forest Use and Plant Sociology in Freiburg im Breisgau under Professor Erwin Aichinger . In the Second World War Poschinger was employed as a war painter from 1942 to 1945 ( Carniola , Friuli , Norway - Lofoten , Finland ). Hermann Göring is said to have ordered a huge Alpine panorama from Poschinger with Hollenburg Castle in the center and bought it for his country house Carinhall .

Even after the end of the war, Poschinger remained artistically active, despite a serious motorcycle accident in 1951. He died in 1965 "after a long period of severe suffering" and is buried at the Ferlach-Dollich park cemetery.


Poschinger is valued today primarily as a sensitive landscape painter . Works can be found in the Carinthian State Gallery and in numerous private collections.


  • Agnes Husslein-Arco, Matthias Boeckl (Hg): Hermit Cosmopolitans: modern painting in Carinthia 1900-1955 , Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, 2004