Hermann Wasserfuhr

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August Hermann Wasserfuhr (born June 14, 1823 in Stettin , † July 16, 1897 in Berlin ) was a German doctor.


Hermann Wasserfuhr was born as the son of General Doctor August Ferdinand Wasserfuhr . He studied medicine at the Universities of Halle , Bonn and Berlin . He became a member of the Corps Borussia Halle and the Corps Hansea Bonn . In 1845 he completed his studies with a doctorate to become Dr. med. from. He then trained in Prague in 1846 with Johann von Oppolzer , Franz von Pitha , Ferdinand von Arlt and Joseph Hamernik and Vienna . In the same year he established himself as a general practitioner in Stettin. During the cholera - epidemics of 1856 and 1857, he served as the city morgue doctor. In 1858 he was appointed royal surgeon for the district of Szczecin and Randow's district . During the severe cholera epidemic of 1866 he was the doctor in charge of the municipal cholera hospital in Petrihof. In 1868 he was one of the founders of the German quarterly publication for public health care , of which he was editor for many years. In 1871 he was appointed to the organization of the medical sector in Alsace-Lorraine in Strasbourg . In 1872 he was appointed imperial government and medical councilor and in 1879 he was appointed imperial ministerial advisor in the newly formed Ministry for Alsace-Lorraine. In addition to setting up a medical administration based on the German model, it was particularly important to him to encourage doctors in Alsace-Lorraine to work together on hygienic work. Dismissed from service at his own request in 1885 after disagreements with the administration of the Reichsland, he lived in Berlin from then on.

The medical achievements of Wasserfuhr include his practical work and writings on hygiene . With a petition in 1870 to the Reichstag of the North German Confederation under the leadership of Wasserfuhr, the doctors Hermann Eberhard Friedrich Richter, Gustav Adolph Spiess and Georg Varrentrapp as well as the city planning officer James Hobrecht , the parliamentary way for the Reich vaccination law of 1874 was prepared.

Public offices

  • 1860 City Councilor of Szczecin
  • 1886–1889 Berlin city councilor and department head for medical affairs

Military career

In the Franco-Prussian War he took part as a medical officer and guide and doctor in charge of a railway hospital train during the evacuation of the wounded and sick from France to Germany. In 1873 he was promoted to senior staff doctor 2nd class and in 1875 1st class of the Landwehr. In 1886 he was promoted to general physician 2nd class and in 1890 1st class of the Landwehr. In September 1886 he was one of the founders of the comradely association of medical officers of the Landwehr regimental district of Berlin (later the Landwehr Inspection Berlin ), of which he was the first chairman for a decade.


  • Awarded the Iron Cross in the Franco-German War
  • Honorary Chairman of the Comradeship Association of Medical Officers of the Landwehr Inspection Berlin


  • Research on child mortality in Szczecin , 1867
  • The mortality of newborns in Germany , 1869
  • Four months on a medical train , 1871
  • The state of health in Alsace-Lorraine during 1881 , 1882
  • The Regulations and Institutions in Alsace-Lorraine for Disease Prevention , 1882
  • The state of health in Alsace-Lorraine during 1882 , 1883
  • The Medical-Hygienic Association of Alsace-Lorraine, its creation and development in the first 10 years of its existence , 1884
  • The "new ordinance concerning qualification for employment as a district doctor in Alsace-Lorraine, of September 26, 1885 , 1886
  • Medical Supervision of Schools , 1888
  • War memories of a medical officer in the Landwehr 1870-1871 , 1893


  • Julius Pagel : Wasserfuhr, Hermann . In: Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin / Vienna 1901, Sp.  1811–1812 .
  • † General physician 1st class of the Landwehr Dr. Water transport . In: German Military Medical Journal , Volume 26, Issue 11, 1897, pp. 509–510 ( digitized version )
  • Biographical messages . In: Leopoldina - official organ of the Imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische Akademie der Naturforscher , 33. Issue, No. 8, August 1897, pp. 113–114 ( digitized version )

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 22/8; 96/78
  2. Dissertation: De crisium caussis .
  3. Bärbel-Jutta Hess: Epidemic legislation in the German states and in the German Empire from the end of the 18th century to the Reich Epidemic Act 1900 , 2000, pp. 32–33, 199 ( digitized version ; PDF; 6.0 MB)