August Ferdinand Wasserfuhr

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August Ferdinand Wasserfuhr (born February 24, 1787 in Tapiau ; † June 27, 1867 in Stettin ) was a Prussian general physician who had made a name for himself as an author on Prussian military medicine.


Wasserfuhr's father was a pharmacist and city ​​treasurer , his mother a nee Thierbacher.

From 1805 he attended the Collegium medico-chirurgicum in Berlin. He then joined the Prussian Army and was employed as a company surgeon in the 1st East Prussian Grenadier Battalion in Rastenburg and Pillau . In 1812 he came to the Guard Regiment on foot in Potsdam. He took part in the Wars of Liberation with the regiment in 1813/14 . For his behavior in the battle of Bautzen , Wasserfuhr received the Iron Cross on a White Ribbon, 2nd class. In the summer campaign of 1815 he took part as a staff surgeon of the flying field hospital No. 20.

After the war, Wasserfuhr was appointed pensioner surgeon at the Invalidenhaus Berlin in 1816 . He passed the medical and surgical state examination and was awarded Dr. med. PhD. He worked as a regimental doctor in Thionville and Koblenz . In 1820 he finally became a general divisional doctor in the II Army Corps in Stettin . He was to live there until his death. In 1848 he took part in the Schleswig-Holstein campaign at the headquarters of General Friedrich von Wrangel , where he directed the entire medical system of the troops under his control. For this, Wasserfuhr was awarded the Red Eagle Order II. Class with Oak Leaves as well as the Commander's Cross of the Oldenburg House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Friedrich Ludwig .

When General Wrangel was appointed Commander-in-Chief in the Marche in 1848 , Wasserfuhr was temporarily in charge of the military medical system in the Marche. In 1851 he was allowed to leave as general doctor with a pension .

Wasserfuhr accompanied the development of the Prussian military medical system with a series of publications. As early as 1816 he published the criticism of the work of Dr. Bischoff: About the healing of the German armies , with which he turned against Christoph Heinrich Ernst Bischoff . In the expert opinion on some items of the Prussian Medicinal Constitution (1837) he turned against some institutions that Johann Nepomuk Rust , the then head of the Prussian medical system, had created. This writing caused a sensation.

Wasserfuhr died in Stettin in 1867. His son Hermann Wasserfuhr also became a physician and general practitioner.
