Hermann von Fischel

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Sea captain Hermann von Fischel (1933)

Hermann von Fischel (born January 13, 1887 in Kiel , † May 13, 1950 near Moscow ) was a German naval officer , most recently an admiral in World War II .


Von Fischel was the son of Admiral à la suite Max von Fischel, who was raised to hereditary nobility in 1908, and joined the Imperial Navy on April 1, 1905 as a midshipman . After completing his ship training on the cruiser frigate SMS Stosch , he went to the naval school. There he was appointed ensign at sea on April 7, 1907 and after his successful graduation assigned to the East Asia Squadron. On board the small cruiser SMS Arcona , the transport to lieutenant at sea took place here . Back in Germany, Fischel came to the I. Torpedo Division as a company officer in October 1909. At first he was used as an officer on watch on various torpedo boats and, after becoming first lieutenant at sea on January 27, 1911 , received his first command in April of the same year with T 56 . From October 1, 1911 to September 30, 1913 he was deployed as an artillery officer on the small cruisers SMS Mainz and SMS Königsberg , before he was then transferred to the liner SMS Hanover and served here as an officer on watch. From July to the end of November 1915 he was commanded for submarine training. From December 1915 to the end of March 1916 he commanded the SM U 17 , then the torpedo boat S 125 for a month, and then commanded the SM U 65 until August 1918 . After he had given up command of the submarine, Kapitänleutnant Fischel (since April 24, 1916) was used as the second admiral staff officer in the staff of the submarine flotilla Pola . At the end of the war, Fischel was initially put to the disposition and later accepted into the Imperial Navy.

First he served as a company commander in the III. Naval artillery department in Swinoujscie . From January 4 to September 30, 1922 he was third admiral staff officer in the staff of the chief of the naval station of the Baltic Sea in Kiel, before he came on board the ship of the line Hanover as second artillery officer until September 25, 1924 . Fischel then received command of the I. Department of the ship's trunk division of the Baltic Sea and was promoted to corvette captain on October 1, 1924 . From August 29, 1925 to September 26, 1927, Fischel was the first artillery officer on the liner Alsace and then worked as a teacher until September 22, 1930, then as a staff officer with the staff of the ship artillery school in Kiel-Wik . In this capacity he became a frigate captain on January 1, 1930 . As head of the training department (A III) he moved to the naval command office , where he was promoted to sea captain on October 1, 1931 .

On March 15, 1933, Fischel took over the crew of the armored ship Deutschland , which was put into service a short time later , and of which he became the first commander. On September 29, 1935, Fischel gave up command of the Germany again and was initially made available to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy on October 1, 1935 while at the same time being promoted to Rear Admiral . From November 25, 1936 to February 8, 1938 he acted as commander of the ironclad ships and at the same time several times as commander of the German naval forces off the Iberian Peninsula during the Spanish Civil War . After his return to the German Reich, he was promoted to Vice Admiral on April 1, 1938, when he was appointed head of the General Naval Office . Fischel held this post until December 31, 1939. Subsequently, he was head of the test command for new ships until January 8, 1941 and at the same time, from August to October 1940, designated leader of transport fleet B as part of the unrealized Sea Lion company .

Admiral von Fischel (middle, 1941)

Until February 16, 1941 he was commander of the West Security and then until January 31, 1943 Naval Commander Channel Coast. On September 1, 1941, he was promoted to admiral . His office was reallocated on February 1, 1943 and Fischel acted now until May 10, 1943 as commanding admiral Channel Coast. Then until June 18, 1943, he was instructed by the Air Force staff, and until September 14, 1944, he was head of the Air Force staff. Fischel was then put up for discussion and retired on November 30, 1944.

Soviet units captured him after the war, and he died on May 13, 1950 in a camp near Moscow.



  • Dermot Bradley (ed.): Germany's generals and admirals. Part 1: Hans H. Hildebrand, Ernest Henriot: Germany's Admirals 1849–1945. The military careers of naval, engineering, medical, weapons and administrative officers with admiral rank. Volume 1: A-G. Biblio-Verlag, Osnabrück 1988, ISBN 3-7648-2480-8 .

Web links

Commons : Hermann von Fischel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Reichswehr Ministry (Ed.): Ranking list of the German Reichsmarine. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1929, ZDB -ID 348107-4 , p. 42.