Herwig Haase

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Berlin 2010

Herwig Erhard Haase (born January 15, 1945 in Hohensalza , West Prussia ) is a German economist and CDU politician.


Haase's parents were Erhard Haase, the missing doctor since 1945, son of Pastor Daniel Haase , and his wife Ella, a teacher. Herwig Haase's marriage to Christa resulted in two children.

After graduating from high school in 1964 at the Johanneum zu Lüneburg , he studied economics and social sciences at the Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin) and in 1969 graduated as a graduate economist. From 1970 to 1971 he was a research assistant at the Central Institute for Social Science Research at the Free University of Berlin (1976 doctorate ) and from 1972 scientific director of a research department at the British military government. From 1977 to 1990 Herwig Haase was a research assistant and, after completing his habilitation in 1987, was a private lecturer at the Eastern European Institute of the Free University of Berlin. Subsequently, from 1990 he was professor of economics at the European Business School Berlin (EAP), today's ESCP Europe . Haase is the founding dean of Touro College Berlin .


In accordance with his interests and the principles influenced by Ludwig Erhard , Haase became a member of the Ring of Christian Democratic Students and the Berlin student parliament . Haase, who joined the CDU in 1967, was elected a member of the Tempelhof District Assembly in 1979. In January 1983 he replaced Peter Rzepka in the Berlin House of Representatives , to which he was a member of the CDU parliamentary group until the Berlin election in 1999 . As a representative of his group he was, among other things, chairman of the main committee and, in the case of the fall of the Berlin Wall, of the economic committee.

In the first all-Berlin Senate under Eberhard Diepgen , Haase was elected as Senator for Transport and Public Enterprises of the State of Berlin in 1991. Under his leadership, municipal businesses were merged, converted from proprietary businesses to public-law institutions and prepared for coping with the new challenges through far-reaching reforms with fewer employees. Comparable upheavals are started by the urban development plan for traffic, the implementation of the railway concept with large construction projects, the preference for local public transport as well as the renaming of streets after the capital city's decision.

He resigned from this office before the constituent session of the 13th Berlin House of Representatives, as he was elected as the new President of the House of Representatives on November 30, 1995. Compared to the previous Senate Diepgen III was Senate Diepgen IV been reduced; the departments of traffic and operations were subordinated to the senate administrations for building and housing (traffic) as well as for economy (operations).

During his presidency he strove to bring the people still affected by the division together. He was particularly disappointed in 1996 when the Berlin-Brandenburg merger failed . In 1999 he refused to run again for parliament and president and resigned from both offices in November of that year. During his tenure in office, Haase was regularly criticized, sometimes very fiercely.


After leaving politics, Herwig Haase returned to today's ESCP Europe and was Vice-Rector from 1999 to 2002. From 2002 to 2009, Haase was the rector of the university. He further expanded the university with new appointments, master’s programs (including for Central Europe with universities in Poznan, Bratislava, Tartu, Budapest and Kiev) and a doctoral program in Berlin.

In addition, he took on the honorary duties of a founding dean (2003-2006) of the German-American, Christian-Jewish Touro College . After his retirement (2010), he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives until 2017.


Herwig E. Haase's list of publications includes over 50 publications, most of which were written before his political life and which go beyond handbooks for public finance (HdF), public business administration (HWÖ) and tax law (HWStR), such as:

  • The European Attractiveness Scoreboard , eds. Invest in France Agency, Invest in Germany, Paris-Berlin 2008, 2nd edition ( online as PDF ; 2.2 MB).
  • Market economy and planned economy. An encyclopedic dictionary. German - English - Russian. (= Market Economy and Planned Economy: An Encyclopaedic Dictionary ). Saur, Munich 1999.
  • Direct Taxes in East and West. In: Bulletin for international fiscal documentation , Vol. 41 (1987), No. 7, pp 304-317.
  • Main taxes in the socialist economic system , Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1980.
  • La Hacienda Pública en la República Demcratica de Alemania. In: Hacienda Pública Espanola , 1980, No. 66, pp. 129-142.
  • Development Trends in the GDR Economy during the 1980's - A Prognosis of its Problems (Reports of the Eastern European Institute at the FU Berlin, Issue 124a), Berlin 1980.
  • The economic system of the GDR. An introduction , Berlin Verlag, Berlin 1990, 2nd ed.


  • Werner Breunig, Andreas Herbst (ed.): Biographical handbook of the Berlin parliamentarians 1963–1995 and city councilors 1990/1991 (= series of publications of the Berlin State Archives. Volume 19). Landesarchiv Berlin, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-9803303-5-0 , p. 167.
  • Gerhard Lüdtke, Hans Strodel, Hans Jaeger: Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar . Saur, 1996, p. 1188 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • President of the House of Representatives (Ed.): The bust gallery in the House of Representatives of Berlin , Berlin 2016.

Web links

Commons : Herwig Haase  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Daniel Haase †. In: Yearbook (calendar) of the Germans of Bessarabia . 1940, p. 208 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. ↑ In 1995 Haase defied the opposite vote of the Prenzlauer Berg district parliament and the resistance of some residents and had the entire street of Dimitroff- in Danziger Straße renamed.
  3. Otto Köhler: The double winkler . In: The time . No. 27 , July 1, 1994 ( online ).
  4. Stefan Ehlert : Haase's last fat bowl? In: Berliner Zeitung , July 23, 1999.
  5. See, for example, new professor for international corporate accounting at ESCP-EAP. (No longer available online.) September 21, 2005, formerly in the original ; accessed on June 4, 2018 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.escpeurope.eu  
  6. ESCP-EAP Berlin extends cooperation agreement with Tartu Estonia. (No longer available online.) December 22, 2003, formerly in the original ; accessed on June 4, 2018 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.escpeurope.eu