Hilmar Deichmann (Pastor)

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"Like. Hilmar Deichmann “on the gallery of the Marktkirche St. Jacobi u. Georgii in Hanover;
Oil painting, 17th century; without artist signature

Hilmar Deichmann (also Hilmar Deichman , and Hilmarus Deichmannus and name variants; * March 30, 1625 in Hanover ; † October 5, 1674 ibid) was a German school principal and Protestant pastor .


Hilmar Deichmann was born in 1725 during the Thirty Years' War as the son of a turner working in Hanover . He completed his studies with a master's degree . Before the end of the war, he became first vice-rector in Hameln in 1647, then rector of the town's town school .

In 1655 Deichmann became pastor in Groß Berkel near Hameln. From 1661 he worked in his hometown as a pastor, first in the parish of the Aegidienkirche , then from 1670 on "at the Georgenkirche" in the city.

At least six funeral sermons are known from his time in Hanover , including Werner Leidenfrost , 1672 for the widow Block, 1673 for “Dr. Ant. Günther Friedrichs ”as well as for Hedwig Brockmann and the brothers“ Otto and Jac. Heinr. Türck ”and 1674 for Georg Albrecht Block.

Fonts (selection)

  • In Epistolas Canonicas Et Catholicas Petri, Judæ, Jacobi Et Johannis Paraphrasis Des. Erasmi Roterodami ... Denuo Recusa / Studio Et Opera M. Hilmari Deichmanni Hannoverani, ad D. Ægidij ibidem Pastoris , in Erasmus Desiderus : Des. Erasmi Roterodami Paraphrasis In Servatoris Et Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Novum Testamentum, Hactenus Ab Annis Plurimis Piorum Et Doctissimorum Votis, Exemplaribus Jam Pridem Deficientibus, Desiderata. Nunc vero Instituta Cum Optimis Editionibus Diligenti Collatione Variis Locis Emendata In Paragraphos Sacro Codici Respondentes Distincta Denuo Recusa , Hannoveræ, Typis Georgij Friderici Grimmij, Principalis Typographi, 1668
  • Leich-Sermon / From the XLII. Cap. Syrachs v. 16. At the funeral of ... Mr. Georg Albrecht Blocks / The Ertzbischöfflichen Collegiat-Stiffts-Kirchen St. Sebastiani in Magdeburg Canonici ...: Which the 13th Martii Anno 1671. in Hameln ... died / and the 28 . eiusdem ... was buried on earth. / Held by M. Hilmaro Deichmann ... , Hannover: Grimm, 1671; Digitized version of the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB)
  • Leich-Sermon on the words Pauli Philipp. III. v. 20. 21: Our walk is in heaven / [et] c. : Bey of the most prestigious funeral of ... women Dorotheen Bösen / Mr Johann Blocks Sehl. The canonici of the Stiffts St. Bonifacii in Hameln / and .... the widows left by Ober-Cämmerers / Which died on May 14th of this 1672th year ... and were adjudicated on the 23rd of the same month ... in Hanover. / Held by M. Hilmaro Deichman .. , Hannover: Grimm, 1672; Digital copy of the SUB
  • Christian Funeral Sermon On The Words Of The Prophet Esaia Cap. LVII. v. 1. 2.: Bey for a great funeral Deß ... Mr. Anthon Gunther Friederich, Philosophiae & Medicinae Doctoris also take for Practici allhie / As the same after failing there from this short life the 31st January in the year 1673 in his bought hereditary funeral in the church to St. Jacobi and Georgi [i] ... on February 13th an act was passed , Hanover / Druckts Georg Frieder. Grimm / Prince. Printer, 1673; Digital version of the Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage (SBB)
  • Christian funeral sermon. On the words of the apostle Peter I Epist. IV. Vs. 12.: With a respectable but sad funeral of the two brothers as Des ... Mr. Herman Otho Turken, both right doctoris, for Patritii and famous Practici alhie / Then also Des ... Mr. Jacob Heinrich Turken, also for Patritii alhie and Fürstl . Braunschw. Lüneb. Wolbestalten lieutenants at the Guarrison in the fortress of Hameln / Those who followed each other out of this temporal life into eternal life within 20 hours / namely the Herr Doctor sehl. on April 8th ... the lieutenant is missing. but April 7th ... in Christ blessedly different / and in their sex burial on April 18th in the church of St. Aegidii in the city of Hanover ... to have been confirmed to earth / held ... / by M. Hilmaro Deichmann, Hannoverano, preachers at the churches of S. Jacobi and Georgii there , Hannover: Grimm, 1673; Digital copy of the SUB
  • Christian funeral sermon about the saying of St. Johannis in addition to his first letter on the third cap. v. 1. & 2.: Bey ... funeral of ... women Dorothea Hedewig Brockmanns / Des ... Mr. Johann Michael Merkhel / Fürstl. Browns. Lüneb. Chamber writers married lovers. Those who fell asleep on April 27th of this 1673rd year / in the 30th year of their age ... / and on May 9th at the churchyard of St. Jacobi and Georgii ... were ordained / held by M. Hilmarum Deichmann, Hannoveranum, preachers of the churches of St. Jacobi and Georgii , Hanover: Grimm, 1673; Digital copy of the SUB
  • Christian funeral sermon on the last two verses of the XIII. Psalms: At ... Mr. Leichbegängnüß Deß ... Werneri Leidenfrost, In the 23 years of faithful preacher and pastor of the Christian community to SS. Jacob and Georg all here / when he fell asleep on 17 June 1673 / and on June 26 then ... buried. Held and handed over for printing upon request , Hanover / Printed by Georg Friederich Grimmen / Fürstl. order book printer, 1673; Digital version of the SBB


  • Philipp Meyer : The pastors of the regional churches of Hanover and Schaumburg-Lippes since the Reformation , Volume 1, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1941

Web links

Commons : Hilmar Deichmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. n.v . : Deichmann, Hilmar in the database of Niedersächsische Personen ( new entry required ) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library [undated], last accessed on June 13, 2020
  2. a b o. V .: Deichmann, Hilmar in the catalog of the German National Library [undated], last accessed on June 13, 2020
  3. a b c Inscription on the 17th century oil painting
  4. ^ A b c d e Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : Deichmann (Hilmar) , in ders .: Das Gelehre Hannover or Lexicon of writers, learned businessmen and artists who have lived in and outside of all the provinces belonging to the Kingdom of Hannover since the Reformation and still live, compiled from the most credible writers , Volume 1, Carl Schünemann, Bremen 1823, p. 445; Preview over google books