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The Hoohseoburg (also Hohseoburg, Ocsioburg, Hocseburg) was a princely seat in Saxony in the early Middle Ages . It appears in the Franconian chronicles as the seat of the Saxon great Theodoric, who was defeated several times by the Franconian house celebrations Karlmann and his brother Pippin in the years 743 to 748 AD.

It is still not certain where exactly the Hoohseoburg was located. It has been assumed for a long time that it is the Seeburg in Saxony-Anhalt. The results of more recent excavations (1998–2011) at Heeseberg in the Lower Saxony district of Helmstedt also make the Hünenburg near Watenstedt appear possible as a location for the Hoohseoburg.

The Hoohseoburg in the years 743 to 748 AD

Here follows a brief description of the events, which emerge from several Franconian chronicles: the Franconian Reichsannals ( Annales regni Francorum , in their revised form often incorrectly referred to as Einhard's Annals ), the Metzer Annals (Annales Mettenses) and the Chronicle of Regino von Prüm (Reginonis Chronicon).


The Hoohseoburg played a role in the 740s when the sons of the late Franconian housekeeper Karl Martell fought over his inheritance. Karlmann and his brother Pippin shared rulership: Pippin received the west of the Frankish empire as a caretaker, Karlmann the east. Her half-brother Grifo came away empty-handed. Grifo's mother Swanahild was the niece of the Bavarian Duke Odilo . Because of this relationship, Grifo was able to win his great-uncle Odilo over to the fight for inheritance claims. He also found many supporters among the Saxons.

In 743 Pippin and Karlmann first fought against Odilo, whom they were able to defeat on the Lech . In the same year Karlmann had to call the Thuringians to Saxony to take action there against the Saxon or East Westphalian prince Theoderich, who was obviously allied with Odilo and Grifo. Theodoric's seat was the Hoohseoburg. Karlmann conquered the Hoohseoburg and Theoderich had to submit, but was soon at large again. A year later, Theodoric and the Saxons rose again, but were again subjected, this time by Karlmann and Pippin together. Theodoric was taken to Franconia as a prisoner. Grifo, Pippins and Karlmann's unruly half-brother, were also imprisoned.

Three years later, in 747, Pippin was sole ruler in the Frankish Empire. His brother Karlmann went to the monastery - supposedly voluntarily. In that year Grifo was released from captivity, gathered a few Franconian supporters around him and fled with them across the Rhine to Saxony. There, in Ostfalen , a few Saxon troops joined his retinue. With them, Grifo finally set up camp near Ohrum on the Oker .

At home in Franzien , probably on his Palatinate in Quierzy , Pippin had to prepare again for a battle against his half-brother. 747/748 (the sources name partly the year 747, partly the year 748) he finally moved in a large arc south past Grifo to the east and came to Saxony via Thuringia. There Pippin penetrated into the Saxon Suebengau and moved on until he finally stopped in Schöningen , on the Missaue river. Schöningen was connected to Ohrum an der Oker, where Grifo was camped with his men, by an important military and trade route, the Deitweg (probably the eastern continuation of the Hellweg starting in Aachen , which continued to Magdeburg; today it runs further north as a federal road 1 about Braunschweig ). According to the Metz annals, Pippin had to conquer the Hoohseoburg again and defeat Theoderich, who was apparently free again, a third time. Eventually Pippin moved on to the Oker and successfully fought against his half-brother Grifo.

The descriptions in the sources

The following section describes the events between 743 and 748 AD, as they can be found in the medieval sources, in the original language, Middle Latin .

743 AD

[743] Carlomannus per se in Saxoniam ambulabat in eodem anno et coepit castrum, quod dicitur Hoohseoburg, per placitum et Theodericum Saxonem placitando conquisivit. (Franconian Reichsannalen)
[743] Carlomannus solus in Saxoniam profectus est et castrum quod dicitur Hohseoburg, et in eo Theodericum Saxonem, illius loci primarium, in deditionem accepit. (Einhard's annals)
[743] Carolomannus perrexit in Saxoniam et cepit castrum quod dicitur Hocsioburg et Theodericum ducem Saxonum subiugavit. (Metz Annals)
[743] Carlomannus absque fratre in Saxoniam perrexit et cępit castrum quod dicitur Hocseoburch per placitum et pacis conditionem et Theodericum Saxonem obsidem accepit; qui sacramentis datis in patriam dimissus est redire, sed posthabito sacramento fefellit. (Reginos Chronicle)

744 AD

[744] Iterum Carlomannus et Pippinus perrexerunt in Saxoniam, et captus est Theodericus Saxo alia vice. (Franconian Reichsannalen)
[744] Item idem fratres Carlomannus et Pippinus iuncta manu Saxoniam ingressi sunt, praedictumque Theodericum iterum in deditionem acceperunt. (Einhard's annals)
[744] Eodem quoque anno rebellantibus Saxonibus Carolomannus et Pippinus super eos exercitum ducunt et Theodericum perfidum ducem illorum, ceteris subactis, altera iam vice ceperunt captivumque secum in Franciam deduxerunt. (Metz Annals)
[744] Iterum Carlomannus et Pippinus Saxoniam cum exercitu ingressi sunt, et rursum captus est supradictus Theodericus. (Reginos Chronicle)

747 AD or 748 AD

[747] Grifo fugivit in Saxoniam, et Pippinus iter faciens per Toringam in Saxoniam introivit usque ad fluvium Missaha in loco, qui dicitur Scahaningi; et Grifo collectam fecit una cum Saxonibus supra fluvium Obacro in loco, qui dicitur Orhaim. (Franconian Reichsannalen)
[747] Grifo [...] collecta manu in Saxoniam profugit, collectoque Saxonum exercitu super fluvium Ovacra in loco qui dicitur Orheim consedit. Et Pippinus cum exercitu Francorum per Thuringiam profectus contra fratris dolos Saxoniam ingressus est conseditque super fluvium Missaha in loco, qui vocatur Skahningi. (Einhard's annals)
[748] Grippo [...] in Saxoniam venit. Pippinus [...] in eodem itinere cepit castrum quod dicitur Hocseburgh et perfidum Theodericum Saxonem tertia iam vice á Francis captum conprehendit. Inde proficiscens pervenit ad fluvium quod dicitur Obacra et castrametatus est juxta ripam eiusdem fluminis. Saxones vero cum Grippone ex alia ripa erant. (Metz Annals)
[747] Gripho fugit in Saxoniam, et Pippinus iter faciens per Turingam in Saxoniam introivit usque ad flumen Missaha, in loco, qui dicitur Scahaningi; et Gripho collecta manu una cum Saxonibus super fluvium Obacro sedit in loco, qui dicitur Horaheim. (Reginos Chronicle)



  1. Steuer, Hochseeburg , in: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 15, p. 14.
  2. http://robert.cyty.com/archaeo/ao-watenstedt-01.html Quote: “After the investigations by W.-D. Steinmetz it now seems very likely that the Hünenburg is identical to the Hohseoburg of the Franconian written sources. The archaeological findings also indicate that the complex played an important role in the disputes between Saxony and Franconia. Possibly the main town and seat of the prince of the Saxon-East Westphalian area is recorded here. "
  3. a b c Friedrich Kurz (Ed.): Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi 6: Annales regni Francorum inde from a. 741 usque ad a. 829, qui dicuntur Annales Laurissenses maiores et Einhardi. Hanover 1895 ( Monumenta Germaniae Historica , digitized version ), Annales Regni Francorum (Franconian Reichsannalen)
  4. a b c Friedrich Kurz (Ed.): Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi 6: Annales regni Francorum inde from a. 741 usque ad a. 829, qui dicuntur Annales Laurissenses maiores et Einhardi. Hanover 1895 ( Monumenta Germaniae Historica , digitized version )
  5. a b c Bernhard von Simson (ed.): Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separately in editi 10: Annales Mettenses priores. Hanover 1905 ( Monumenta Germaniae Historica , digitized version )
  6. a b c Friedrich Kurz (Ed.): Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi 50: Reginonis abbatis Prumiensis Chronicon cum continuatione Treverensi. Hanover 1890 ( Monumenta Germaniae Historica , digitized version )