Horst Hoffmeyer

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Horst Hoffmeyer (born May 29, 1903 in Posen ; † September 11, 1944 in Craiova ) was a German SS functionary, most recently in the rank of SS brigade leader and major general of the police.


Hoffmeyer, a banker by profession, joined the SA in 1927 and the NSDAP in 1937 ( membership number 5,480,793). From the SA he switched to the SS in 1939 (SS no. 314.948). He belonged to the security service of the Reichsführer SS (SD).

Hoffmeyer was from 1938 to 1941 managing director of the Federation of German East and from 1938 at the same time at the main office Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle ( VoMi ), where he became head of the office "Safeguarding German people in the new eastern regions". After the beginning of the Second World War he was partly responsible for the resettlement of ethnic Germans and the like in the course of the slogan Heim ins Reich . a. from German-occupied Poland , according to contracts with the Baltic States and the Soviet Union from the Baltic States ( Baltic Germans ) and Romania ( Bessarabian Germans , Dobrudschadeutsche and Bukowina Germans ), involved.

After the attack on the Soviet Union , Hoffmeyer headed the Sonderkommando R (Russia) from July 1941 , to which experts from VoMi and SD belonged. The task of the Sonderkommando R, which operates in Transnistria , central Ukraine and the Crimea and consists of three task forces, was not only to register and supervise the resettlement of ethnic Germans. The Sonderkommando R was expanded in 1942 to include employees from the Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of German Ethnicity (RKF), the Race and Settlement Main Office (RuSHA) and the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA). After a reorganization of the Sonderkommando R in 1943, the Volksdeutsche control center, also headed by Hoffmeyer, emerged. The paramilitary “self-protection” , consisting of 7,000 men, was subordinate to the Sonderkommando R , who searched the towns for Jews, communists and partisans and carried out executions if they were captured.

In the SS Hoffmeyer rose to SS-Oberführer in October 1941 and in November 1943 reached the rank of brigade leader. He was also appointed major general of the police in 1942.

Most recently he worked in Odessa , Kiev and Bucharest . After Antonescu's fall and Romania's change of front , he led a combat group, which he soon handed over to Lieutenant General of the Wehrmacht, Alfred Gerstenberg . Hoffmeyer committed in captivity together with his subordinate Erwin Müller on 11 September 1944 in Craiova suicide .

Individual evidence

  1. Götz Aly u. a .: The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany 1933–1945. Volume 1: 1933-1937. Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-486-58480-6 , p. 670.
  2. Markus Leniger: National Socialist “Volkstumsarbeit” and resettlement policy 1933–1945. From caring for minorities to selecting settlers . Frank & Timme, Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-86596-082-5 , p. 78.
  3. ^ A b Andrej Angrick : Occupation Policy and Mass Murder. The Einsatzgruppe D in the southern Soviet Union 1941–1943 , Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-930908-91-3 , p. 276.
  4. Isabel Heinemann: "Race, settlement, German blood": The SS Race and Settlement Main Office and the new racial order in Europe, Göttingen 2003, pp. 420f
  5. Christoph Dieckmann : Cooperation and Crime: Forms of "Collaboration" in Eastern Europe 1939-1945. Wallstein Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-89244-690-3 , p. 94
  6. Shot down mercilessly . In. Der Spiegel , issue 12/1998 of March 16, 1998, p. 80f.
  7. Peter Witte, u. a .: Heinrich Himmler's 1941/42 service calendar . Hans Christians Verlag, Hamburg 1999, p. 690