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Hubert Schneemann (2017)

Hubert Schneemann (born December 4, 1952 in Erle ) is a German hospital pharmacist . He was the leading pharmaceutical director of the pharmacy at the University Clinic in Essen , editor of the magazine "Krankenhauspharmazie" and chairman of the trade union of German hospital pharmacists in the German Association of Civil Servants .


After graduating from high school in 1971 and training as a pharmacist's assistant for two years , Hubert Schneemann passed the pre- examination in pharmacy with the District President of Münster in 1973 . From 1975 to 1978 he studied pharmacy at the Free University of Berlin and completed his studies with the state examination and the receipt of the license to practice as a pharmacist in 1979. He then completed a dissertation at the Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf on the biopharmaceutical topic Influence of vehicles on the bioavailability of betamethasone 17-benzoate from solution and suspension ointments (head: BC Lippold) and obtained his doctorate in 1983 at the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Heinrich-Heine University for Dr.rer.nat . In a subsequent study visit at the Veterans Administration Medical Center Los Angeles (USA), he completed a course in "Clinical Pharmacy" and acquired basic knowledge in clinical pharmacy .

In May 1984, Hubert Schneemann took over the management of the pharmacy at the Essen University Clinic as the youngest senior pharmacist at a university clinic. The focus of his work was the development and manufacture of patient-specific drugs, the development and manufacture of sterile / unsterile drugs in large batches, drug information and later drug therapy safety. He is a specialist pharmacist for clinical pharmacy and a specialist pharmacist for drug information . The results of the development work can be found in the new recipe form , in numerous specialist publications and in an international patent.

The training of the next generation of pharmaceuticals in clinical pharmacy was a particular concern of Schneemann. More than one hundred pharmacy interns completed half of the practical year in the university pharmacy before their final third state examination, and he gave five pharmacists the freedom to work in close cooperation with the Medical Faculty of the University of Essen to obtain a Dr. rer. medic. to do a PhD. After the introduction of the subject clinical pharmacy into the licensing regulations for pharmacists , he began in 2001 in the department of pharmacy at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf with the organization and implementation of a course in this new subject, until this was transferred to the newly established chair for clinical pharmacy and pharmacotherapy (head: St. Läer) passed over.

In 2001, Schneemann published the translation of the American standard work Applied Therapeutics: The clinical use of drugs with the German title Applied Medicinal Therapy: Clinical-Pharmaceutical Care in Case Studies as editor and co-translator. For the 5th edition of the encyclopedia " Hager's Handbook of Pharmaceutical Practice ", which was first published in 1875 , he was co-editor of the 1995 "Follow-up Volume 1 - Goods and Services". From 1996 to 2007 he was also the editor of the magazine "Krankenhauspharmazie", the publication organ of the Federal Association of German Hospital Pharmacists . Hubert Schneemann represented the collective interests of hospital pharmacists from 1988 to 2016 as chairman of the professional association of employed and civil servant German hospital pharmacists - Landesbund NRW - in the German civil service association .


2007 ADKA badge of honor for special services to hospital pharmacy.


  • Hager's Handbook of Pharmaceutical Practice. Volume 1: Goods and Services Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 1995, ISBN 3540589589 .
  • Applied drug therapy : clinical-pharmaceutical care in case studies Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2001, ISBN 3540413561 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf
  2. ^ Dissertation by Hubert Schneemann
  3. a b Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Volume 154, No. 5, p. 106 (2014)
  4. ^ Patent: Formulations for use in medical and diagnostic procedures
  5. a b Hospital Pharmacy, Volume 33, No. 12, p. 544 (2012)
  6. Applied drug therapy: clinical-pharmaceutical care in case studies
  7. ^ Hager's Handbook of Pharmaceutical Practice, Volume 1: Goods and Services
  8. ^ Federal Association of German Hospital Pharmacists
  9. dbb member unions
  10. ^ Bearer of the ADKA badge of honor