Hubertus Milke

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Hubertus Milke (2015)

Hubertus Milke (born April 30, 1962 in Luckenwalde ) is a German civil engineer and professor of water management, hydrology and urban water management. From 2006 to 2011 he was rector of the University for Technology, Economics and Culture (HTWK) Leipzig and since 2015 he has been president of the Saxony Chamber of Engineers .


Hubertus Milke was born in Luckenwalde , a small town southwest of Berlin . He attended the polytechnic high school Ernst Moritz Arndt up to the 10th grade. Then in 1978 he began an apprenticeship as a construction worker (bricklayer) at the Inter-Cooperative Building Organization (ZBO) Luckenwalde. Parallel to his apprenticeship, which he was able to finish early after 18 months, he completed evening high school and graduated from high school in 1980. In the fall of 1980 he began studying civil engineering at the TU Dresden , and Günter Zumpe was one of his professors . Milke chose the field of municipal civil engineering , which he completed with his diploma thesis “Complex technical development of the Dresden-Dobritz site with a focus on proposed solutions for the reconstruction of the congested sewage network in the south-east of Dresden”.

In 1985 he began his professional career, initially as a site manager at the road and civil engineering company in Schkeuditz near Leipzig, primarily overseeing civil engineering projects in the east of Leipzig. In the autumn of 1986 he switched to the chair of Johannes Bosold as a research assistant at the Technical University of Leipzig and worked on his dissertation on the topic: "Hydrological dimensioning, design and relief of rainwater and mixed water networks". In 1992 he received his doctorate in engineering (Dr.-Ing.) From the Faculty of Civil Engineering . In the autumn of 1991 he went to the Upper Franconian engineering office SRP - Schneider und Partner in Kronach as a group leader for general drainage planning .

University professor

Leipzig, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 132 , former headquarters of the University of Civil Engineering, then TH Leipzig , today HTWK headquarters ( Geutebrück-Bau)

On July 1, 1994 he was appointed professor of water management, hydrology and geohydrology at the Leipzig University of Technology, Economics and Culture (HTWK Leipzig), which had emerged from the TH Leipzig two years earlier . Based on the development work he had already carried out while working on his dissertation and in the engineering office in the areas of numerical simulation of drainage networks and infiltration systems in connection with precipitation and runoff measurements, he was soon able to acquire his first research and development projects. More and more he put the focus from applied research to knowledge transfer through cooperation with medium-sized engineering offices, authorities and associations in the water and wastewater industry. This led to the establishment of the Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Urban Water Management in 2002 as one of the first and at that time not yet common institute of the HTWK Leipzig with the technical focus:

  • Multi-dimensional numerical modeling / GIS
  • Decentralized systems
  • Physical models / in-situ measurements.

The institute has established itself professionally in the fields of hydraulic engineering , hydrology and urban water management with a staff of between 10 and 20. The institute is one of the strongest third-party funds at the HTWK, especially in the acquisition of third-party funds from industry. In 2010, in the field of continuing education, he installed the part-time master’s course “Change Management in Water Management” together with the chair Robert Holländer from the University of Leipzig . As a joint course model between a university and a college, it enables graduates with at least one academic degree in the field of civil engineering, industrial engineering or related courses of study to obtain an additional master’s degree in 5 semesters of standard study time.

As part of standardization work in the field of urban water management, Milke was a member of the ATV / DWA working group from 1994 to 2005 to develop worksheet A166 and information sheet M176, and since 2005 he has been appointed to the working group "Qualitative and quantitative flow measurement", which is was involved in the development of DWA leaflet M151. In the DWA regional group Saxony / Thuringia he was active from 1995 to 2013 as a teacher for the network of sewage plants (sewage plant neighborhoods) between the cities of Torgau and Waldheim.

Dean and Rector

In 2003 Milke was elected the 6th dean of the construction department at the HTWK Leipzig. Under his leadership, research at the faculty was further structurally advanced through the establishment of institutes. In cooperation with Ingenium Friedrich GmbH from Graz , a new extra-occupational course in civil engineering, especially for graduates of higher technical schools in Austria , was developed and implemented in cooperation with several faculties. As part of this new cooperation model, more than 100 civil engineering graduates from Austria graduate from the HTWK Leipzig every year with a diploma .

Hubertus Milke on assuming Manfred Nietner's rectorate position in the New Gewandhaus in Leipzig (2006)

In 2006, Milke was elected third rector of the HTWK Leipzig after founding rector Klaus Steinbock (1992–2003) and Manfred Nietner (2003–2006) . In his rectorate with the professor for economics Sibylle Seyffert as the vice-rector for education and the energy technology professor Michael Kubessa as the vice-rector for science development and the chemistry professor Ulrich Ziegler as the chancellor, numerous university strategic projects were tackled and successfully processed. These included in particular:

  • A broad discussion on the development and adoption of a new model for the HTWK Leipzig
  • The conversion of most courses to Bachelor / Master degrees and their initial accreditation
  • The profiling of research on three profile lines (energy-building-environment, life science engineering as well as software and media technologies)
  • Full membership of the European University Association (EUA), the association of universities with strong research skills
  • The family-friendly university auditing
  • The restructuring of numerous facilities at the university
  • An international collaborative doctoral agreement with the University of Paisley
  • A university framework agreement for cooperation with the University of Leipzig
  • The establishment of junior research groups including their funding
  • The greater internationalization of the university.

This development was linked, among other things, to an increase in third-party funding by more than 100% between 2006 and 2010 (2006: € 3 million; 2010: € 7 million), associated with a significant increase in third-party funding . The proportion of foreign students was increased to around 10% and the proportion of students from the old federal states doubled from 8 to 16%. The strengthening of the international cooperation was made clear by visiting 27 universities in 12 countries during the term of office.

In 2007, Hubertus Milke was appointed honorary professor at Nanjing University of Technology in recognition of his achievements in the field of water management and his commitment to the further expansion of international collaborations .

In terms of structural engineering, a new research center in the field of "Live Science" was set up at the HTWK Leipzig at short notice. The media center and university library planned under Milke's predecessor Manfred Nietner were implemented. The conversion of the old library into the Gutenberg building and the new construction of the faculty building for mechanical and energy technology ( Nieper building ) were prepared during Milke's tenure.

In terms of higher education policy, the implementation of the new Saxon University Act, which was accompanied by a restructuring of the university bodies, such as the introduction of the University Council and the Extended Senate, also took place at this time. The increase in the number of study places within the framework of the so-called university pact also presented the university with major challenges during Milke's term of office: In 2010, approx. 7000 reached the highest number of students enrolled at HTWK Leipzig to date. This made the HTWK Leipzig the largest university in Saxony, and this is also reflected in its presence in the city ​​of Leipzig .

Dispute over the rector election process

The electoral period under the existing Saxon University Act (HSG) expired for Rector Milke in autumn 2009. Since the implementation of a new HSG was not yet fully completed, his term of office was extended by the Saxon State Ministry for Science and Art (SMWK) until a successor was elected.

According to the new HSG, the rector election should no longer take place exclusively in the university's senate, but in a multi-stage process: 1. Public announcement, 2. Preselection of candidates by a joint commission from the Senate and the University Council (HSR), 3. Preparation of a List of a maximum of three candidates by the University Council, 4th election from the list by the extended Senate.

In the opinion of the HSR, of the four applications received for the position of Rector, only one applicant was able to meet the requirement profile for the position according to the advertisement, and the Senate reached agreement on this candidate. On June 23, 2010 the election in the Extended Senate took place. The previous incumbent Hubertus Milke was re-elected rector with 17 out of 26 votes.

On August 12, 2010, however, a competitor from North Rhine-Westphalia filed a competitor dispute with the Dresden Administrative Court and complained about deficiencies in the recruitment process. From the point of view of the SMWK and the University Council, the present legal dispute had no basis. However, in order to avoid long pending legal proceedings, which may render the HTWK incapable of acting for a long time, the SMWK, with the approval of the University Council, declared the election as rector invalid.

After a renewed invitation to tender and the creation of a list by the University Council, three applicants have now been submitted: in addition to the incumbent, Renate Lieckfeldt from the Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Sciences and Peter Schulze from the Faculty of Mechanical and Energy Technology at the HTWK Leipzig. On January 19, 2011, Renate Lieckfeldt was elected as the new rector of the HTWK Leipzig in the third ballot. With this election of the successor, the term of office of Hubertus Milke as rector ended after the new HSG . As a result, three of the five external university council members resigned (IHK President Wolfgang Topf, Chamber of Engineers Dr. Arne Kolbmüller and the board member of Verbundnetz Gas AG (VNG) Gerhard Wolff). Until the appointment of Renate Lieckfeldt as Rector of the HTWK by the Saxon State Ministry for Science and Art (SMWK) on July 1, 2011, which was initially refused by the SMWK and thus delayed, the previous Vice Rector for Science Development Michael Kubessa was acting Rector. This procedure followed from what was then the new HSG; Only the subsequent amendment to the law stipulated that the term of office of a Rector extends until the successor is appointed by the SMWK.

Tasks according to the rectorate

After the end of the rectorate, Milke devoted himself, in addition to his duties as scientific director of the Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Urban Water Management, to a variety of honorary tasks, including as a board member of the Leipzig Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer , as a member of the board of trustees of other foundations or as a member of the Caritas Council Leipzig .

In 2013 he was elected regional association chairman for Saxony and Thuringia of the German Association for Water Management, Wastewater and Waste eV (DWA) and thus also a member of the national board of the DWA.

In January 2015, Milke was elected by the Representative Assembly of the Saxony Chamber of Engineers (IKS) as its 3rd President , succeeding Arne Kolbmüller. He also took over the chairmanship of the board of the Sachsen.Land der Ingenieure foundation and represents the IKS in the Federal Chamber of Engineers .

Personal appointments and honorary positions

  • President of the Saxony Chamber of Engineers since 01/2015
  • Chairman of the Saxony / Thuringia regional association of the German Association for Water Management, Sewage and Waste (DWA) since 2013.
  • Member of the federal board of the DWA since 2013.
  • Member of the Federal Chamber of Engineers since 2015.
  • Chairman of the Board of the Saxony Foundation . Land of engineers since 2015.
  • Board member of the Leipzig Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer since 2007.
  • Curator of the Saxony Foundation . Land of Engineers 2007–2015
  • Curator and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Future through Education since 2014.
  • Member of the board of trustees of the Leipziger Messe for environmental technology and services Terratec
  • Member of the editorial board of the two journals Korrespondenz Abwasser and Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft since 2014.
  • Member of the Public Committee of the Saxony Chamber of Engineers 2013–2015
  • Member of the representative assembly of the Saxony Chamber of Engineers since 2014.
  • Member of the board of the Education and Demonstration Center for Decentralized Sewage Technology eV (BDZ) since 2013.
  • Member of the Caritas Council in Leipzig since 2007.

Honors (selection)

  • 2007 Appointment as honorary professor at the University of Technology in Nanjing ( PR China )
  • 2011 Jakob Leupold Medal for his services in teaching and research as well as in the development of the HTWK Leipzig


  • Water. In: K. Holschemacher (Ed.): Draft and calculation tables for civil engineers. 7th edition. Beuth Verlag, Berlin 2015.
  • Water. In: K. Holschemacher (Ed.): Design and construction panels for architects. 7th edition. Beuth Verlag, Berlin 2015.
  • with T. Buschmann and F. Steinhäuser: Possible uses of the ADCP measurement in the planning and implementation of hydraulic engineering measures. Proceedings of the regional association conference of the DWA LV Saxony / Thuringia on May 7, 2015 in Chemnitz.
  • with T. Sahlbach: Urban water management in examples - dimensioning and calculation examples. Bundesanzeiger Verlag, Cologne 2014, ISBN 978-3-8462-0385-9 .
  • with F. Marlow: Numerical simulation of the flow in sedimentation basins - meaning and benefit of taking into account inlet boundary conditions and vortex imaging. In: Correspondence waste water. (61) No. 9, 2014.
  • with S. Geyler, S. Lautenschläger, S. Lindstedt, J. Rüger and S. Walther: Alternative decentralized sanitary solutions in rural areas with demographic change - sensible and accepted? In: German Association for Water Management, Wastewater and Waste eV (Ed.): Demographic Change - Sustainable Wastewater Concepts. 2014, ISBN 978-3-944328-32-4 .
  • with D. Hennig and T. Sahlbach: Physical model experiments to avoid remobilization in sedimentation systems. Conference proceedings Aqua Urbanica at the ETH Zurich (Switzerland), September 2013.
  • with T. Buschman, F. Marlow and T. Sahlbach: Still basin optimization with the help of a hybrid model. Hydraulic Engineering Colloquium TU Dresden, March 2013.
  • with T. Buschman, F. Marlow and T. Sahlbach: Hybrid modeling of hydraulic engineering systems. Hydraulic engineering symposium TU Graz (Austria) 2012.
  • Scientific support for the decentralized wastewater disposal of the mountain rescue service hut on the Rabenkopf, mountain rescue service Penzberg. Final report on the DBU project grant number: AZ 17400 / 84-23, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt 2010.
  • with G. Rödel: Development and testing of a process to reduce hydrogen sulfide formation in significant sewer network areas. Final report on the BMBF project AIF 2009.
  • Developments in Decentralized Sewage Treatment. Lecture with publication on the occasion of a scientific conference at the University of Homs / Syria; May 2009.
  • Application of Simulation Models in Water Management (Examples of Application using numeric models in hydrology, urban hydrology and hydraulic engineering). Nanjing University of Technology, May 2007.
  • Planning and construction of rainwater treatment plants. Fair & publication for the world's wast disposal and conversation industry, Miami (USA), November 13, 1998.
  • Effects of decentralized rainwater disposal on existing sewer networks and sewage treatment plants. 31st Essen Conference for Water and Waste Management 1998.
  • Sewer network calculation, mixed water discharge and alternative rainwater disposal. 2. Wastewater technology seminar Kloster Banz, 18./19. May 1994.
  • Hubertus Milke, Kerstin Hebestreit, Timo Kretschmer (ed. And overall editor): 50 years of building colleges in Leipzig, chronicle on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Leipzig building school in 1954. Leipzig 2004, OCLC 314656507 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jens Wagner: Summiteer on the rector's chair. Today: Prof. Hubertus Milke (first man at the HTWK and enthusiastic mountaineer). In: Saxony Sunday. Sunday breakfast, August 4, 2007 (
  2. ebt: Chinese honor Rector Milke. In: Leipziger Volkszeitung. May 29, 2007.
  3. Rector of HTWK Leipzig Hubertus Milke receives start number 1 for marathon. Biggest team at the 32nd LEIPZIG MARATHON with the rector at the helm. Press release from HTWK Leipzig, April 10, 2008.
  4. Manfred Mahr: “If it says 'engineer' on it, there must also be 'engineer'!” Saxony's Chamber of Engineers Milke against lowering the minimum standards for studies. Interview. In: Leipziger Volkszeitung. 23rd July 2015.