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Coordinates: 51 ° 44 ′ 10 ″  N , 7 ° 17 ′ 20 ″  E
Height : 48 m above sea level NN
Area : 16.24 km²
Residents : 2386  (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 147 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : 1st January 1975
Postal code : 45721
Area code : 02364
Hullern (North Rhine-Westphalia)

Location of Hullern in North Rhine-Westphalia

Festival meadow with St. Andrew's Church in Hullern
Festival meadow with St. Andrew's Church in Hullern

Hullern is a district of the city of Haltern am See and is located seven kilometers east on the B 58 in southern Münsterland . To the north lies the Hullern reservoir , which is in front of the Haltern reservoir and is connected to it by the Stever .


Hullern was already settled in the Bronze Age, as is proven by finds from that era.

The place was first mentioned not as "Horlon", but as "In Hulluron" to locate a farm (Manse) of Werden Abbey on the Ruhr . The income register, probably based on foundations and stored in the main state archive in Düsseldorf , was written in the 10th or 11th century. Both the Catholic and Protestant congregations celebrate their services in the parish church of St. Andrew , built in 1892 . There is evidence that there was no school in Hullern in 1614. Around 1680 there was already a teacher in Hullern, the sexton Arnoldus (Arnt) Thier. The current elementary school was inaugurated on December 11, 1958. A kindergarten followed in 1973, and an extension was added in 2000.

On January 1, 1975, Hullern was incorporated into the city of Haltern.


Around 1900 the population fluctuated between 700 and 800. On June 6, 1961, 601 and on May 27, 1970 715 inhabitants were counted. On June 30, 1974 - shortly before the incorporation - there were 840 inhabitants. With the new development areas, the population rose suddenly to over 2,000. Today there are around 2400 residents in Hullern, most of whom have moved here as commuters from the Ruhr area .


Due to the landscape and the Hullern reservoir, Hullern is a popular destination for sports enthusiasts, walkers and cyclists from the Ruhr area and the Münsterland, especially in summer.


Customs care

The Hullern Heimat- und Schützenverein has existed since 1930 .


In Hullern there is a gym, a lawn for SV Hullern 68 , a cinder track for the athletes, three tennis courts, a shooting range and a chess club. In addition, a well-attended duathlon takes place through the entire village every year.


  • Heiko Bruder: Hullern - a village between Lippe and Stever. Rademann, Lüdinghausen 1994.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Facts and Figures | City of Haltern am See. Retrieved May 8, 2019 .
  2. Internet portal Westphalian history . March 25, 2014, accessed June 6, 2018 .
  3. ^ HStA Düsseldorf, Werden Abbey, IX a, 1b (Urbar B).
  4. Visit protocol 1614: “… non sit schola…” Diocese archive Münster, GV HS 23, p. 313 ff.
  5. a b Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality register for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 316 .
  6. Martin Bünermann, Heinz Köstering: The communities and districts after the municipal territorial reform in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1975, ISBN 3-555-30092-X , p. 166 .
  7. ^ Hullern village duathlon . In: DZ . ( [accessed on June 6, 2018]).