Idílio José Soares

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Idílio José Soares (born October 26, 1887 in Limeira , Brazil , † December 10, 1969 ) was a Brazilian clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Santos .


Idílio José Soares first studied at the seminary in São Paulo. To continue his studies, he went to Rome to the Pontifical Latin American College "Pius" and studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University . On October 28, 1914, he received the sacrament of ordination for the diocese of Campinas . After further studies he received his doctorate at the Gregoriana in 1915 .

On September 16, 1932, Pope Pius XI appointed him . to the bishop of Petrolinas . The Bishop of Campinas, Francisco de Campos Barreto , ordained him episcopal on November 30th of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Pouso Alegre , Octávio Augusto Chagas de Miranda , and the Bishop of Rio Preto , Lafayette Libânio .

Pope Pius XII appointed him Bishop of Santos on June 12, 1943. He participated in the first two sessions of the Second Vatican Council as a council father.

Pope Paul VI accepted on November 21, 1966 his renunciation of the diocese of Santos and appointed him titular bishop of Vegesela in Numidia . He spent his retirement in Campinas, where he worked in hospital chaplaincy until his death. His tomb is in the Cathedral of Santos.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b 3º BISPO - Dom Idílio José Soares. Diocese of Santos , accessed April 7, 2019 (Portuguese).
predecessor Office successor
Paulo de Tarso Campos Bishop of Santos
David Picão
Antônio Malan SDS Bishop of Petrolina
Avelar Brandão Vilela