Ignaz Seelos

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Ignaz Seelos (born October 14, 1827 in Bozen , † July 7, 1902 in Vienna ) was an Austrian painter .


Ignaz Seelos was the brother of Gottfried Seelos and Gustav Seelos, who, like him, were painters.

He attended from 1845 Franziskanergymnasium in Bolzano and studied from 1849 in Innsbruck Jus . He continued his studies in Vienna from 1850 to 1851 and graduated in 1852. In addition, from 1850 he also attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and Karl Rahl's private painting school . A trip to Italy followed , together with his brothers as well as Johann Novopacky and Joseph Selleny .

In the 1850s, Ignaz Seelos documented historical architectural monuments in drawings in the South Tyrolean region on behalf of the kk Central Commission for Monument Preservation , including the medieval frescoes on Runkelstein Castle near Bozen. In 1861 he became a member of the cooperative of visual artists in Vienna and until the end of the 1860s he exhibited genre paintings and watercolors regularly at the Austrian Art Association .

Ignaz Seelos: Southern Landscape, 1864


One focus of Ignaz Seelos' work is flower painting, especially the depiction of alpine flowers . He received the suggestion for this from Joseph Selleny. His watercolors also served as a template for illustrations in the botanical plant plant life of Anton Kerner von Marilaun , which appeared from 1887 to 1891.

Other publications were a representation of the masked pageant at the opening of the gas lighting in Bozen in 1861 , together with Heinrich Schöpfer and Karl Vinzenz Moser . In 1857 an album was published with the depiction of the frescoes at Runkelstein Castle on behalf of the Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum and with the text by Ignaz Vinzenz Zingerle . There is also a twelve-part series of Tyrolean traditional costumes that appeared in print as chromolithographs in business card format.
