Ilya Semyonovich Kremer

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Ilya Semjonowitsch Kremer ( Russian Илья Семёнович Кремер ; born January 28, 1922 in Homel , Belarusian SSR ; † March 23, 2020 in Moscow ) was a Russian or Soviet historian and Germanist and political scientist with a focus on the history of international relations .


Kremer grew up in the Russian provinces as the son of an employee, studied history at the Leningrad and Moscow universities and received a doctorate in history .

In July / August 1941 he worked on the construction of a fortification in Roslavl , then he was responsible for charging the batteries for the electric ignition device of the Katyusha rocket launcher at the Moscow plant "Krasnaya Presnja" . He was initially not accepted for military service because of severe myopia. From 1941 to 1943 he worked in an aircraft yard as a lathe operator and in quality control .

From July 1943, after completing the third year of studies at Lomonosov University, fought in the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War . From summer 1944 on the 1st Belorussian Front (with the stations Chelm - Lublin - Warsaw - Poznan - Berlin ) as a gun leader of an anti-aircraft gun . He was involved in the liberation of Berlin on May 8, 1945. From the end of April 1945 he was an interpreter in an operational group on the staff of the 5th Flak Corps in Berlin. He interpreted during interrogations of the chief of the air defense of Berlin, Colonel Hans Wellermann and translated the documentation of the V2 . In November 1945 he was demobilized.

In 1948 he finished his studies at the History Faculty of Moscow University. As early as 1946 he worked for the Politisdat publishing house. Until 1953 he worked in the editorial department of the diplomatic dictionary. He then taught history at the Moscow Automechanical Technical Center until 1955.

From 1955 to 1966 he was an employee of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR , from 1966 to 1974 department head at the Institute of the International Labor Movement of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and from 1974 to 1991 professor and political scientist at the Department of International Relations of the Institute of Social sciences of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in Moscow. Since 1993 he has been a professor at the Institute for Theory and History of International Relations at the Moscow State Linguistic University . As a visiting professor he taught at the Faculty of History at the Free University of Berlin (1979, 1980–1981, 1991–1992), at the Institute for Political Problems at the University of Bonn (1985) at the Center for Peace and Conflict Research at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (1993 ). He has published more than 150 scientific and journalistic works in Soviet, Russian, German and English publications.

Scientific activity

In 1958 he defended the dissertation on the candidate of the sciences with the work The Influence of the October Revolution on the Labor Movement in Germany at the End of the First World War. In 1972 he was with the work Domestic political struggle in the Federal Republic of Germany on the problems of foreign policy orientation from 1949 to 1970 to the doctor of sciences PhD.

The main direction of his research was the history of Germany and international relations. He participated in several international conferences:

  • Soviet-Italian Conference of Historians (Rome, 1969)
  • Soviet-French Conference of Historians ( Thionville , 1990)
  • Annual conferences of the International Political Club (Berlin), Bergedorfer Arbeitskreis (Hamburg, Moscow).

He headed the International Conference on the Historiography of the Second World War and Fascism (Vienna 1989), which was organized by the FIR and published the relevant material under the title Fascism - War - Resistance - Vienna 1989 .

Social activity

Kremer had been a member of the Soviet Committee for European Security since the 1960s. Since 1973 he was chairman of the Soviet and Russian Committee of Veterans of War in the Fédération Internationale des Résistants (FIR) , the International Federation of Resistance Fighters against Fascism. He was political secretary of the FIR, was active as a representative of the Soviet and Russian veterans' association and as a consultant for international relations. Since 1991 its general secretary and since 2004 its honorary president.

He was also a member of the board of directors of the "Russia-FRG" society and since 1975 a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR and Russia.

honors and awards


  • The Soviet Union and Russia after 1985: From the October Revolution to the October Crisis , Research Center for Security Policy ETH Zurich 1993, ISBN 978-3-905641-32-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Implacable memories?" , Taz of June 17, 1991, accessed on March 25, 2020
  2. Ilja Semjonowitsch Kremer: We are building the Moscow fortification line. Lomonosov University, accessed March 24, 2020 (Russian).
  3. a b c Understanding the enemy: Sergei Shoigu's personal translator shared secrets of his work (Russian)
  4. a b КРЕМЕР ИЛЬЯ СЕМЕНОВИЧ in the Russian-Jewish encyclopedia (Russian)
  5. "Ilja S. Kremer died" , Junge Welt, March 25, 2020
  6. see references in
  7. ^ "We say goodbye to Ilja S. Kremer (Russia)" , FIR of March 25, 2020
  8. a b Ilja Semjonowitsch Kremer in the database “Heroes of the People in the Great Patriotic War”