Imre Hermann

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Imre Hermann (born November 3, 1889 in Budapest , Austria-Hungary ; died February 22, 1984 in Budapest) was a Hungarian psychoanalyst .


Imre Hermann's family moved to Zagreb in 1892 , but returned to Budapest in 1895. Hermann occupied himself with mathematics as a student and studied medicine and psychology at the University of Budapest . He worked in Géza Révész's psychological laboratory and published his first paper in 1911. He came into contact with Freudian psychoanalysis with Sandor Ferenczi . In 1913 he received his doctorate in medicine. Hermann was a soldier in World War I for four years . In the time of the Soviet Republic he was an assistant at Révész. After the suppression of the Soviet Republic, he did not get a job at a public institute and from then on he worked in his medical and psychoanalytic practice.

He was accepted into the International Psychoanalytic Association . He received his training analysis from Erzsébet Révész , Sándor Radó's first wife , and after her death from Vilma Kovács . His wife Alice Czinner was also trained in psychoanalysis and they had three children. From 1925 he worked in the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Association ( Magyar Pszichoanalitikus Egyesület ) and was its vice-president from 1936 to 1945. After the war ended, the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Society was rebuilt by István Hollós and Imre Hermann and Hermann became its president. It was not only criticized by conventional medicine , but also by the Hungarian Stalinists . Hermann taught at the University of Budapest until psychoanalysis was superseded by communist doctrine, one of his students was Róbert Bak . Hermann was only able to work as a doctor for insurance companies, his private practice was severely restricted.

Hermann wrote ten books and over a hundred magazine articles, some in Hungarian, some in German. One focus of his work was the mother-child relationship in what he called the child's instinct for clinging. His biography of the mathematician János Bolyai , published in 1945, showed his interest in the connection between mathematical and experimental methods and psychoanalysis.

Fonts (selection)

  • Bevezetés a pszichoanalízis gondolat baskets . Budapest, 1923
  • Pszichoanalízis és logika . Budapest, 1924
    • Psychoanalysis and logic: individual-logical investigations from psychoanalytic practice . Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1924
  • Gustav Theodor Fechner  : A psychoanalytic study on individual conditionalities of scientific ideas . Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1926
  • Az én és gondolkodás . Budapest, 1929
  • The Self and the Mind: A Psychoanalytic Study . In: Imago , Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1929
  • A pszichoanalízis, mint módszer . Budapest, 1933. New edition 1988
    • Psychoanalysis as a method . Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1934
    • Psychoanalysis as a method . New edition. With a foreword by Heinrich Meng . Cologne; Opladen: Westdt. Publisher, 1963
  • Clinging to oneself - going in search , in: International Journal for Psychoanalysis, 1936 Vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 349-370
  • Thought Psychology Studies. Dependencies of thinking. Detachment theory . 1940.
  • Az ember ősi ösztönei . Budapest, 1943 [The primitive instincts of man]
  • Az antiscemitism lélektana . Budapest, 1945
    • Psychology de l'antisémitisme; suivi de La préférence pour les marges en tant que processus primaire . Paris: Editions de l'Éclat, 1986
  • Bolyai János : Egy gondolat születésének lélektana . Budapest, 1945
  • Az első tíz év. A gyermek lelki élete magyar írók, művészek és tudósok életrajzában . Budapest, 1959


  • Hermann, Imre , in: Élisabeth Roudinesco ; Michel Plon: Dictionary of Psychoanalysis: Names, Countries, Works, Terms . Translation. Vienna: Springer, 2004, ISBN 3-211-83748-5 , pp. 402f.
  • Paul Harmat: Freud, Ferenczi and the Hungarian Psychoanalysis . Tübingen: Edition Diskord, 1988, ISBN 3-89295-530-1 , passim, short vita on pp. 162-167
  • Gerhard Nieder: Hermann, Imre , in: Gerhard Stumm , Alfred Pritz , Paul Gumhalter, Nora Nemeskeri, Martin Voracek (eds.): Personal Lexicon of Psychotherapy. Vienna: Springer, 2005, ISBN 3-211-83818-X , pp. 210–212
  • Memorial conference on the centennial of Imre Hermann's birth: Hermann's place in the contemporary psychoanalytic theory . Hungarian Psychoanalytic Society. November 1989, Budapest.
  • Livia Nemes: Imre Hermann , in: Oskar Frischenschlager (Ed.): Vienna, where else! The emergence of psychoanalysis and its schools . Vienna: Böhlau, 1994, ISBN 3-205-98135-9 , pp. 196–199

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alice Hermann (1895–1975) see entry at MEK
  2. Wolfgang Berner : Imre Hermanns "Anklammerung", the pedophilia and a new view of the instincts , in: Psyche , 1996/11, pp. 1036-1054