Inkoo virus

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Inkoo virus
Classification : Viruses
Area : Riboviria
Empire : Orthornavirae
Phylum : Negarnaviricota
Subphylum : Polyploviricotina
Class : Ellioviricetes
Order : Bunyavirales
Family : Peribunyaviridae
Genre : Orthobunyavirus
Type : California encephalitis orthobunyavirus
Subspecies : Inkoo virus
Taxonomic characteristics
Genome : (-) ssRNA segmented
Baltimore : Group 5
Symmetry : helical
Cover : available
Scientific name
Inkoo virus
Short name

The Inkoo virus ( INKV ) is taxonomically considered to be a European subtype of the species California encephalitis orthobunyavirus of the family Peribunyaviridae from the order Bunyavirales . The Inkoo virus was discovered in the Finnish part of Karelia in 1964 and named after the municipality of Ingå (Inkoo) as the place of initial isolation. So far, a disease in humans has not been proven with certainty, even if some Russian studies suggest a connection with mild, viral encephalitis . The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes ( A. communis, A. punctor ). How the virus can persist within the mosquito population in the cold northern hemisphere is unclear. Contact with the virus can be proven serologically by detecting specific antibodies . The prevalence of Inkoo virus antibodies in the population and in cattle increases the further north they are. In Finland it fluctuates between 16 and 69% in humans and 37 to 88% in cattle. Serologically, the Inkoo virus could also be found in other larger mammals , such as reindeer , fox and elk , rarely in smaller ones like rabbits and the Hazel Grouse ( Tetrastes bonasia ).


Three structural proteins could be detected in the Inkoo virus: two envelope proteins G1 (125 kDa) and G2 (35  kDa ) as well as a nucleocapsid protein (24 kDa). The virus can be grown in vitro in BHK-21 cell lines and is subject to a specific maturation process in the Golgi apparatus in which several glycosylation steps take place.

Kinship relationships

Within the species California encephalitis orthobunyavirus (with its main type California encephalitis virus ) the Inkoo virus is clearly differentiated in its antigenetic properties from closely related other subtypes such as the Tahyna virus , Trivittatus virus and Melao virus cross-reactions with the Jamestown Canyon virus .


  1. ICTV Master Species List 2018b.v2 . MSL # 34, March 2019
  2. a b ICTV: ICTV Taxonomy history: Akabane orthobunyavirus , EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL # 35)
  3. M. Brummer-Korvenkontio, P. Saikku, P. Korhonen, I. Ulmanen, T. Reunala, J. Karvonen: Arboviruses in Finland. IV. Isolation and characterization of Inkoo virus, a Finnish representative of the California group. In: Am J Trop Med Hyg. 22 (3), 1973, pp. 404-413. PMID 4145218
  4. ^ JO Lundstrom: Mosquito-borne viruses in western Europe: a review. In: J Vector Ecol. 24 (1), 1999, pp. 1-39. PMID 10436876
  5. a b M. Brummer-Korvenkontio, P. Saikku: Mosquito-borne viruses in Finland. In: Med Biol. 53 (5), 1975, pp. 279-281. PMID 1207184
  6. M. Pesonen, R. Ronnholm, E. Kuismanen, RF Pettersson: Characterization of the oligosaccharides of Inkoo virus envelope glycoproteins. In: Journal of General Virology. 63 (2), 1982, pp. 425-434. PMID 7153764

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