Ioannis Mitropoulos

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Ioannis Mitropoulos medal table
Ioannis Mitropoulos
Ioannis Mitropoulos

Apparatus gymnastics

GreeceGreece Greece
Olympic games
gold 1896 Athens Rings
bronze 1896 Athens Team (bars)

Ioannis Mitropoulos ( Greek Ιωάννης Μητρόπουλος , * 1874 ; †?) Was a Greek gymnast .

Mitropoulos took part in the gymnastics competitions of the Olympic Games in Athens in 1896 . He became the first Olympic champion in gymnastics on the rings. He was also a member of the Greek parallel bars and won a bronze medal in the team together with Ioannis Chrysaphis , Filippos Karvelas and Dimitrios Loundras .
