Iosif Uglar

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Iosif Uglar (born December 30, 1920 in Baia Mare , Maramureş district ; † August 11, 2006 ) was a Romanian politician of the Romanian Communist Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) and from 1965 PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , who, among other things, between 1974 and 1979 secretary of the Central Committee (CC) of the PCR, from 1971 to 1974 candidate of the Executive Committee of the Central Committee and between 1974 and 1979 member of the Political Executive Committee of the Central Committee.


Carpenter, World War II, party official in Baia Mare and member of parliament

Uglar, who belonged to the Magyar minority in Romania , completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter after attending school from 1934 to 1938 and later worked in a lead factory in Ferneziu, a district of Baia Mare. During the Second World War he began his military service in the 3rd Hussar Cavalry Regiment of the Romanian Army in Oradea in September 1941 , but shortly afterwards switched to an artillery unit in Munkacs as a carpenter . After serving at the front in June 1944, he was transferred to Kemeten in December 1944 , before he found a job as a worker in the Ferneziu smelter in January 1945.

After joining the Union of Young Communists UTC (Uniunea Tineretului Comunist) in February 1945 , he became a member of the then Communist Party PCR (Partidul Comunist din România) in August 1945 and shortly afterwards a member of the smelter's party committee. In the following years he was organizational secretary of the UTC in the Progressive Youth (Tineretul Progresist) of Ferneziu and since November 1946 an instructor in the Committee of the Progressive Youth in his native Baia Mare, before he became an instructor in the Committee of the Progressive Youth in the district a month later in December 1946 Bihor became. After working as secretary of the UTC committee of Baia Mare, he completed a three-month course at a party school and was then himself a lecturer for three-month courses at a party school since August 1948.

After attending the party university " Ștefan Gheorghiu " from September 1949, Uglar was first responsible for propaganda in the Baia Mare party committee and then head of the organizational department there, before he was first secretary of the Baia Mare party committee between 1952 and 1958. In 1952 he became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) for the first time and represented the Tuşnad constituency there until 1957 .

During this time between 1955 and 1958 he also completed longer courses at the party college of the CPSU as well as other courses at the Academy for Social and Political Sciences "„tefan Gheorghiu" and at the Academy for Economics in Bucharest.

Central Committee member, first party secretary in the Maramureș and Satu Mare districts

Uglar was elected a member of the Central Revision Commission at the eighth party congress of the PMR from June 20 to 26, 1960 and was a member of this until July 23, 1965. In 1961 he was again a member of the Grand National Assembly and represented constituency no. 7 Carei until 1969 , before he represented constituency no. 6 Carei between 1969 and 1973 . During this term, from March 13, 1969, he was also Chairman of the Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs.

At the ninth party congress of the PCR from July 19 to 24, 1965, Uglar was elected a member of the PCR Central Committee, of which he belonged until the revolution on December 22, 1989 . At the same time, he became first secretary of the PCR committee in Maramureș county in 1965 and then first secretary of the PCR committee in 1968 and at the same time president of the executive committee of the People's Council in Satu Mare county.

From February 12, 1971 to November 28, 1974, he was initially a candidate for the Executive Committee of the Central Committee. In addition, since May 22, 1973, he was a member of the Executive Council of the Supreme Court for Financial Control (Curții Superioare de Control Financiar) and Vice-President of the Supreme Council for Economic and Social Development (Consiliului Suprem al Dezvoltǎrii Economice și Sociale) .

Central Committee Secretary and member of the Council of State

In May 1974 Uglar became secretary of the Central Committee of the PCR and held this position until November 23, 1979. At the eleventh party congress of the PCR from November 24 to 27, 1974, he was elected a member of the Political Executive Committee of the Central Committee and was a member of this body until on November 23, 1979. In addition, he was since November 29, 1974 a member of the Council of State and between March 22, 1975 and November 30, 1979 President of the Committee for Questions of the People's Councils.

In 1975, Uglar was re-elected as a member of the Grand National Assembly and now represented constituency No. 1 Baia Mare-Est and then between 1980 and 1985 constituency No. 5 Bǎile Herculane , before finally representing the constituency of Vrancea from 1985 to 1989 . During this time, from April 1, 1980, he was also a member of the Committee on People's Councils and State Administration.

He also acted between June 26, 1974 and March 3, 1978 as President of the Executive Office of the Central Party and State Commission for the Systematization of Counties and Urban and Rural Communities, in 1978 as President of the Section for Systematization, Social and Communal Training of the Cadre at the Supreme Council for Economic and Social Development. In addition, he was since October 17, 1978 President of the Central Commission for Socialist Competitions between the People's Councils of the districts, the city of Bucharest and the municipalities and the urban sectors of Bucharest and the districts of the municipalities.

After leaving the Central Committee Secretariat, Uglar served as Vice President of the National Council of the Democratic Socialist United Front FDUS (Frontul Democrației și Unitǎții Socialiste) , which was responsible for drawing up the lists of candidates for the elections to the Grand National Assembly.

honors and awards

Uglar has received several awards for his longstanding services and received, among other things, the Order of Labor Third Class (Ordinul Muncii) in 1952, the Medal in Commemoration of the Five Years of the People's Republic of Romania (Medalia A Va aniversare a RPR) in 1952, and the Star of the People's Republic in 1954 Romania Fifth Class (Ordinul Steaua Republicii Populare Române) , 1959 the Order of August 23, Fourth Class (Ordinul 23 August) , 1962 the Order of Labor First Class, 1964 the Star of the People's Republic of Romania, Third Class, 1966 the Order of Tudor Vladimirescu, Third Class (Ordinul Tudor Vladimirescu) , 1969 the Star of the Socialist Republic of Romania Second Class (Ordinul Steaua Republicii Socialiste România) , 1971 the title Hero of Socialist Labor (Erou al Muncii Socialiste) , 1971 the Golden Medal "Sickle and Hammer" (Medalia de aur secera și ciocanul) and in 1980 the order of August 23, first class.

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  • Biography in Consiliul Național pentru Studiera Arhivelor Securității. Membrii CC al PCR 1945-1989. Dicționar , p. 595 f.