Ivan Mikhailovich Greaves

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Ivan Mikhailovich Greaves

Ivan Mikhailovich Greaves ( Russian Иван Михайлович Гревс , Grews ; born May 16 . Jul / 28. May  1860 greg. In the village Lutowinowo at Biryuch in Voronezh Governorate ; † 16th May 1941 in Leningrad ) was a Russian historian , medievalist and university teachers .


Greaves came from a noble family of originally English origin with a small estate in Lutowinowo. He attended the Larin -Gymnasium in St. Petersburg with completion in 1879. He then studied History at the University of St. Petersburg , where he was under the influence of WG Wassiljewskis the Byzantine turning. As a student he wrote the essay The Roman-Byzantine State in the 6th century according to the registers of law of the Christian emperors . After graduating as a candidate in 1883 , he stayed at the University of St. Petersburg to prepare for the master's degree . In addition, he taught in St. Petersburg at the Je.-N.-Steblin-Kamenskaja Girls' High School (1884–1885), at the First Kadettenanstalt (1884–1885) and at the Maison d'Éducation Schaffe for girls (1884–1889), mainly education , History and geography . He also taught at St. Petersburg's Elisabeth Institute for Girls (1885–1890), at the Petrowski Girls ' High School (from 1886) and at the L. S. Taganzewa High School , of which he chaired the educational council. In addition, there was a grammar school at the St. Petersburg Historical - Philological Institute in 1888 and an education course at the Patriotic Institute from 1889–1890 .

At the university, Greaves participated in Volkswille associations from 1881 to 1883. He was provisionally arrested in November 1884. The search found the magazine Wperjod (Vorwärts) and Karl Liebknecht's hectographed brochure In Defense of Law . After that he was under police supervision and secret surveillance until 1903.

In 1889 Greaves became a private lecturer at the University of St. Petersburg. 1890-1892 and 1894-1896 he was seconded to study abroad. In the libraries and seminars in Rome and Paris he examined the economic and social conditions in Roman society at the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire . From 1892 he gave lectures in the higher Bestuschewski courses for women in St. Petersburg.

In 1899 after the student riots, Greaves lost his license to teach at state universities by order of the Minister of Education, N. P. Bogolepow . In 1900 he successfully defended his master’s dissertation Excerpts from the history of large Roman estates, particularly during the imperial era . He worked as a member and then as chairman of the commission that organized a number of private schools in St. Petersburg, such as the V. N. Tenishev School and the Lesno Business School . He taught history at the Tenischew School and the Alexander Lyceum . In 1901 he became a professor at the Polytechnic Institute . In 1902 he returned to St. Petersburg University and to the Higher Bestuschewski courses for women. As dean of the philological faculty of the Bestuschewski courses, he ensured the introduction of a seminar structure and the establishment of seminar libraries. He also supported large history excursions . 1903-1904 he participated in the organization of the Liberation Union .

After the October Revolution , Greaves headed the humanities department of the Petrograd excursion institute from 1921 to 1924 . He and his students were attacked for "idealism". When he lost his job at the university in 1923, he was working literary. From 1925 he worked in the central office for local history . He was associated with the Resurrection Association, after which he was briefly imprisoned in 1930, while the members of the association disappeared in the Gulag . From 1935 he taught medieval credit history at the Institute of History at the University of Leningrad , where he also to Doctor of Historical Sciences was awarded his doctorate.

Greaves was buried in the Leningrad Volkovo Cemetery.

Individual evidence

  1. Article Greaves Iwan Michailowitsch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D037448~2a%3DGreaves%20Iwan%20Michailowitsch~2b%3DGreaves%20Iwan%20Michailowitsch
  2. Биографический словарь: Гревс Иван Михайлович (accessed January 7, 2017).
  3. В. П. Корзун, А. В. Свешников: ТРЕТИЙ УГОЛ (И.М. Гревс в пространстве переписки "Из двух углов" В.И. Иванова Генаше) (accessed January 7, 2017 .зеМаше ).
  4. И. М. Гревс: Большое сельское поместье в древней Италии и крупное землевладение в римском мире ке -канцоум 1 . In: Журнал Министерства Народного Просвещения . 1897.
  5. И. М. Гревс: Восстановление типических норм древнеримского крестьянского земледелия . In: Журнал Министерства Народного Просвещения . 1898.
  6. Коммерческое училище в Лесном - 168-я трудовая школа (accessed January 7, 2017).
  7. О кафедре истории средних веков (accessed January 7, 2017).