Jógvan Poulsen (Løgmaður)

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Jógvan Poulsen or Pálsson was Løgmaður of the Faroe Islands from 1654–55 and 1662–77 .

Jógvan Poulsen was married to Jógvan Justinusson's daughter. He was a farmer in Oyri . In 1654 he was elected chairman by the Løgting , but the Danish King Friedrich III. had something against it and in 1655 obtained the appointment of the Dane Balzer Jacobsen . This was the beginning of the fork time , the darkest chapter in the history of the Faroe Islands .

His son Jákup Jógvansson followed him from 1677 to 1679 in the office of Løgmaður. His successor was Jóhan Hendrik Weyhe in 1679 , who was married to Jógvan Poulsen's daughter Maren.
