Jörg Willer

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Jörg Willer (born April 2, 1936 in Stettin ; † October 28, 2017 in Erlabrunn ) was a German pedagogue and university professor for physics didactics .


Willer's father came from Danzig , his mother from Wertheim . Jörg Willer gained his first pedagogical experience as a village school teacher in Oberleinach . After serving in the Bavarian school service from 1961 to 1966, he worked as a lecturer at the Würzburg University of Education from 1966 to 1974. He then worked from 1974–1980 at the University of Education Berlin (PH Berlin), where he trained future physics teachers in theory and practice as a lecturer in physics didactics . When the PH Berlin was dissolved in 1980, he became a member of the physics department at the Technical University of Berlin . He worked at the Institute for Physics Didactics and Teacher Training, which he was head of for a long time. Willer was retired in 2001 as professor for didactics of physics taking into account epistemological and epistemological basic problems at the Institute for Atomic Physics and Didactics of the Technical University of Berlin.

Willer retained an interest in philosophical, epistemological and physical-historical questions that went beyond the narrow framework of physics didactics, which was reflected in numerous journal articles and several books and which continued after his retirement. As chairman of the Hugo-Dingler-Stiftung's board of trustees for many years , he promoted the printing of scientific papers in the fields of philosophy, philosophy of science and the history of science.

After his retirement, Willer lived with his wife Amanda in the Lower Franconian village of Erlabrunn , where he continued to be scientifically active.

Works (selection)

As editor
  • Jörg Willer and Reinhard Dithmar (eds.): School between Empire and Fascism . Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 1981.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Peter Janich (Ed.): Science and life. Philosophical justification problems in discussion with Hugo Dingler. transript, Bielefeld 2006, ISBN 3-89942-475-1 , page 271 (limited preview).
  2. DUZ, the independent university magazine, Verlag J. Raabe, 2000, p. 30.
  3. Perspectives of Philosophy. New Yearbook, Volume 43, 2017, List of Contributors , page 234 (limited preview)