Jürgen Hatzenbichler

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Jürgen Hatzenbichler (* 1968 in Klagenfurt ) is an Austrian journalist who was assigned to the New Right in the 1990s .


Already during his school days Jürgen Hatzenbichler was involved in the right-wing extremist party National Front in Carinthia , which was later banned and in which he acted as "deputy leader" in 1985/86. He passed the Matura in Klagenfurt in 1987 and studied educational sciences at the University of Klagenfurt . During this time, Hatzenbichler radicalized. He took part in military sports exercises and distributed neo-Nazi literature. He was therefore sentenced to a fine for disseminating the corresponding ideas. In 1989 he broke with this camp and turned to the young conservative camp. He joined the FPÖ and became editor of the Kärntner Nachrichten , in 1990 also editor of the monthly Aula . Shortly afterwards he became editor-in-chief of the youth magazine Identity . After Herwig Nachtmann was convicted under the VerbotsG for a revisionist hate speech , he kept his distance from the auditorium .

From 1991 he wrote for the Junge Freiheit , first as a foreign correspondent in the areas of politics and Austria, later as editor-in-chief of the Austrian edition from 1995 to 1997. He published further articles in numerous leading media of the New Right, for example in Nation und Europa , Wir sich und Turning point . In 1989 he published an article in FAP-intern , the FAP party organ . In the 1990s, Hatzenbichler thus developed into a central figure of the New Right in Austria, but later broke away from it.

In 2005 Armin Wolf let the FPÖ politician Heinz-Christian Strache appear on Austrian television with a review by Hatzenbichler. He presented Strache with a review of his alleged favorite book, Ernst Jüngers Der Waldgang, found on Strache's homepage . Strache passed it off as his own, but Armin Wolf confronted him in front of the cameras with the fact that Strache had "completely copied the review from a Nazi website".

Hatzenbichler received his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Klagenfurt in 2006 and has been editor of Universum magazine since 2000 , of which he was managing editor-in-chief from 2007 to 2012.

Political positions and activities

Hatzenbichler represented various positions within the right-wing extremist scene. After starting out as a radical neo-Nazi, he then turned to right-wing conservative positions and was one of the protagonists of the New Right in the 1990s. He rejected liberalism , Marxism and Christianity . He oriented his positions on right-wing thinkers such as Alain de Benoist , Julius Evola , Ernst Niekisch and Kurt Eggers . He saw himself as a representative of "modern conservatism" and a "new right-wing intellectuality".

Hatzenbichler was a co-author of the founding festival publication of the Marko-Germania fraternity , of which Norbert Hofer is also a member.


Hatzenbichler is a member of the university choir Barden zu Wien .


Individual evidence

  1. Handbook of Austrian Right-Wing Extremism, 2nd edition, Vienna 1996, p. 286
  2. Armin Pfahl-Traughber : "Conservative Revolution" and "New Right". Right-wing intellectuals against the democratic constitutional state . Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1998, ISBN 3-8100-1888-0 , p. 179-180 .
  3. Doc Holliday: Our honor means loyalty to the right mind. (No longer available online.) Malpractice online May 2000, archived from the original on December 8, 2015 ; Retrieved May 12, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.kunst Fehler.at
  4. Armin Pfahl-Traughber: "Conservative Revolution" and "New Right". Right-wing intellectuals against the democratic constitutional state . 1998, p. 181 .
  5. a b Natascha Strobl : Strache and his favorite book. Der Standard , September 6, 2012, accessed May 11, 2013 .
  6. "Universum Magazin": Hatzenbichler managing editor-in-chief , article in Standard from November 7, 2007
  7. Armin Pfahl-Traughber: "Conservative Revolution" and "New Right". Right-wing intellectuals against the democratic constitutional state . Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1998, ISBN 3-8100-1888-0 , p. 182-183 .
  8. ^ Bernhard Weidinger: "In the national defensive struggle of the borderland Germans" - Academic fraternities and politics in Austria after 1945 . 1st edition. Böhlau Verlag, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2015, ISBN 978-3-205-79600-8 , p. 183 .
  9. Proseminar work right-wing extremism on the Internet (PDF; 612 kB), University of Innsbruck 1996
  10. Handbook of Austrian Right-Wing Extremism, 2nd edition, Vienna 1996, p. 277