Jürgen Hauschildt

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Jürgen Hauschildt (born May 27, 1936 in Hamburg ; † February 2, 2008 in Kiel ) was a German economist and represented business administration . He is considered one of the most renowned innovation and crisis researchers in Germany.


Jürgen Hauschildt was born on May 27, 1936 as the son of a teacher in Hamburg. After graduating from high school, he began his professional career in 1954 with a commercial apprenticeship at Deutsche Erdöl AG (DEA) in Hamburg. He then studied business administration from 1956 at the University of Hamburg and at the Technical University of Berlin .

After graduating with a degree in business administration, he was from 1960 to 1962 assistant at the Hamburg University of Economics and Politics at Eberhard Witte . He followed this to the University of Mannheim , where he was awarded a Dr. rer. pole. PhD. He also completed his habilitation in Mannheim in 1970 and received the Venia legendi for business administration.

At the age of 34 he took over the chair for finance and banking at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken and headed it from 1970 to 1979. He then accepted a chair for organization at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel .

From 1979 to 1981 and again from 1993 to 1995 he was the managing director of the Institute for Business Administration at Kiel University. From 1989 to 1991 he was dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Together with Klaus Brockhoff , he also set up the Institute for Business Innovation Research, the first of its kind in Germany. Hauschildt was on the Board of Trustees of the Esche Schümann Commichau Foundation from 1997 until his death .

In 1999 Jürgen Hauschildt founded the preparatory course “Business Administration for Students from Other Faculties” at Kiel University, which he headed until his retirement in 2003.


Jürgen Hauschildt is considered one of the pioneers in the field of business innovation research. His research results on the promoter model are recognized worldwide. His textbook “Innovation Management” is considered a standard work in innovation science. He supported the Schleswig-Holstein Innovation Foundation for many years and was involved in the supervisory board of young companies.

The milestones of business administration include his work in the field of crisis diagnosis through balance sheet analysis. His analysis models for the causes of failure are widely used in business practice (including Deutsche Bank , DATEV ). Until his death he was also involved in the advisory board of the Kiel Institute for Crisis Research (Crisis Navigator), a "spin-off" from the University of Kiel.


Works (selection)

  • Eberhard Witte, Jürgen Hauschildt, Oskar Grün: Innovative decision-making processes. The results of the Columbus project , Tübingen 1988, ISBN 3-16-334141-1 .
  • Jürgen Hauschildt, Harald Krehl, Jens Leker: Success, financial and balance sheet analysis , 3rd edition Cologne 1996, ISBN 3-504-66037-6 .
  • Jürgen Hauschildt, Hans Georg Gemünden (Ed.): Promoters. Champions of Innovation , 2nd edition Wiesbaden 1999, ISBN 3-409-23062-9 .
  • Jürgen Hauschildt, Jens Leker (ed.): Crisis diagnosis through balance sheet analysis . 2nd edition Cologne 2000, ISBN 3-504-66056-2 .
  • Jürgen Hauschildt, Sören Salomo: Innovationsmanagement , 5th edition, Munich 2011, ISBN 3-8006-4353-7 .

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