Jacques Cauvin

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Jacques Cauvin (* 1930 ; † December 23, 2001 ) was a French archaeologist whose research focus was the Levant and the Middle East . He focused primarily on the Neolithic , later on the symbolic and ideological sphere of this era.

life and work

Cauvin, who had learned from André Leroi-Gourhan , carried out the first excavations in the French caves of Oullins and Chazelles near Saint-André-de-Cruzières . These ventures in 1959 and 1960 were followed by excavations in Chandolas in 1965 . His specialization in Eastern Mediterranean sites goes back to an invitation from 1958 by Maurice Dunand (1898–1987), whom he assisted with excavations and studies on the tool industry of Byblos , with Francis Hours, another student of Leroi-Gourhan, cauvin him recommended. By 1967, Cauvin participated in seven campaigns. In 1962 he worked for the first time in Upper Syrian Mesopotamia, in 1963 in Aammiq II , then in 1972 at Tell Aswad . In Mureybet , which Maurits van Loon had discovered, he led the following excavation campaigns. The site had the longest sequence since the Tell es Sultan in Israel (1971–74), but was flooded in 1974. In 1976 an excavation at Tell Sheikh Hassan followed in the vicinity .

After Maurits van Loon had discovered another important site, namely El Kowm , where the French Foreign Ministry agreed with Syria to examine an area of ​​30 km² near Mureybet , Jacques Cauvin took over the excavations with the help of the Center national de la recherche scientifique . These were now in the context of emergency excavations at as many sites as possible that were endangered by the construction of the Tabqa dam . In 1976 Mureybet finally sank in the Assad reservoir. In 1978 the Turkish government also inquired about an emergency excavation on the Euphrates , more precisely in Cafer Höyük , an undertaking that lasted until 1986 when a reservoir also flooded the area there.

Since 1957 Cauvin worked at the Center national de la recherche scientifique, became a Chargé in 1966 , rose to Director until 1983 , and in 1995 he became Director Emeritus . He taught in Paris from 1978 to 1982, as well as in Lyon . He was married to Marie-Claire Cauvin , directrice at the CNRS, and also specialized in archeology of the Middle East. In July 2000, the sick Cauvin withdrew from research.

Fonts (selection)

  • Les outillages néolithiques de Byblos et du littoral libanais (= Études et documents d'archéologie 5, ISSN  2077-5296 = Fouilles de Byblos. 4), Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient A. Maisonneuve, Paris 1968.
  • Religions neolithiques de Syro-Palestine. Documents (= Publications du Center de Recherches d'Écologie et de Préhistoire, Saint-André-de-Cruzières 1, Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient A. Maisonneuve, Paris 1972, ZDB -ID 188406-2 )
  • Les premiers villages de Syrie-Palestine du IXème au VIIème millénaire avant JC (= Collection de la Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen Ancien . 4, ISSN  0395-8027 = Collection de la Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen Ancien. Série archéologique 3). Maison de l'Orient et al., Lyon et al. 1978.
  • with Paul Sanlaville (ed.): Préhistoire du Levant. Chronologie et organization de l'espace depuis les origines jusqu'au VIe millénaire (= Colloques internationaux du Center national de la recherche scientifique. 598). Éditions du Center national de la recherche scientifique, Paris 1981, ISBN 2-222-02898-1 .
  • with Jan Lichardus , Marion Lichardus-Itten , Gérard Bailloud and others: La Protohistoire de l'Europe. Le néolithique et le chalcolithique entre la Méditerranée et la mer Baltique (= Nouvelle Clio 1 bis), Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1985, ISBN 2-13-038751-9 .
  • with Jacques Le Goff , Louis Marin , Jean-Pierre Peter, Michelle Perrot , Roland Auguet, Gilbert Durand, Michel Cazenave: Histoire et Imaginaire Poiesis, Paris 1986, ISBN 2-905525-03-7 .
  • with Olivier Aurenche (ed.): Néolithisations. Proche et Moyen Orient, Méditerranée orientale, Nord de l'Afrique, Europe méridionale, Chine, Amérique du Sud (= BAR. International series 516 = Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen. Archaeological series 5). BAR, Oxford 1989, ISBN 0-86054-657-8 .
  • Naissance des divinités, naissance de l'agriculture. La révolution des symboles au Néolithique (= Empreintes de l'homme. 1994). CNRS Éditions, Paris 1994, ISBN 2-271-05151-7 .
  • with Francis Hours, Olivier Aurenche, Marie-Claire Cauvin, Lorraine Copeland , Paul Sanlaville, Pierre Lombard: Atlas des sites du Proche-Orient (14000-5700 BP) (= Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen 24), 2 volumes (Vol. 1: Texts , Vol. 2: Cartes ), Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen, Lyon 1994, ISBN 2-903264-53-8 .


  • Eric Coqueugniot: Jacques Cauvin (1930-2001) et le Néolithique du Levant Nord , in: Neolithics. A Journal of Southwest Asian Lithics Research 1 (2002) 1-2 ( online ).
  • Olivier Aurenche: Jacques Cauvin et la préhistoire du Levant , in: Paléorient 27.2 (2001) 5–11, doi : 10.3406 / paleo.2001.4728 .


  1. Jacques Cauvin: Les fouilles de Mureybet (1971-1974) et leur signification pour les origines de la sedentarisation au Proche-Orient. In: David Noel Freedmann, John M. Lundquist (Eds.): Archeological Reports from the Tabqa Dam Project - Euphrates Valley, Syria (= The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 44). American Schools of Oriental Research, Cambridge MA 1979, ISBN 0-89757-044-8 , pp. 19-48, doi : 10.2307 / 3768538 .
  2. Adnan Bounni: Campaign and exhibition from the Euphrates in Syria. In: David Noel Freedmann, John M. Lundquist (Eds.): Archeological Reports from the Tabqa Dam Project - Euphrates Valley, Syria (= The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 44). American Schools of Oriental Research, Cambridge MA 1979, ISBN 0-89757-044-8 , pp. 1-7, doi : 10.2307 / 3768538 .
  3. ^ Encyclopedia Universalis - Marie-Claire Cauvin .