Jan Lichardus

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Jan Lichardus (born January 24, 1939 in Ružomberok , Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia ), † March 8, 2004 in St. Ingbert ) was a German / Slovak prehistoric scientist .


After attending the primary school in Ružomberok between 1944 and 1950, he attended the MM Hodža grammar school in Liptovský Mikuláš , where he graduated from high school in 1956 . In the same year he began studying prehistory, ancient and medieval history at the University of Bratislava and graduated in 1961 with a diploma . At the age of 22 he became a research assistant at the Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Nitra . In 1963 he directed the excavations in the Domica Cave in the southern Slovak Karst. In 1968 he received his doctorate fromUniversity of Brno with a study of the Neolithic Bükker culture , a part of linear ceramics .

Jan Lichardus came to the Saarland University in Saarbrücken in 1965/66 and 1969 as a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service . In 1971 he married the prehistorian Marion Itten . In the same year, after moving to the Federal Republic of Germany, he continued his academic career as a research assistant at the Institute for Prehistory and Early History and Near Eastern Archeology at the Saarland University. From the introduction in 1973 Habilitation with the theme " Rössen - Gatersleben - Baalberge . A contribution to the chronology of the central German Neolithic and the emergence of the Funnel Beaker culture ," he was a lecturer in Saarbrücken and had since 1986, succeeding Rolf Hachmann the local professor of Prehistory and early history.

He died on March 8, 2004 at the age of 65 in St. Ingbert . On April 7, 2004 he was buried in the family grave in the Martinsfriedhof in Bratislava .


His projects, which are not only documented in almost 150 publications, were anchored in Central and Southeastern Europe as well as in the Saar-Lor-Lux region . One focus of his research was the establishment of the European Copper Age as a historical epoch. In 1988 he led a symposium in Saarbrücken and at the European Academy in Otzenhausen devoted to this topic.

As part of a cooperation agreement between Saarland University and the "St. Kliment-Ohridski" University of Sofia , he initiated excavations in 1982 with Rolf Hachmann and Alexandar Fol in the microregion around the southeast Bulgarian village of Drama , which he directed from 1986. The aim was to research the development of settlements within a geographically limited area from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages.


Fonts (selection)

  • Studies on Bükker culture (Saarbrücker Contributions to Classical Studies Volume 12) . Bonn 1974; Review by Vladimir Milojčić in: Bavarian History Papers Volume 43, 1978, pp. 175–178.
  • Rössen - Gatersleben - Baalberge. A contribution to the structure of the Central German Neolithic and the emergence of the funnel cup cultures (Saarbrücker Contributions to Classical Studies Volume 17) . Bonn 1976; Review by Ulrich Fischer in: Germania Volume 56, 1978, pp. 574-581.
  • with Marion Lichardus-Itten , Gérard Bailloud, Jacques Cauvin : La Protohistoire de l'Europe. Le Néolithique et le Chalcolithique entre la Méditerranée et la mer Baltique . La Nouvelle Clio Ibis. Paris 1985.
  • (Ed.): The copper age as a historical epoch (Saarbrücker contributions to antiquity volume 55) . Bonn 1991.
  • with Alexander Fol , Ljudmil Getov, François Bertemes , Rudolf Echt , Rumen Katinčarov, Ilija Krăstev Iliev: Research in the microregion of Drama (Southeast Bulgaria). Summary of the main results of the Bulgarian-German excavations in 1983–1999 . Bonn 2000.


  • Jan Filip : Encyclopedic manual of the prehistory and early history of Europe. Vol. 3: Addenda (edited from the estate of J. Hrala). Prague 1998, p. 204.
  • Jozef Vladár: Ján Lichardus. 1939-2004 . (= Ed.Biografia, bibliografia, spomienky, 3). Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV. Nitra 2005. ISBN 80-88709-77-6 .
  • François Bertemes : The researcher Jan Lichardus . In: Valeska Becker u. a. (Ed.): Times, Cultures, Systems. Commemorative book for Jan Lichardus . Verlag Beier & Beran, Langenweißbach 2009, ISBN 978-3-941171-34-3 , S-1-8.


  1. List of high school graduates between 1951 and 1960 (Slovak) , accessed on March 9, 2015.

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