Jakob Erdheim

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Jakob Erdheim (born May 24, 1874 in Boryslaw ; † April 18, 1937 in Vienna ) was an Austrian pathologist . One of his students was Fritz Schajowicz .


Jakob Erdheim was born in Boryslaw (then Austria-Hungary ) in Galicia in 1874 and attended high school in Drohobycz . After completing his medical studies at the University of Vienna , he received his doctorate in 1900 and took a position at the pathological-anatomical institute of this university, headed by Anton Weichselbaum . In 1913 he was appointed adjunct professor and took over the prosecution of the St. Anna Children's Hospital. In 1924 he began his work as a pathologist at the Kaiser-Jubiläums-Spital , where he remained active until his death in 1937. The autopsy revealed a heart attack as the cause of death.

Scientifically, Erdheim dealt primarily with bone pathology, but also with diseases of the pituitary gland and blood vessels. The cystic median necrosis Erdheim-Gsell is named after him as the first person to describe it. In order to honor the memory of Erdheim (who, contrary to the customs of the time, often refrained from being named as a co-author in scientific publications that were created under his guidance ), the American pathologist Henry Lewis Jaffe coined the deonym Erdheim-Chester disease in 1972 as a name for the von William Chester (1903–1974) first described histiocytosis during a research stay at Erdheim . Erdheim's name is also associated with the first description of the craniopharyngioma ( Erdheim tumor ).

Erdheim's main place of activity at Kaiser-Jubiläums-Spital, today's Hietzing Hospital , was named Jakob Erdheim Institute for Pathology and Clinical Bacteriology .

He had his collection of specimens delivered through intermediary Jaffe in New York City . She bequeathed it to Henry J. Mankin in Boston.


Individual evidence

  1. a b S. Romm: Jakob Erdheim. Eminent pathologist of Vienna. In: The American Journal of Dermatopathology . Volume 9, Number 5, October 1987, pp. 447-450, ISSN  0193-1091 . PMID 3318534 .
  2. J. Erdheim: Medionecrosis idiopathic cystic. Virch Arch path Anat (1929) 273: 454-479.
  3. W. Chester: About Lipoidgranulomatose . Virchow's Arch Pathol Anat Physiol. 1930; 279: 561-602
  4. WL Rush et al .: Pulmonary pathology of Erdheim-Chester disease. In: Modern Pathology Volume 13, Number 7, July 2000, pp. 747-754, ISSN  0893-3952 . doi : 10.1038 / modpathol.3880130 . PMID 10912934 .
  5. Historical aspects of the Jakob Erdheim Institute
  6. ^ Henry J. Mankin: Our debt to orthopedic pathologists .